Madam President (EDITING)

By Queen_OfTheClouds

837K 33.1K 18.5K

Distraught over the presidential election results, college student Rachel Taff becomes hell-bent on making a... More

Author's Note
Cast List
Chapter 1: Hello Cruel World
Chapter 2: The First Cut Is The Deepest
Chapter 3: Lost Inhibitions
Chapter 4: New Paths
Chapter 6: Home For The Holidays
Chapter 7: Clueless
Chapter 8: Happy New Year
Chapter 9: Why'd You Have to go and Make Things so Complicated?
Chapter 10: It's a Pleasure to Meet You
Chapter 11: Mislead
Chapter 12: She Doesn't Fool Me
Chapter 13: Oh Rachel
Chapter 14: Believer
Chapter 15: Clash
Chapter 16: Welcome to the Real World, Jackass
Chapter 17: Things Aren't Always What They Seem
Chapter 18: Redemption?
Chapter 19: She Intrigues Me
Chapter 20: I'll Never Be A Nice Girl
Chapter 21: Ex-tremely Awkward
Chapter 22: We're More Alike Than Different
Chapter 23: Happy Birthday Bitch
Chapter 24: Hangovers, Realizations, and Rage
Chapter 25: Pride
Chapter 26: Relationships Are A Funny Thing
Chapter 27: Innuendo
Chapter 28: Credence
Chapter 29: Lead When It Matters Most
Chapter 30: I Want You On My Team
Chapter 31: Like The Flame That Burns The Candle
Chapter 32: Truth Is In The Eye Of The Beholder
Chapter 33: Can't Get You Out Of My Head
Chapter 34: It's My Graduation, And I'll Cry If I Want To
Chapter 35: It's Time
Chapter 36: Distance
Chapter 37: Cognizance
Chapter 38: The Law of Attraction
Chapter 39: Take A Chance
Chapter 40: Feelings Come to Surface
Chapter 41: I Know You Felt It Too
Chapter 42: Pushing You Away
Chapter 43: I Don't Belong Here
Chapter 44: Coming To Terms
Chapter 45: Watch Me Work
Chapter 46: Your Denial Is Your Own Personal Prison
Chapter 47: I'm Tired of Pretending
Chapter 48: Breaking Point
Chapter 49: What Do I Really Want?
Chapter 50: Lying Not To Lose You
Chapter 51: Don't Wait On My Love
Chapter 52: I Know What I'm Doing
Chapter 53: What Is It About You That Makes Me Come Undone?
Chapter 54: I'm So Glad You Came
Chapter 55: There's No Going Back
Chapter 56: We'll Figure It Out
Chapter 57: If It's Not One Thing It's Another
Chapter 58: Moving On For The Better
Chapter 59: You Make Me Feel Seen
Chapter 60: No Expectations
Chapter 61: Nobody Wins When The Family Feuds
Chapter 62: Craving You
Chapter 63: You Make Me Smile
Chapter 64: The Good Inside You
Chapter 65 : Everybody's Watching Her But She's Looking At You
Chapter 66: Look At Us, Who Would Have Thought? Not Me
Chapter 67: You've Earned It
Chapter 68: When It All Falls Down
Chapter 69: Sleeping With The Enemy
Chapter 70: Aftermath
Chapter 71: Have Mercy
Chapter 72: I Miss You
Chapter 73: Everything Is Going To Be Ok
Chapter 74: Old Habits Die Hard
Chapter 75: Nothing Haunts Us Like The Things We Don't Say
Chapter 76: Injustice Anywhere Is A Threat To Justice Everywhere
Chapter 77: A Lady On Fire
Chapter 78: A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes
Chapter 79: Big Things Poppin
Chapter 80: Oh Jennifer
Chapter 81: Look Who's Back In Town
Chapter 82: It's My Right To Be Hellish I Still Get Jealous
Chapter 83: Torn In Between The Two
Chapter 84: Let The Show Begin
Chapter 85: There Is No Force More Powerful Than A Woman Determined To Rise
Chapter 86: The Great Debate
Chapter 87: Mrs. Big Shot
Chapter 88: Guess Who?
Chapter 89: The Tales Of A Virtuous Woman
Chapter 90: Rest and Recuperation
Chapter 91: The Joke's On You
Chapter 92: Returning The Favor
Chapter 93: The Ups And Downs Of Us
Chapter 94: Beware Of False Prophets
Chapter 95: You, Me, and Her
Chapter 96: Standout
Chapter 97: All For One And One For All
Chapter 98: Follow Your Intuition
Chapter 99: I'm In This For The Long Haul
Chapter 100: I Got The Eye Of The Tiger
Chapter 101: Promise Not To Tell
Chapter 102: Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes
Chapter 103: It's Us Against The World
Chapter 104: Love, Affection, and Deceit
Chapter 105: Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
Chapter 106: Out Of Touch
Chapter 107: Blasphemy
Chapter 108: Sugar, We're Goin' Down
Chapter 109: Catch A Case
Chapter 110: Hell Hath No Fury
Chapter 111: Every Problem Has A Solution
Chapter 112: Sometimes Good People Do Bad Things
Chapter 113: Grief Is In Two Parts
Chapter 114: Fresh Start
Chapter 115: She's Better Off Without Me
Chapter 116: I'm Trying My Best
Chapter 117: Return Of The Mack
Chapter 118: That Girl Is Poison
Chapter 119: Full Circle
Chapter 120: Is It Everything You Hoped It Would Be?
Chapter 121: It's Lonely At The Top
Chapter 122: You Were Made For This
Chapter 123: She Wasn't Sad Anymore, She Was Numb
Chapter 124: The Big 4-OH
Chapter 125: Everything Means Nothing If I Can't Have You
Chapter 126: Everything You Can Imagine Is Real
Chapter 127: The Job's Not Finished
The End.
The Sequel

