Royal Academy Diaries I

By _royal_academy_

14.3K 954 22

Students come from around the world to attend four specialized and prestigious schools - The Kings' Alliance... More

The Kings' Alliance Royal Academies
Quick note...
Start Of Term
The Orphan Princess ⚜ Ch. 1
The Orphan Princess ⚜ Ch. 2
The Orphan Princess ⚜ Ch. 3
The Orphan Princess ⚜ Ch. 4
The Orphan Princess ⚜ Ch. 5
The Orphan Princess ⚜ Ch. 6
The Orphan Princess ⚜ Ch. 7
The Orphan Princess ⚜ Ch. 8
The Orphan Princess ⚜ Ch. 9
The Orphan Princess ⚜ Ch. 10
Steel & Gold ⚜ Ch. 1
Steel & Gold ⚜ Ch. 2
Steel & Gold ⚜ Ch. 3
Steel & Gold ⚜ Ch. 4
Steel & Gold ⚜ Ch. 5
Steel & Gold ⚜ Ch. 6
Steel & Gold ⚜ Ch. 7
Steel & Gold ⚜ Ch. 8
Steel & Gold ⚜ Ch. 9
Steel & Gold ⚜ Ch. 10
Between The Lines ⚜ Ch. 1
Between The Lines ⚜ Ch. 2
Between The Lines ⚜ Ch. 3
Between The Lines ⚜ Ch. 4
Between The Lines ⚜ Ch. 5
Between The Lines ⚜ Ch. 6
Between The Lines ⚜ Ch. 7
Between The Lines ⚜ Ch. 8
Between The Lines ⚜ Ch. 9
Between The Lines ⚜ Ch. 10
Fire & Ice ⚜ Ch. 1
Fire & Ice ⚜ Ch. 2
Fire & Ice ⚜ Ch. 3
Fire & Ice ⚜ Ch. 4
Fire & Ice ⚜ Ch. 5
Fire & Ice ⚜ Ch. 6
Fire & Ice ⚜ Ch. 7
Fire & Ice ⚜ Ch. 8
Fire & Ice ⚜ Ch. 9
Fire & Ice ⚜ Ch. 10
Dragonfly ⚜ Ch. 1
Dragonfly ⚜ Ch. 2
Dragonfly ⚜ Ch. 3
Dragonfly ⚜ Ch. 4
Dragonfly ⚜ Ch. 5
Dragonfly ⚜ Ch. 6
Dragonfly ⚜ Ch. 7
Dragonfly ⚜ Ch. 8
Dragonfly ⚜ Ch. 9
Dragonfly ⚜ Ch. 10
Viking Blood ⚜ Ch. 1
Viking Blood ⚜ Ch. 2
Viking Blood ⚜ Ch. 3
Viking Blood ⚜ Ch. 4
Viking Blood ⚜ Ch. 5
Viking Blood ⚜ Ch. 6
Viking Blood ⚜ Ch. 7
Viking Blood ⚜ Ch. 8
Viking Blood ⚜ Ch. 9
Viking Blood ⚜ Ch. 10
The Plain Ballerina ⚜ Ch. 1
The Plain Ballerina ⚜ Ch. 2
The Plain Ballerina ⚜ Ch. 3
The Plain Ballerina ⚜ Ch. 4
The Plain Ballerina ⚜ Ch. 5
The Plain Ballerina ⚜ Ch. 6
The Plain Ballerina ⚜ Ch. 7
The Plain Ballerina ⚜ Ch. 8
The Plain Ballerina ⚜ Ch. 9
The Plain Ballerina ⚜ Ch. 10
Resident Prince Charming ⚜ Ch. 1
Resident Prince Charming ⚜ Ch. 2
Resident Prince Charming ⚜ Ch. 3
Resident Prince Charming ⚜ Ch. 4
Resident Prince Charming ⚜ Ch. 5
Resident Prince Charming ⚜ Ch. 6
Resident Prince Charming ⚜ Ch. 7
Resident Prince Charming ⚜ Ch. 8
Resident Prince Charming ⚜ Ch. 9
Resident Prince Charming ⚜ Ch. 10
Conquer ⚜ Ch. 1
Conquer ⚜ Ch. 2
Conquer ⚜ Ch. 3
Conquer ⚜ Ch. 4
Conquer ⚜ Ch. 5
Conquer ⚜ Ch. 6
Conquer ⚜ Ch. 7
Conquer ⚜ Ch. 8
Conquer ⚜ Ch. 10
The Amulets of Mertiaten ⚜ Ch. 1
The Amulets of Mertiaten ⚜ Ch. 2
The Amulets of Mertiaten ⚜ Ch. 3
The Amulets of Mertiaten ⚜ Ch. 4
The Amulets of Mertiaten ⚜ Ch. 5
The Amulets of Mertiaten ⚜ Ch. 6
The Amulets of Mertiaten ⚜ Ch. 7
The Amulets of Mertiaten ⚜ Ch. 8
The Amulets of Mertiaten ⚜ Ch. 9
The Amulets of Mertiaten ⚜ Ch. 10
White Knight, Black King ⚜ Ch. 1
White Knight, Black King ⚜ Ch. 2
White Knight, Black King ⚜ Ch. 3
White Knight, Black King ⚜ Ch. 4
White Knight, Black King ⚜ Ch. 5

Conquer ⚜ Ch. 9

29 6 0
By _royal_academy_

While they didn't mean for it to be, the mood surrounding the 48 Challenge was rather somber. Raelynn's failure meant their friend group would be glaringly lacking next year.

