Running in My Veins: Jicheol...

By TwilightSiren

6.5K 347 85

Seungcheol has never felt before That is until he meets Jihoon And suddenly all of these emotions are floodi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 27

95 5 1
By TwilightSiren

Hello, hello! How are you all doing today, Carats? I have a new chapter for you filled with Jicheol moments. It's been a hot second since we had a Jicheol centric chapter so I'm excited to dive into this. We're going to leave the crazy mysteries for a bit and just enjoy some meeting the parents craziness. I hope that you enjoy!

Jihoon lays on his bed with his phone in his hand. He stares up at it, scrolling through his friend's social media and sorts. Mingyu had dropped him off a couple of hours ago. Jihoon surprisingly got along pretty well with the vampire. He's kind and cheerful and sort of reminds him like a puppy. A very clumsy one, but still. It was even better when Mingyu didn't seem fazed by his sharp personality. He accepted his snarky comments and even said back some of his own. Something that not few do. Jihoon likes to think that he found a friend in Kim Mingyu. Albeit, Jihoon wasn't trying to make another friend. He doesn't exactly want to be more involved with vampires, but whatever. Mingyu is a good kid even though he actually is a hell of a lot older than Jihoon. If he was shoved in a room with the vampire, Jihoon feels like they would be able to live side by side and get along fairly well. Suddenly, Jihoon's phone starts to buzz and a notification pops up. He frowns when he sees the caller ID. He stares at it for another second before sighing and picking up the call. "Hello, eomma," Jihoon says.

"Jihoon!" His mother exclaims, "How are you doing?"

"Great," Jihoon says, "How are you?"

"Fine, fine," The woman says in an overly sweet tone. Jihoon shifts a bit in bed, wondering why his mother had contacted him. She clearly has something to say. His mom isn't one to call just to check up on him. They've never been close enough to do that sort of thing. "Is there anything new going on in your life?" She asks.

"Not really," Jihoon murmurs, still not understanding what the purpose of this conversation is.

"Are you sure?" His mother questions, "There's no one new in your life that you wish to tell me about." Jihoon frowns. Is his mother referring to who he thinks she's referring to? If so, how the hell did she find out? It's not like he announced his dating status to the world. He didn't even update it on his social media accounts, which he doubts his mother would be on anyway. "Hello? Jihoon?" His mother questions. Jihoon groans internally. Does he really have to tell her about his boyfriend? She seems to already have some idea of him. Albeit he hasn't the faintest idea why. Not to mention, Mrs. Lee isn't one to allow lying. Jihoon sighs, not looking forward to what his mother has to say when he reveals the new man in his life. "Actually, I am dating someone," Jihoon says, "It's a recent thing..."

"And you didn't tell me about it!" His mom exclaims, "I am ashamed."

"Well, you know, we're not exactly close," Jihoon murmurs.

His mom scoffs, "Please, we may not be tied at the hip, but I expected you to have at least shared with me if you have a boyfriend. I would much rather have found out from you than Seokmin." Of course. Seokmin told her. Maybe not on purpose. Probably not on purpose. That boy is too loud for his own good sometimes. "As I said before, it's a recent thing," Jihoon says.

"Hm," His mother says, "You already know how I feel about relationships."

"Yes, yes," Jihoon mutters, "If this is your way of telling me to call things off, I'm not breaking up with him. You can't make me."

"I suppose not," His mother muses, "But, this isn't what this call is about."

"Then, what is it about?" Jihoon questions.

"I would like to meet the lad," His mom answers. Jihoon stiffens at his mother's words. That is a recipe for disaster. Between his crazy parents and the fact that Seungcheol is a vampire, things can only end up one way. Horrible. "Isn't it a bit hasty to meet the parents?" Jihoon asks, "We've barely been dating for a week."