Chapter 5: The Interview

8.7K 340 145
By Queen_OfTheClouds

Rachel's POV

A few days ago both Avery and I received phone calls from Senator Abner's office inviting us for interviews. I usually don't get nervous, but for some reason I am. Is it because now this opportunity feels real? Or because the competitive side of me can't stand failing?  I don't know, but whatever it is I need to get it together soon because my interview is in an hour.

I raid my suitcase again after the fifth time trying to come up with the perfect outfit. Better said than done though, because almost everything I own is all black. I don't want to look like I'm dressed for a funeral, but what are my choices?

I know I'm totally overthinking this, it's what I do. I over-think. If my middle name wasn't Nala it would definitely be over-thinker. To everyone else I'm always cool, calm, confident, and collected, but the truth is I'm always at war with my mind.

After a few more changes I end up settling for a white blouse, black slacks, and black pumps. I look on the dresser for some earrings as my phone gets a notification. I walk over to the bed and laugh when I open the message.

Before I'm late I take one last look in the mirror. I take a deep breath and head out the door.

I decide walking in fifteen minutes early is good enough to make an impression. I walk over to the receptionist desk and give my name and interview time. She tells me to take a seat, so I try to find one where I can be alone with my thoughts.

"Hi, I'm Nina", says the brunette girl sitting three seats away from me.

Welp, there goes that plan.

"Hi, Rachel", I reply back automatically shifting my focus away from her view.

"Are you here for the internship interviews?"

No shit Sherlock.

"Yes, are you?", I ask like I really care what the hell she's here for.

"Yes, What time is yours?"

Damn, she sure does ask a lot of questions.


"Oh my interview is at 1:00, but I've been here-", she pauses to look at her watch. "For about 20 minutes."

"Oh cool you really must be excited."

She nods her head. "And I just think it's professional." She looks me up and down like she's judging me.

Thankfully the receptionist calls my name.

"Good luck Rebecca", I hear from the annoying wench that has been pestering me for the last few minutes.

I turn around and she's smirking. What a bitch. She's trying to throw me off so I bomb this interview. It's not going to happen though.

The receptionist walks me to a room where I see three people seated on one side of a table. They all stand up and shake my hand. The woman in the middle who introduces herself as the Chief of Staff gestures for me to sit in the seat facing opposite of them." Welcome Rachel. Why don't we start off with you telling us a little bit about yourself."

I've always hated this question it's so vague. Like what do you want to know?  When I lost my virginity? If I've ever took LSD at Coachella? Be more specific.

"Well I'm 21 years old, and I'm a senior at USC. I'm currently the president of the Student Government Club, and I hope to attend law school after graduating."

The Chief of Staff nods and takes note of my answer."Ok, let me stop you there. Why law school?"

"Our justice system is broken and I want to help fix it. I believe attending law school will put me in the right direction to do just that. Senator Abner is actually the reason why I became interested in politics". It's surely not for a positive reason like they're thinking, but hry they don't need to know that right now. "Her stint as District Attorney was historic, and I think we need more powerful women like her in office."

One of the male staffers chimes in, "Well your grades are excellent so I don't see getting into law school being a problem for you."

I smile and thank him. We spend the rest of the time going over situational based questions, and them shoving how important confidentiality is down my throat.

Mia, the Chief of Staff stands up and extends her hand to me, "Well I think we have enough. Thank you so much for your time Ms. Taff . We have to finish up a few more interviews. So we'll be reaching out by phone or email in the next week or so."

I thank them for their consideration and exit the meeting room. Walking back to the lobby I see Nina. "Good luck Nicole, break a leg ", I smile and wink at her. She looks appalled by my comment. Serves her right though. Maybe next time she won't be such a bitch to a total stranger.

