Madam President (EDITING)

By Queen_OfTheClouds

839K 33.2K 18.5K

Distraught over the presidential election results, college student Rachel Taff becomes hell-bent on making a... More

Author's Note
Cast List
Chapter 1: Hello Cruel World
Chapter 2: The First Cut Is The Deepest
Chapter 3: Lost Inhibitions
Chapter 4: New Paths
Chapter 5: The Interview
Chapter 6: Home For The Holidays
Chapter 7: Clueless
Chapter 8: Happy New Year
Chapter 9: Why'd You Have to go and Make Things so Complicated?
Chapter 10: It's a Pleasure to Meet You
Chapter 11: Mislead
Chapter 12: She Doesn't Fool Me
Chapter 13: Oh Rachel
Chapter 14: Believer
Chapter 15: Clash
Chapter 16: Welcome to the Real World, Jackass
Chapter 17: Things Aren't Always What They Seem
Chapter 18: Redemption?
Chapter 19: She Intrigues Me
Chapter 20: I'll Never Be A Nice Girl
Chapter 21: Ex-tremely Awkward
Chapter 22: We're More Alike Than Different
Chapter 23: Happy Birthday Bitch
Chapter 24: Hangovers, Realizations, and Rage
Chapter 25: Pride
Chapter 26: Relationships Are A Funny Thing
Chapter 27: Innuendo
Chapter 28: Credence
Chapter 29: Lead When It Matters Most
Chapter 30: I Want You On My Team
Chapter 31: Like The Flame That Burns The Candle
Chapter 32: Truth Is In The Eye Of The Beholder
Chapter 33: Can't Get You Out Of My Head
Chapter 34: It's My Graduation, And I'll Cry If I Want To
Chapter 35: It's Time
Chapter 36: Distance
Chapter 37: Cognizance
Chapter 38: The Law of Attraction
Chapter 39: Take A Chance
Chapter 40: Feelings Come to Surface
Chapter 41: I Know You Felt It Too
Chapter 42: Pushing You Away
Chapter 43: I Don't Belong Here
Chapter 44: Coming To Terms
Chapter 45: Watch Me Work
Chapter 46: Your Denial Is Your Own Personal Prison
Chapter 47: I'm Tired of Pretending
Chapter 48: Breaking Point
Chapter 49: What Do I Really Want?
Chapter 50: Lying Not To Lose You
Chapter 51: Don't Wait On My Love
Chapter 52: I Know What I'm Doing
Chapter 53: What Is It About You That Makes Me Come Undone?
Chapter 54: I'm So Glad You Came
Chapter 55: There's No Going Back
Chapter 56: We'll Figure It Out
Chapter 57: If It's Not One Thing It's Another
Chapter 58: Moving On For The Better
Chapter 59: You Make Me Feel Seen
Chapter 60: No Expectations
Chapter 61: Nobody Wins When The Family Feuds
Chapter 62: Craving You
Chapter 63: You Make Me Smile
Chapter 64: The Good Inside You
Chapter 65 : Everybody's Watching Her But She's Looking At You
Chapter 66: Look At Us, Who Would Have Thought? Not Me
Chapter 67: You've Earned It
Chapter 68: When It All Falls Down
Chapter 69: Sleeping With The Enemy
Chapter 70: Aftermath
Chapter 71: Have Mercy
Chapter 72: I Miss You
Chapter 73: Everything Is Going To Be Ok
Chapter 74: Old Habits Die Hard
Chapter 75: Nothing Haunts Us Like The Things We Don't Say
Chapter 76: Injustice Anywhere Is A Threat To Justice Everywhere
Chapter 77: A Lady On Fire
Chapter 78: A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes
Chapter 79: Big Things Poppin
Chapter 80: Oh Jennifer
Chapter 81: Look Who's Back In Town
Chapter 82: It's My Right To Be Hellish I Still Get Jealous
Chapter 83: Torn In Between The Two
Chapter 84: Let The Show Begin
Chapter 85: There Is No Force More Powerful Than A Woman Determined To Rise
Chapter 86: The Great Debate
Chapter 87: Mrs. Big Shot
Chapter 88: Guess Who?
Chapter 89: The Tales Of A Virtuous Woman
Chapter 90: Rest and Recuperation
Chapter 91: The Joke's On You
Chapter 92: Returning The Favor
Chapter 93: The Ups And Downs Of Us
Chapter 94: Beware Of False Prophets
Chapter 95: You, Me, and Her
Chapter 96: Standout
Chapter 97: All For One And One For All
Chapter 98: Follow Your Intuition
Chapter 99: I'm In This For The Long Haul
Chapter 100: I Got The Eye Of The Tiger
Chapter 101: Promise Not To Tell
Chapter 102: Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes
Chapter 104: Love, Affection, and Deceit
Chapter 105: Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
Chapter 106: Out Of Touch
Chapter 107: Blasphemy
Chapter 108: Sugar, We're Goin' Down
Chapter 109: Catch A Case
Chapter 110: Hell Hath No Fury
Chapter 111: Every Problem Has A Solution
Chapter 112: Sometimes Good People Do Bad Things
Chapter 113: Grief Is In Two Parts
Chapter 114: Fresh Start
Chapter 115: She's Better Off Without Me
Chapter 116: I'm Trying My Best
Chapter 117: Return Of The Mack
Chapter 118: That Girl Is Poison
Chapter 119: Full Circle
Chapter 120: Is It Everything You Hoped It Would Be?
Chapter 121: It's Lonely At The Top
Chapter 122: You Were Made For This
Chapter 123: She Wasn't Sad Anymore, She Was Numb
Chapter 124: The Big 4-OH
Chapter 125: Everything Means Nothing If I Can't Have You
Chapter 126: Everything You Can Imagine Is Real
Chapter 127: The Job's Not Finished
The End.
The Sequel