"Jihoon," His mother says in a sing-song tone, "I have decided to be nice and allow you to continue to date the boy, but if you want that, you must let me meet him first." Jihoon sighs and runs a hand through his hair. It's not like his mother can force him to break up with Seungcheol. He's an adult. His parents have no control over him. Yet, Jihoon knows what his mother will do if he says no. She'll visit or find some way to force him to come over. Somehow using her ploys to drag Seungcheol along for the ride. His mother is nothing if not determined to get her way. "Fine," Jihoon says, "But, that's only if he's free. He's a busy guy."

"I'm sure," His mother says, "Text me when you have an answer." With that said, the call ends and Jihoon groans. How is it that a ten minute call with his mother drains his energy like this? Jihoon stares at his phone and taps at the screen, knowing that he might as well just call his boyfriend. There's no point in holding off on asking. His mother would end up hounding him for an answer in the end if he doesn't reply soon enough anyway. Jihoon clicks the call button next to Seungcheol's name and places the call on speaker. He puts his phone on the bed and buries his head into his pillow. He waits while the phone rings and then makes a sound as someone picks up the call. "Hey," Seungcheol says.

"Hi," Jihoon murmurs.

"You got home okay?" Seungcheol asks.

"Yeah," Jihoon says, "Mingyu was great company."

"I'll have him escort you all the time then," Seungcheol jokes.

"Oh, please, no," Jihoon whines, "He's amazing, but I think he's going to give me a heart attack. I mean he almost tripped over his own two feet while getting into my car."

"That's Kim Mingyu for you," Seungcheol says, "So, why did you call?"

"I can't just call to hear your voice?" Jihoon asks, "I need a reason."

"Of course not," Seungcheol says, "You can call me whenever you want."

"Good," Jihoon says with a soft smile. The conversation already brightening up his spirit. "Well, it's too bad that's not why I called," Jihoon says, "I actually had something to ask you."

"By your tone, it doesn't sound like a good thing," Seungcheol comments.

Jihoon sighs, "It's not. Not really. My mother called. She wants to meet you."

"What? Already?" Seungcheol questions.

"I know, I know," Jihoon says, "She's a bit nuts, but on the bright side she didn't yell at me to dump your ass to the curb."

"Come again?" Seungcheol questions, "Why would she do that?"

"She doesn't like her children dating," Jihoon says, "It's a Lee family thing. It has nothing to do with you. It's just the fact that you have the title of Jihoon's boyfriend that she hates."

"Sounds like you've been through this before," Seungcheol says.

Jihoon nods, "Yeah, well, I can't stay single forever. All the other relationships I was in ended because of my mom."

"That doesn't sound good for me or our relationship," Seungcheol comments.

"I don't plan on letting you go," Jihoon says, "So, you don't have to worry."

"I'm not worried about you kicking me to the curb," Seungcheol says, "I'm more so concerned what your mother will do when she finds out we didn't break up."

"You're scared of my mom?" Jihoon asks.

"Mildly frightened," Seungcheol says, "I've never had a boyfriend before. Never had a meet the parents' situation."

"I'll tell you now that it isn't going to go like any other normal meeting the family situations," Jihoon says, "My parents are nuts. My grandparents even more so. The only sane people in my house will be me and my younger brothers."

"It's a good thing that Seokmin and Chan like me then," Seungcheol says.

Jihoon laughs, "Yeah, I don't think that's going to win you any points with eomma."

"Darn," Seungcheol says.

"So, can you come?" Jihoon asks.

Seungcheol hums, "I don't know. I'm kind of busy at the mo-." The vampire is cut off by the sound of shuffling. Jihoon raises an eyebrow, wondering what's going on. "He's free, hyung," Mingyu says in a cheerful tone, "We've all been doing a lot of research and stuff to find the one behind all the crimes, but I think Seungcheol hyung deserves some time off."

"Alrighty then," Jihoon says.

"Give me my phone back," Seungcheol says in a muffled tone.

"Bye, hyung, love you!" Mingyu calls out in an overly sweet tone that makes Jihoon shake his head. The sounds of shuffling can be heard once more as Mingyu hands the phone off to Seungcheol. "I guess I'll see you soon then," Seungcheol states, "Text me the details."