While the point of the game was to protect your ward, the friends took it to the next level. Although, not the same level as those guys going around with shields.

"Alright," Salvatore said, everyone gathered in a safe place. "Together we walk the Princess to her violin lessons. I have to leave at five, so you three will take her back to the dorms. Raelynn will stay with her until eight o'clock, then we're home free for day one."

Aleksandar made sure to be standing close to her. "So, Princess Jetsun, questions, concerns, doubts, fears, troubles?"

She smiled politely. "No."

He nodded. "Okay then. Um, let's get going. If you're ready, your highness."

Raelynn rolled her eyes at Aleksandar and caught Finnley grinning. 

Once the coast was clear, they started out, heading quickly towards the classroom where Jetsun was to have her lesson. The floor was slick in the hallways from others who had been 'assassinated' with water. At the class, Salvatore peeked in and waved the others on, escorting the princess safely inside.

"Oh my," the teacher said, raising her brows. 

Jetsun blushed. "They're here to help keep me safe from getting wet."

"And a good thing too," the woman nodded. "I was nearly doused on my way here. Imagine it!"

While the lesson was underway, the friends congregated by the (locked) door. 

"You slay me, Alek," Raelynn grinned.

He rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"I do," Salvatore smirked as he unlocked the door. "You fancy her. Just don't get too cozy while I'm away."

"Good luck," Finn said, closing the door after him.

"Well, it's down to us to keep the princess safe. Let's end tonight with a bang." Aleksandar held out his hand, and Finn and Raelynn put theirs over it. With a near-silent cheer, they raised their hands, then went back to listening to Jetsun's lessons.

Soon enough, it was over, and the trio stood. 

"That was amazing, your highness," Aleksandar smiled.

Raelynn nodded. "You do play very well."

The princess glanced away. "Oh, thank you. I still have a lot of work to do on that song though..."

"Nonsense, you were great!" Getting a look from Finn, Aleksandar stepped over to the door. "And now I'll check to make sure the coast is clear."

"I'll go check further down the hall," Finn decided. "Would you like someone to go ahead of you, miss?" she offered to the violin teacher.

The woman nodded emphatically. "Oh yes, please. Good night Jetsun. Miss."

"Good night ma'am." Raelynn had brought her sword for intimidation, and rested her hand on it naturally. While the boys slipped out to scout ahead, she was left briefly alone with the princess.

"You look like a dangerous lady," Jetsun observed.

Glancing over, she smiled. "Dangerous but harmless," she teased.

"I've got a clear path," Finn quietly called out.

"Perfect. Let's go." Raelynn led the princess out into the hall and followed it down to the adjacent corridor. She looked down the way, expecting to see Finn, but she wasn't there. "Finn? Where'd you go?"

Aleksandar caught up with them and looked over her head. "Didn't she go this way?"

"Wait, I see movement way down that way." Glancing back over her shoulder, she gasped in horror.

A man in a mask had raised a sword and was about to bring it down.

"Aleksandar move!" She shoved him out of the way, instantly drawing her sword. She managed to catch the masked man's downward swing. "Take her and go!"

Not hesitating, he grabbed the princess's hand and starting running.

Raelynn tried to look around the man to see if there was anyone else - and to see if Finn was there. He was so big compared to her - and stronger. With a grunt, she twisted his sword enough to break away. 

He spun on her, the low light glinting malevolently off his razor-sharp sword. "Get out of my way little girl," he growled menacingly. 

She stood her ground, taking a fighting stance. In the back of her mind, this is what she had always trained for. This is what she had pushed herself to be ready for. Yes, to prove to herself that she could do it, but to genuinely protect was her objective. 

And now was the ultimate test.

The man wasted no time in lunging after her, and she narrowly missed his blade. She started up a parry, trying to disarm him - trying to think clearly.

His mask was unnerving. It was hard to see his eyes and tell where he'd move next.

She forced her mind to focus. He fought like Finn - with speed and strength, but not always the best precision. His footwork was like Salvatore's - perfect. And, well, his hair reminded her of Aleksandar. 

Parrying fast and hard, she asked, "Why are you here?"

"I don't have to tell you anything," the intruder hissed. 

She decided to try a mind game. "Tell me why you're here."

He was silent, attacking her fiercely, viciously.

"Why are you here? What happened to my friend?"

"Shut up!" He was trying to be quiet. 

"Why are you here?" she asked louder, her breath becoming more ragged.

He growled. "I'm going to kill you!"

A thought occurred to her. "Are you here for Jetsun?"

"And she's getting away!" He sure did growl a lot.

His attacks were getting sloppier. "Why do you want Jetsun?" Stay focused. "What do you want with the princess?"

She could feel the eye roll. "Ever heard of holding someone for ransom?"

How was he still coming at her so fast? "So you want the money then."

"Of course! Bhutan doesn't have much, but they'd pay for their precious princess. Now shut up!" He brought down his sword hard, and she rolled out the side.

She would really rather be facing Adam or Freya right now. Blocking another blow, his sword slipped and nicked her shoulder. "Ah!"


Her heart nearly stopped. "Finn! Finn help! I can't hold him off much longer!"

She heard running footsteps, and prepared to swing the moment the masked man turned. But he didn't.

A sword was drawn.

Her mind and parries were going as fast as they could go.

And then it stopped. 

A sword clattered to the ground.

A sickening thud followed.

She looked up to see someone standing over her. But she had pushed her body to the absolute limit. She blacked out before she saw who it was.

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