Chapter 103: It's Us Against The World

4.3K 180 197
By Queen_OfTheClouds

Jennifer's POV

"With news of Mayor Mitchell Blackwell suspending his campaign that leaves only three candidates in the race."

"Glenn have we ever seen anything like this before? Two major candidates have thrown in the towel back to back. What do you think is going on?"

"As we get closer to the primaries I think we're seeing some of these candidates wake up and realize their pipe dream is not what the voters envision. Voters want to connect with a candidate, they want to believe in something, they want to believe that this person has a good chance of beating Trant. Glenn I think that's why former VP John Bell, Senator Bill Snyder, and  Senator Jennifer Abner remain in the race."

"It's interesting that throughout this Senator Abner has been the standout. She talks a big game and she's certainly backed it up thus far. I think she does well in the primaries."

"Let's slow our roll a little bit here everyone, you have these two veteran candidates that have been at this far longer. One was vice president and the other ran in the past. Senator Abner is coming into this brand new inexperienced. I think it's crazy talk to think she fairs a chance."

"Whoa whoa, Senator Abner is still on the ticket because of what you just said. She's a new face. It wasn't even close when she ran for Senator because the California people saw her work as DA. Now she's showing what she's all about to the entire country and they have been more than receptive. She has a cult following if you will. Have you been on social media lately? She has groups dedicated to her."

"Teenage girls don't vote."

"They don't but their parents do, their grandparents do."

"Can I chime in and say that Senator Abner's appeal doesn't stop at Gen Z. Her campaign brought in $15 million in a week. I mean that's record breaking numbers there."

"Let's not forget her Hollywood buddies. She has a coalition behind her and I think she's just the person to stand head to head with Trant. They already have this weird four play going on over Twitter."

"Haha before our show get's cancelled let's go to commercial break. Listeners we will be right back with all the latest gossip on the real first family of America...The Kardashians."

Frank turns down the radio and looks in the mirror at me in the backseat. "You don't get tired of listening to this junk?"

"If people aren't talking about me Frank that means I'm doing something awfully wrong."


"God am I happy to be back home", I say looking out the window. "I can get a few days of rest before the storm of primaries comes along."

He chuckles, "Rest? You're having me take you straight to the office."

"Well yeah theres a few things I need to sort out. I've been gone for what fills like a month."

He smiles.

"Actually before we go to the office there are two stops we need to make first."

"Ok where to?"


"You still remember?"

