You're So Golden |H.S|

By OnlyAngelAuthor

56.3K 2.6K 2.9K

Golden, guns, and greedy glorification. *** "We both needed to weather the bad in order to grow; Kind of lik... More

Cast & Trailer
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89 - Journal
Chapter 90 - Polaroid Book
Sequel Date - Authors Note

Chapter 20

664 31 4
By OnlyAngelAuthor

Harry's Pov

It's been forty-five minutes and Ariana's drunk off her ass. 

I'm not really sure what happened. 

One second she was fine and then the next she was throwing back five beers like they were shots. 

I tried stopping her after her first two but she stole three from Ashton when he wasn't looking.

Now she's sitting here hanging onto my arm and being even more touchy with me than she was earlier. 

A little too touchy.

I've had to grab her hands a few times from going lower than my belt but I think after I told her the third time she knew not to do it anymore. 

She obviously pouted and rolled her eyes at me like a child but I rather her be upset than take advantage of her when she's drunk. 

She shouldn't even be drunk. I regret giving her a drink in the first place but I just assumed maybe she'd have a few sips then want to go home. 

Now she's taking even more sips and i'm the one that wants to go home.

I'm starting to feel guilty for bringing her out with Ashton. He must have triggered her or something because she wasn't very talkative after I gotten back to the table. 

I don't blame her though I wouldn't want to talk to him either. 

Her soft hands tugged on my arm and as I looked over those beautiful eyes of hers were looking up and blinking rapidly at me. "What is it angel?" I laughed at her adorable expression. 

She just shrugged her shoulders and came up closer so she could whisper into my ear "I wanna go dance" she spoke softly in her calm voice. Then pulled back and poked her bottom lip out.

Even if I wanted to, which I don't, she's way too drunk. She'd probably break an ankle just from getting out of this booth. 

As I shook my head no she pulled away from me and gave me an awful dirty look. Crossing her arms she slid away from me and sat closer to Ashton in the round booth while giving me a passive aggressive fake smile. 


I couldn't help but feel frustrated as I sat there and watched her whisper into Ashton's ear. I know she's drunk but she's gripping onto his arm and pulling him closer just the way she was with me a few seconds ago. 

She's a little too close for my liking. 

"Ariana come here" I demanded as I watch her hands slowly wander over Ashton's body.

He sat there like an idiot and just shrugged his shoulders while she dragged her hands even lower down his chest. 

Rolling my eyes at them both I glanced over to see if there was a line coming from the men's room. Luckily for me there wasn't. "I'm going to the bathroom. Watch her Ash i'm not playing if I come back-"

Ashton quickly cut me off and put his arm out as if he was trying to calm me down "I got this relax" he tried to reassure me but he wasn't. 

I can barely trust this guy alone at my house without breaking something the last thing I want to do is leave Ariana alone with him but it's not like I can take her with me.

Sliding out of the booth I quickly ran from the table so I wasn't gone long. 

I could be back faster if people would get out of way but apparently it's way to hard for people to maneuver around me.

Squeezing past and getting through a large group of drunk assholes is more challenging than anything i've ever done in my life. Why the hell are you standing in the middle of a dance floor if you're on your phone? You're asking to get shoved. 


When I finally got to the empty bathroom I walked in and quickly went.

Walking over to the sink I washed my hands then stared at my reflection in the mirror. I took three deep breaths and closed my eyes to calm my nerves and frustration.

She wouldn't be doing that if she was sober. She wouldn't be doing that if she was sober. She wouldn't be doing that if she was sober.

That's exactly why I should be taking her home. 

Pushing the broken swinging door open I scanned the room for the table but panicked when I saw it had been empty. My eyes widened and my heart started beating as I searched the crowded dance floor for her. 

I ran through the crowd of people pushing and shoving my way through until I finally got out and back to the table I had been gone from for maybe three or four minutes. 

Are you fucking kidding me. 

Turning around quickly I searched the room again looking for her or Ashton but still couldn't see a thing. My heart rate started increasing and my palms had gotten sweaty as my mind started racing. 