"I will," Jihoon says, "Bye, Seungcheol."

"Bye, Jihoon," Seungcheol says.

≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪

Jihoon honks his car horn as he sees Seungcheol approaching the steps to his apartment. The vampire turns around in surprise and his eyes widen when he spots Jihoon sitting in his car. Seungcheol walks over and opens the car door to the passenger side. He sits down and smiles at his boyfriend. "We're heading there straight away?" Seungcheol questions.

Jihoon nods, "The faster we get there, the faster we can get out."

"You really think it's going to go that terribly," Seungcheol says.

"No, I know it will," Jihoon states, "It has nothing to do with you. It has a lot to do with my family." Seungcheol chuckles and reaches over for the seatbelt. He straps it over his body and clicks it in. Jihoon watches as he does this, interested for some reason. "What?" Seungcheol asks.

Jihoon eyes widen as he realizes he was staring, "Uh...nothing. It's just...I'm surprised you know how to put on a seatbelt."

"You make me sound like I'm a two year old," Seungcheol jokes.

Jihoon shrugs, "I mean can you blame me. I don't know how behind on stuff you are."

"I actually have a driver's license," Seungcheol states, "Not that I use it, but I can drive a car."

"Is that so?" Jihoon asks, "How did an old fashioned, never leaves the society, vampire crown prince get a license?"

"My cousin, Hansol," Seungcheol states, "He wanted someone to drive him around in the human world. Even though he knows I never come here."

"Hm," Jihoon murmurs, "Never would have guessed you would be a huge softy for your cousin."

"He's like a little brother to me," Seungcheol says with a fond smile, "He's the only person in my family that I think I get along with."

"Sounds like me and my brothers," Jihoon states, "Didn't we get lucky in the family department?"

"You can say that again," Seungcheol mutters.

"That being said," Jihoon says, "We should get going." He turns the key in the ignition, starting the car up.

≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪

"Hyung!" Seokmin says with a bright smile as he opens the door.

"Hi," Jihoon says. Seungcheol stands beside the human and waves awkwardly at his boyfriend's younger brother. "Come on in," Seokmin says, stepping to the side to allow the two in. Jihoon and Seungcheol enter as Seokmin closes the door and locks it. "Eomma is preparing dinner," Seokmin states, "Should be ready in thirty minutes or so." The boy leads the two deeper into the house. It's a nice house. Not extremely large, but not small either. Seokmin brings the couple into the living room where a man and an older couple sit on a couch, watching something on the television. "Appa," Seokmin says, bringing the man's attention away from the show.

The man stands up and smiles, "Hello, Jihoon."

"Appa," Jihoon states, "How are you?"

"Good," Mr. Lee states, "Is this your boyfriend?" Jihoon nods and gestures towards Seungcheol awkwardly. The vampire bows his head quickly, "Hello, sir, I'm Choi Seungcheol." Mr. Lee nods his head, scanning over Seungcheol from head to toe. "Thank you for having me over," Seungcheol says.

"Well, I would rather not, but my wife insisted," Mr. Lee states. Jihoon stiffens at his father's rather rude and brash choice of words. He glances over at Seungcheol, who doesn't appear to be very phased by it, maintaining a smile on his face. "Would you like to meet Jihoon's grandparents?" Mr. Lee calls out.

"Of course," Seungcheol says. Mr. Lee goes to get the attention of his grandparents, who begin to stare at Seungcheol with judging eyes. Jihoon lets out a sigh, it's already starting. Seokmin pats his hyung's shoulder, trying his best to offer some comfort. "Nice to meet you," Seungcheol says, bowing again to Jihoon's grandparents.