"Of course I do. Just because I don't call you on the day anymore doesn't mean I forgot. After awhile I thought it was too painful for you so I came up with another tradition. Every year on this date I come here to be closer to her", I say as Frank and I stand in front of Iris' gravesite.

He looks over at me, "You know she'd be crazy happy for you that you're living out your dream."

"I think she would call me a lunatic", I laugh. "I remember the night I told her I wanted to to become President one day. She looked at me and said why would you want to make other people's problems your problem Ma?"

Frank laughs, "Yeah that's definitely my sister. Got that thick accent and the talking with the hands from our pops."

"You Italians are quite the animated bunch."

"Me? I'm just from-"

"Jersey", I say completing the phrase Iris would frequently say.

We both laugh.

"She'd also be happy to see you happy. Greg wasn't her favorite person so I'm sure she'd give her stamp of approval for you and Rachel."

I smile,"Can you imagine if those two ever met?"

"They'd probably end up in argument with each other and then become good friends. I see why you are so keen on her, when she's around sometimes I think I'm talking to my sister."

"They are alike in someways, but polar opposites in the other. You know what's strange? 3 years ago today I met Rachel for the first time. Is that a coincidence or what?"

He nods his head, "Stranger things have happened."

I pull out two cigarettes and my lighter offering Frank one. He oblidges and I light it for him."Iris would be proud that her older brother turned his life around and has become the great man that he is today."

He faces me and holds out his cigarette, "To Iris."

"To Iris."


Nina's POV

"It just makes more sense to do it my way. What you're proposing doesn't make since in the scheme of things.

No I will not compromise when I'm right. I- "

I hear a commotion in the lobby and get up from my desk when I see others heading that way.

Everyone stands arounds and claps as Senator Abner stands with her legs crossed and her purse held in front of her giving a modest look at all the attention.

"Cut it out everyone", she says smiling.

"Wooo", Rachel shouts out as everyone continues to cheer on Senator Abner. The Senator meets eyes with Rachel, but quickly looks away.

I roll my eyes at how oblivious they think everyone is to them.

"Our fearless leader returns", Mia says smiling.

"I want to thank each and every one of you for all your hard work when I was away. I want you to know that none of it goes unnoticed. With that being said this Friday we'll have an office party to celebrate you and all your hard work."

Everyone cheers in excitement. "Ok, everyone back to work", Mia instructs. The Senator gives Rachel another glance before heading to her office with Mia trailing behind.

I roll my eyes and laugh to myself.

"Nina please", Avery says standing behind me. I turn around to face her, "Oh hey Avery. Did you enjoy the show as well? I thought it was quite funny to see the two lovers interact when they think no one is watching."

Avery gulps and looks nervously,"Rachel will never forgive me if she found out I told you. I don't want to see her get hurt."

I laugh,"See that's where we disagree. I think you meant to tell me because you knew I would put the information to use. Let's be honest Avery you have some weird, I won't say obsession, but attachment to Rachel. That's why I decided to end things between us. I couldn't stand to see you fawn over her."

"That's not true. She's just my best friend."

"What a strange way to show your loyalty to her, telling me her deepest darkest secret."

"I was angry in the moment and I shouldn't have said anything. I regret it."

"It's too late for regrets now. Channel that anger and help me destroy her. She hurt you why should you regard her feelings? She didn't care about your friendship or your relationships for that matter when she was sneaking around and lying to you about her and the Senator. Avery she made a fool out of and she will continue to do that because she knows that she can."

"Rachel, the Senator asked if you have the report ready. She's waiting for it in her office", I overhear Mia say to Rachel.

As Avery looks me in the eyes I can tell something sparks.

"They think they can make a mockery out of all of us. Let's show them they can't."

"You're right."

I'm a little surprised when Avery agrees, but I go along with it. Since I started working here Senator Abner has continuously passed over me and my talents for Rachel who is less than impressive if you ask me. Rachel walks around like she owns the world, I can't wait to knock her down to where she belongs.

"I'm in. I want Senator Abner to regret that she ever met Rachel."

I smile creeps across my lips, "Those bitches will never see it coming."

Rachel's POV

"Senator I have that report you requested ready."

"Perfect, come on in and close the door." "Lock it", she mouths.

I smile as I make my way over to her desk.