What if her dad was here? What if Ashton left her alone? 

Grabbing my phone from the booth I turned around and quickly ran back into the crowd of people. 

I even went up to a few familiar faces and asked if they had seen her but they all told me to 'piss off' or had their drunk boyfriends tell me to stop hitting on them. 

As if i'd ever.

Half of these assholes don't realise their girlfriends have all already tried taking every inch of me while screaming out my name instead of theirs. Then after the fun's over they sit and complain as if I give a fuck.

"I wish Mike did it the way you do. He just skips foreplay and dirty talk and does this weird crying thing when he finishes."

If I really wanted to I could sit them all down and tell them how to improve but I don't think the girls would I appreciate that. 

Our talks are meant to be private.

Walking back towards the bar my eyes widened when my eyes finally landed on her. 

She stood there against the brick wall by the exit with Ashton standing in front of her. She looked upset and she looked uncomfortable. Her hands were tangled in her hair and Ashton's hands were moving quickly like he was telling her something important. 

I quickly ran towards them both and nearly ate shit when I tripped over my feet a few times trying to get to her. 

Wrapping my arms around her I pulled her to my chest and kissed the top of her head as I asked her if she was okay. I turned to Ashton with her in my arms who looked just as stressed as me but he answered the question for her when he quickly shook his head no. 

Her arms wrapped around my back as she squeezed me gently once for some kind of comfort. 

"I was gone for three fucking minutes Ashton!" I raised my voice but tried to stay quiet so I didn't startle Ariana. I pulled back from our hug and held her arms so I could still be close to her and see her face "What happened baby?" I softly spoke to her so I didn't upset her anymore. 

She just shook her head and pulled me closer so we were hugging again. 

The look on her face made me even more worried and the silence between them both left me anxious and confused. 

Looking at Ashton I mouthed the words 'what the fuck?' but he just stood there like he had no idea what I was saying. 

Does the idiot not know how to read lips now?

"Harry can we please go home?" she mumbled against my chest and squeezed me even tighter. 

My heart broke seeing her so upset. I don't know what happened while I was gone but all I know is i'm never leaving her by herself again. 

Grabbing onto her hand tightly I kept her close to me as we walked through the crowd of people. Looking back at her every few seconds to make sure she was okay.

As soon as we got outside she was holding onto me again. Snaking her arms around my waist and pulling me closer to her. 

I don't know if she's acting like this because she's drunk or if something had scared her. 

Regardless I just want to make sure she's okay.

Ashton came running out behind us with her purse around his shoulder and his phone and keys in his hand. "I'll go warm your car up for her. I got your keys." He rambled on before taking off and running towards the parking area. 

What the hell is going on?

I looked down to Ariana who was still holding onto me "what can I do Angel?" I quietly whispered to her. She just shrugged her shoulders again and dug her head farther into my chest. "Can you make it to the car?" I felt her nod against my chest as soon as I asked. 

She stood up straight, grabbed onto my hand, and started walking with me. I smiled as she rested her head against my shoulder while we headed towards the car. 

She's never this quiet.

After we got to the car I opened the door for her and helped her inside. Lying the seat back I buckled her, kissed the top of her head, and softly shut the car door. 

She was already falling asleep. 

Turning around I folded my arms and leaned against the car while staring at Ashton. "What the fuck is wrong with you? I wasn't gone for that long! I trusted you with her and you can't even tell me what the hell happened? Start talking or I swear on Caleb's life i'll get in my car drive off and never speak to you again." I screamed in his face as my body filled with rage and anger. 

Fifteen years i've known him. Thirteen of those years he's known about Ariana. You'd think after knowing how important she is to me he'd at least try to keep her safe. 

It's not that fucking difficult she's five feet tall it's not like she's going to run away on her long legs. 