Grandma shakes her head, "Why are you raising your son like this? You know full well that he shouldn't be dating. Much less dating a boy!" Seungcheol stiffens a bit at the older lady's words, not having expected them at all. Mr. Lee nods his head and starts to console his parents, who continue to rant about their grandson. "Have you forgotten what we told you?" Grandpa says directly to Mr. Lee in a harsh tone, "We went to speak to the shaman after Jihoon was born. She saw so much darkness when it came to his love life. This is why we told you to not let him date! He could be in danger now!!!" Jihoon forces himself not to facepalm right this second. His grandparents were something else. Between their conservative ways and weird belief in spirits, they were the total package of crazy. Jihoon looks to Seungcheol, wondering how his boyfriend is taking all of this. Seungcheol still has a smile upon his face, even though it's clear that he isn't welcome here. Jihoon can't help, but be amazed at his boyfriend's strong exterior. He gives him a lot of credit for just taking all their saying. "I'm going to show Seungcheol my room," Jihoon announces. He quickly grabs his boyfriend's hand and pulls him down the hall. Seokmin follows with a nervous smile on his face. Jihoon leads Seungcheol into a small room where Chan is laying on a bed. "Hey, Channie," Jihoon says, taking a seat on the floor and pulling his boyfriend to the ground to sit beside him.

"Hey," Chan mutters, his eyes locked on his phone. Seokmin enters the room as well, shutting the door behind him. "How'd it go?" Chan asks.

"Horrible," Seokmin says, "Dad basically told Seungcheol hyung I don't want you in my house. Grandma went in right away for the how could you be gay thing. And Grandpa started going off about the freaking spiritual word!"

"Can't say I'm surprised," Chan murmurs, placing his phone down, "Wait until you meet eomma..."

"I'm sorry," Jihoon says, looking at Seungcheol, "I'm sure you didn't expect any of this."

Seungcheol shrugs, "It's okay. You warned me that they may be like this. And I'm a strong person. I can handle it."

"Seungcheol hyung had a smile on his face the entire time!" Seokmin says with wide eyes, "If I were in your shoes, I would've burst into tears!"

"That's cause you're too soft-hearted," Chan states, "Not everyone starts crying at the drop of a hat!"

"Hey! I know what you're trying to say! I'm not a crybaby!" Seokmin whines.

"Of course, you're not," Jihoon says, "You're just very in touch with your emotions."

"Exactly!" Seokmin exclaims. Seungcheol chuckles at the antics of the three brothers, feeling more welcome amongst them then he did when he first entered the Lee home. "You three are absolutely nothing like your parents," Seungcheol comments.

"That's got to be the best compliment ever," Chan says.

"We owe it to Jihoon hyung," Seokmin says, "He taught us what's wrong and right."

"Ooooo, moral compass Jihoon?" Seungcheol teases, poking at Jihoon's stomach. The human scoffs and swats at his boyfriend's hand. "If you grew up in this household with parents spewing out pure nonsense, you would do the same," Jihoon says, "I couldn't let my younger brothers be corrupted by them."

"Instead, he corrupted us with his own ideals," Chan says with a smile on his face.

Jihoon huffs, "Please, if I did that. Seokmin would have left home the second he got into college."

"He's too much of a mommy's boy," Chan says, "Nothing you did could have convinced him to leave home."

"Hey!" Seokmin cries, "Just cause I like it here doesn't mean you can tease me for not leaving!"

"Don't worry," Jihoon says, "We don't mean it. We love you and trust whatever choice you make." Seokmin smiles at this and puffs out his chest a little, happy that his older brother is proud of him. Seungcheol looks at Jihoon with a fond expression, loving the way his boyfriend is when he is amongst his brothers. He just seems content. He looks at peace when his brothers are around. He has this look in his eyes when he glances at his brothers. One with affection, but also worry. He speaks to them in a certain way as well. A tone filled with love and care with a joking undertone. Jihoon is a whole other person when he's with his brothers and he loves this part of him so very much. "So, Seungcheol hyung," Chan says, "You became my hyung's boyfriend."