"There's my girl", she says as she takes my hand and guides me towards her lap.

"Your girl? I like the sound of that."

She gives me a kiss on the cheek and I get up to sit on her desk facing her.

"Once upon a time I couldn't get you to wear my campaign shirt and now I can't get you out of it."

"Oh this?", I say pulling it away from me. "I'm only wearing it so I can get away with wearing jeans."

She lightly pushes my leg and I smile, "Thank you."

"For what?"

"All the work you did when I was away. Mia kept tally of how much money and how many people each of you spoke to and guess who my shinning star was?"

"Oh you know, just another day of being a boss bitch", I say flipping my hair.

"Would you stop being so cocky?"

"I would but you like it too much."

She gives me a look and I bite my lip. I hop off her desk and bring my lips to hers.

She looks back down at my lips and I part away from her, but quickly I find myself right back. I start to unbutton her blouse and she stands up. I begin to slide it off of her but she puts her hand in between us.

"We can't."

"Wow this is just like old times."

"I know you didn't forget what happened the last time we got carried away at work."

"The only thing different is we have a locked door and no nosey ex girlfriends are following me around."

"We're so close I can't let anything get in the way. Even if it means waiting for you to welcome me home", she says with a smirk.

"So boring", I say giving her a kiss.

"Oh really? Fine when you come over you can watch me go over my notes and work on a new bill."

"Just kidding. You could never be boring."

"I thought you'd change your mind."

I smile as she notices her phone ring.

She sighs and presses reject.

"You ok?"

"I'm fine. It's just my father. He hasn't stopped calling since last week."

"Why don't you answer?"

"It's not important he probably just wants more money. Although I don't she how, I was more than generous on last months deposit."

"What if he just misses you and wants to talk?"

"Rachel my father only calls for two reasons. One being money, two being I said something in the media he doesn't like."

"Well in that case it's easier to just block him...I should probably get going before anyone gets suspicious. I took blank copying paper off the printer to disguise it as that report you asked for."

She chuckles, "Rachel Taff what am I going to do with you?"

"I can think of a few things", I say leaning in for a kiss.

"See you later.I'll check in with you after I get back from that event tonight."

"Bye have fun. Oh and happy the 1st day we ever met anniversary."

She smiles as I walk away.


Jennifer's POV

"Greg are you ready?"

"Would you stop yelling I'm right here."

"I wouldn't have to yell if you were ready 20 minutes ago when we both agreed to leave."

"What are you in a rush for? You know these things never really start right away."

"I was hoping to leave early. Rachel and I have plans", I say fixing his tie.

"Your adopt-a-pet can wait a few hours. This event is one of the most important of the year."

I clench my jaw,"You're lucky I'm even taking you roommate."

He laughs, "Let's go."


Greg's POV

As Jenn an I enter the venue we assume our roles as husband and wife. Fake smiles, intimate touches, and quick glances that only we understand. We've become pros at it, so much so that it's normal for us.

Sure we've been able to get past a lot, but one thing I'll never be ok with is her bribing someone into my home and making me feel like I'm the outsider.

She wants to flaunt this girl in my face as payback for Adelè, but what she's doing is far worst and she's knows it. But that's alright my wife is going to get everything she deserves. I promised her that and I intend to deliver.

"Wendy you look stunning as always", I say giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Big Mike!"

"Greg my man, hows it going?"

"You're asking the wrong person. I say looking over at Jenn."

She flashes her normal wicked smile and I feel repulsed. Mike and Wendy our best friends chat with Jenn for awhile as I excuse myself to bar.

"Scotch on the rocks", Mike says gaining the bartender's attention.

"How we looking Greg?"

"She hasn't talked business with me, but I don't need to talk to her to know you're her number one choice as VP. We've been friends for years."

"That's still not a definite."

"Relax. I have it all under control. You just do your part and sell her why she should choose you, I'll handle the rest."

"Ok. You sold you me a hell of a deal when we discussed this months ago. I hope nothing has changed."

"Nothings changed. In fact I think their could even be more money in this for the both of us."

"That's what I like to hear", he says clinking his glass with mine.

I take a sip of my drink and look over at Jenn. That bitch is going down.

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