Ashton looked down at the pavement as I yelled at him. He nodded his head after each word and as soon as I finished he started explaining "I wasn't going to bring it up in front of her because I didn't want to upset her more" he looked up to me and had a guilty look on his face "we were sitting there and everything was fine until some guy came up to the table. He looked to Ariana and said 'Damien wanted to know if he could dance with you' after I heard what name he had said I punched him in the face and she started freaking out. I looked around the room to see if he was there but I couldn't tell so I took her over by the exit in case we had to leave. I was trying to calm her down but she just kept saying she needed you." 

I ran my fingers through my hair and paced back and forth while staring at the ground.

Asking her to come out was stupid I should have known this was going to happen. He has people everywhere of course they were going to find us. 

I stopped pacing and looked back to Ashton "you didn't see him anywhere?" I asked quietly so I wouldn't upset Ariana.

He just shook his head and looked back down to the pavement "you know if I did i'd kill him. I wouldn't let him anywhere near her I promise you. I think they were just trying to scare her. If he wanted her you know he'd come after her. He's not for a reason." he crossed his arms. 

I believe him. He cares about her too and he cares about me. He knows if anything happened to her i'd be destroyed so if he's not protecting her for her he's protecting her for me. 

"Alright look" I walked up to him and pulled him into a hug "i'm gonna take her home and get her into bed. I need you to figure out who the hell that dude was. I don't care what you do just get it done. Swing by my place in the morning if you find anything, okay?" I pulled back away and watched him nod. "Thank you for being there for her Ash I mean it. Thank you." I spoke as I walked around my car and got inside. 

Looking over I slouched down in my seat as I stared at Ariana who was peacefully sleeping next to me "i'll take care of it baby" I mumbled to her as I drove us home. 

When we got home I jumped out of the car and carried Ariana inside. I tried waking her up but she tried slapping me across the face so I just scooped her up instead. 

Feisty little thing. 

After lying her down in bed and taking her heels off I got undressed and laid down next to her. As soon as she felt the bed shuffle she was already scooching closer to me and lying on top of me. 

It's in moments like these when I finally feel okay again and I know it's wrong because these moments aren't always with her and they probably won't always be. 

We'll get into another fight and will go days without speaking to one another which is probably best. She shouldn't be with me anyways. Not after what happened tonight. He's just gonna keep doing it until he finally gets his hands on her and it'll be all my fault.

Maybe I am wrong. Maybe he won't kill her and maybe he'll just lie to her. 

I guess I just rather her be lied to than be dead. 

Then again if i'm wrong she could end up dead either way. So I have no choice but to protect her.

I don't know what I was thinking today. 

Laying in bed laughing and cuddling like I meant more to her than just some guy she just met. She doesn't feel the way I feel and she probably won't after she finds out the type of man I am.

She deserves better than me. 

A lot better.

I also shouldn't have had sex with her after what I did behind her back. That wasn't fair and if she finds out she's going to be angry at me for not telling her. I don't want her to assume what she had assumed yesterday.

That's far from the truth.

With every girl i've been with i've tried my hardest to be emotionally connected with them but it never works. The physical aspect is always what keeps me around and if I go a day or two without it I completely lose control and up doing something i'm suppose to regret with someone else.

I never regret it though. 

That's why I rather be on my own and do what I want when I want but now that i'm here with Ariana things kind of changed. I don't think it's because of my feelings towards her I think it's because i'm so distracted with the chaos she brings into my life without having a clue.

Because the minute my days over and my head hits my pillow my mind wanders to places they shouldn't go. Whether that's me dreaming about bending Ariana over and taking her from behind or having sex with some random girl I found at the bar.

Either way my night normally ends with silent moans and heavy breathing. 

Now that i've actually had her, felt her skin against my own, and her soft lips pressed against mine she's all I think about. Whenever I close my eyes it's her on that counter moaning out my name. 

I wish I could say I see a different image of her but I don't. I only see her doing devilish things with me and I honestly don't know if i'd change a thing if I could. 


Harry this chapter:

Sorry for such a short chapter I promise the next one will be longer!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
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You know the drill ;)

Chapter 21 coming soon...

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