"That I did," Seungcheol states, flashing a smile to Jihoon, which the young man reciprocates. The two look to one another, becoming lost in each other for a minute. That is until Seokmin cuts in. "You'll take care of him, right?" Seokmin questions in a soft tone, "We live so far away from Jihoon hyung. We don't get to check up on him as often as we would like. We worry sometimes." Seungcheol looks to Jihoon's younger brothers, who have genuine expressions on their faces. His heart warms a bit, thinking of how much Seokmin and Chan care about Jihoon. Jihoon, on the other hand, rolls his eyes, "Yah, I'm the older brother here."

"Still, we look out for each other," Chan says, "Remember?" Jihoon softens a bit and looks at his brother in a way that purely says I love you. "You don't have to worry," Seungcheol states, "I'll take care of him. I'll make sure he eats and gets enough sleep and stays safe. That's my job as his boyfriend, isn't it?" Seokmin and Chan flash the vampire a thankful look, knowing that Seungcheol would follow through in his word. "Give him lots of love too," Seokmin says, "Hug him and suck each other's faces off and all that gross coupley stuff..."

"Coming from the guy who keeps making goo goo eyes at Soo-," Chan starts only to be cut off by Seokmin tackling the boy. Chan whines as Seokmin covers his mouth with his hand. He flashes Jihoon and Seungcheol a cheeky smile. "We're glad that you two admitted your feelings for each other and got together," Seokmin calls out, "You got the Lee brothers stamp of approval!"

Seungcheol grins at that and turns to look at Jihoon, "You hear that? I got your brothers' stamp of approval."

"Congrats," Jihoon says, "Not to burst your bubble or anything, but it'll probably be the only stamp you're getting tonight."

≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪

"So, Seungcheol, what do you do for work?" Mrs. Lee asks. They all sit at the dinner table, eating an assortment of meat and vegetables. Everyone seems pretty focused on the meal, except for Mrs. Lee, who wouldn't stop staring at Seungcheol. "I'm the heir to my father's company," Seungcheol says.

"Ah, really?" Mrs. Lee says with a surprised expression. Jihoon smiles a bit, finding it amusing that Seungcheol has decided to stick with the whole chaebol story he crafted when they had first met. It'll work. It may even impress his family. Doubtful, but it's nice to hope there's something that his family might find admirable about his boyfriend. It definitely isn't the fact that he's a vampire. Jihoon doesn't care at all, but if you told his highly superstitious family that their son is dating a vampire, you can imagine what would happen. "Does your father know that you date boys?" Grandma asks, "He may not give you the company if he knows." Jihoon purses his lips together and clenches his hands into fists. His grandma really doesn't know when to stop. "He has no idea," Seungcheol says, surprising Jihoon, not having expected his boyfriend to have answered, "But, I'm sure we can work something out."

"I doubt it," Grandma continues, "Gay relationships are very unorthodox."

"Only you seem to think so," Jihoon says through gritted teeth, " know I've liked guys for a while...yes? Can you please stop talking in this way? It's making me uncomfortable."

"Well, then next time don't bring a boy over and you won't have to deal with It," Grandma states. Jihoon lets out a laugh and shakes his head in complete disbelief. Suddenly, he feels a hand reach for his. He glances at Seungcheol, who flashes him a reassuring smile. Jihoon squeezes Seungcheol's hand, so thankful for his boyfriend. He knows that others would probably leave after an experience like this, but he knows Seungcheol won't. It'll take a lot more to make Seungcheol ditch him. "What is your family's stance on dating, Seungcheol?" Mr. Lee asks.

"Ah, they don't really have an opinion in it," Seungcheol states.

"Is that so?" Mr. Lee asks, "You see our family has had a lot of misfortunes in the past when it comes to dating. We spoke with a specialist about it and they said that it is most likely due to some crimes our ancestors committed. We are suffering the punishment for their shameful acts."

Chan scoffs, "Specialist my ass..."

"What was that?" Mrs. Lee questions.

"Nothing," Chan says with a grin, "Just that the food is good."

"That is a shame," Seungcheol states.

"Yes, it is," Mr. Lee says, "That is exactly why we don't want Jihoon to date."

"It will only end in disaster," Grandpa cuts in, "For everyone's sake, you should leave Jihoon. You will end up being hurt as well because of that dark aura that was seen during Jihoon's birth."

"Grandpa, please," Jihoon says, "We've barely been going out for a week."

"What about work, Jihoon?" Mrs. Lee asks, "You have been struggling for so long. Should you really be dating? My son wishes to be in the music industry, but it hasn't been easy for him. He hasn't gotten a single offer anywhere. Are you sure you wish to be with someone in such an unstable position?"

"Mother!" Jihoon exclaims, "You make it seem like I am poor and struggling!"

"Well, you are!" Mrs. Lee says.

"I have a job!" Jihoon fires back.

"Yes, cause serving coffee is such an admirable occupation," Mrs. Lee scoffs. Jihoon huffs and opens his mouth to say something back, but Seungcheol stops him with a slight squeeze of his hand. Jihoon looks to Seungcheol with confusion. The vampire smiles at him and mouths the words he's got this. "I appreciate your concerns," Seungcheol says in an even tone, "But, I really care about Jihoon. I don't think worrying about the future is worth it. Right now, he and I are very happy together. And if something happens along the way, it happens. We'll deal with it then."

"Hm, is that so?" Mrs. Lee says with a tight-lipped smile, "I'm very happy for you two." The rest of the family nod their heads and turn their attention to their foods, avoiding the gaze of Seungcheol and Jihoon. "Thank you," Seungcheol says. Jihoon looks over at his boyfriend in surprise, not having expected him to say such things. Seungcheol looks back at the human and smiles at him. Jihoon doesn't know what to say, in disbelief over the fact that Seungcheol was able to get his family to stop. "You got a winner there, hyung," Chan whispers to him. Jihoon nods his head. He can't help, but agree.

≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪

"I apologize for everything they said," Jihoon says, "I know you weren't reacting back there, but what they said was a bit out of hand." The two are back in the car, driving back home. The rest of the night was awkward to say the least. Jihoon was glad to get out of there right away. "Don't worry about it," Seungcheol murmurs, "I'm fine. I'm more worried about you. They said a lot more bad things about you than me."

Jihoon sighs, "Well, I'm used to it."

"I'm sorry," Seungcheol says.

"Don't be," Jihoon says, "They're my family after all."

"Still, if you ever need someone to vent to," Seungcheol says, "I'm here."

"Thanks, Seungcheol," Jihoon says, "I'm sure tonight was definitely an experience for you."

Seungcheol nods, "Yeah, but it was okay. I'm sure you'll have to go through something similar when you meet my parents."

"That's not going to happen anytime soon, is it?" Jihoon asks with a shiver.

"Why? You don't want to meet my parents?" Seungcheol questions with a grin.

"The King and Queen of the vampire society? I don't know...not really," Jihoon says.

Seungcheol chuckles, "Don't worry. The only vampire you'll be spending time with in the near future is me."

"And Mingyu," Jihoon states.

Seungcheol shakes his head, "And Mingyu...I still can't believe you're friends."

"You introduced us," Jihoon says, "It's your fault. Now you have to compete with Mingyu for my love!"

"What!?" Seungcheol exclaims as Jihoon giggles.

"You're so overdramatic," Jihoon says, "Don't be jealous of that clumsy vamp. He's total boyfriend material, but you're the only vampire for me."

"I don't know whether to be reassured or fearful," Seungcheol comments as Jihoon bursts into another fit of laughter.

Aw, we love some wholesome Jicheol moments. Let's hope that there will be more of them as we continue the story. But we'll just have to wait and seeeeee. Anyway, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and anticipate the next one. If you could please comment, vote, follow me, add this story to your library and check out my Romance One-shots. I will see you all soon. Bye~

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