When I get back to Olivia's I FaceTime Avery to tell her how it went. Her interview is at 2:30, so hopefully these last few tips will help her out. Not that she needs it or anything, the girl is a genius.

She answers the phone smiling, "Hey Rach." I can only see the top half of her in the screen, but she's wearing a beautiful white blouse and burnt orange blazer.

"Hey, I just got out of my interview."

"And how did it go?", she asks with a bit of hesitation.

"It went well besides my outfit, and me almost throwing up from having to speak positively about Abner."

She giggles "That's future boss to you because I know they can't pass on you. And what's wrong with your outfit?"

I stand up and pull my blouse,"I look like I'm part of the Miami mafia with my loose blouse and slacks.

She laughs hysterically,"No you don't, you look nice. You could wear a trash bag and make it look great."

I smile back at her, "How can you be so annoying and yet so sweet at the same time?"

She sticks her tongue out at me.

"Well. I'll let you get going...Oh before we hang up,do you want to catch a movie tonight? We can talk about how you nailed the interview", I propose.

"Sure are Olivia and the others going?", she asks.

"No just us."

She looks down at the ground, "Oh. Umm sure."

"Is everything ok Av? It's ok if you don't want to", I don't know why she's acting so weird.

She runs her fingers through her hair, "No. It's nothing. I'll see you there."

"Ok good luck with your interview. See you at 7."

See flashes me her famous smile before bidding goodbye.


I get to the theater and I see Avery looking down at her phone waiting for my arrival.

"Hey Sunshine", I say seemingly startling her.

"Oh my God you scared me", she says as she turns around to pull me in for a hug.

"Jumpy are we? You're in for a hell of a night then."

She furrows her eyebrow, "Why?"

I smile, "No reason."

"Rachel, what is it?"

"Surprise! We're going to see Ouija: Origin of Evil."

She hits my arm, "I thought we were going to see The Edge of Seventeen."

I whence in pain, "While I hate to pass up an opportunity to see Hailee Steinfeld. I couldn't resist seeing you scared to death", I say pulling her in for a hug.

She caves into my hug, "You're an ass sometimes you know that?"

"I've been told, and it must really be true if I got you to cuss....Should we get going?", I ask. 

She gives me a pleading look and sighs.

During the movie she gives in to all the jump scares. She tries her best not to scream by covering her mouth, shielding her eyes, and grabbing my hand for dear life. 

We exit the movie and I can't stop laughing at all her antics. "You're so cute. Were you really that scared?", I ask Avery.

She gives me a light sock to the arm, "Yes, it was so scary."

I shake my head at her, "That's the point Av."

"Your necklace, it's off", Avery blirts out catching me off guard.


Avery points in my direction, "The necklace Natalie bought you. You don't have it on."

"Well I thought it was time to officially move on", I reply back.

"Good to see she doesn't have a chain on you anymore. Both literally and figuratively."

Her response forces me to crack a smile, "You're such a dork. Possibly my favorite one."

She offers to walk me to my car and we say our goodbyes.

"Thanks for tonight. Even though the movie sucked, the company was pretty good", she says as she pokes me in the side.

"You aren't so bad yourself sunshine." I say reaching in for a hug.

She kisses me on the cheek, "Bye Rachel."


I'm on my way to Olivia's when I remember Sam would be coming over. In an attempt not to cockblock her,  I text Kennedy to see if she's free. She responds quickly so I head to her apartment.

"Kenny baby!"

"Bad bitch Rach!", she says as she hugs me.

Kennedy and I met in high school. Our relationship was rocky at first because Kennedy pretty much hated me. I guess she thought I liked her then-boyfriend, little did she know I liked her boyfriend's sister. Eventually, Kennedy and I got paired up for a group project and I cleared up that little misunderstanding. We laughed about it and have been great friends ever since. Olivia and her hit it off immediately when I introduced them to each other. Since then the three of us have always been there for each other. Through the good, the bad, and the ugly. 

"What are you up to?"

"Nothing much, about to watch How to Get Away with Murder", she replies. 

I raise my eyebrow, "Plan on killing your boyfriend already?"

"Possibly", she laughs. "Speaking of murder, Vanessa texted me the other day saying she misses all of us and wants to talk things over."

I roll my eyes. "My exact response", Kennedy says. "Wait, are you coming from a booty call, why do you have lipstick on your cheek?"

I wipe my cheek and look at my hand seeing Avery's red lipstick wipe off, "No. It's Avery's we just went to the movies."

Kennedy laughs, "Olivia is going to love this. Avery is getting bold.  You finally went on a date with her?"

"No, we're friends. That's what friends do. Why do you and Liv keep pushing the issue?", I ask.

"You know I thought you were supposed to be the smart one out of all of us, yet here you are being dumb as rocks. That girl is clearly into you", Kennedy says as she grabs my shoulders and shakes me back and forth.

I roll my eyes, "Has she told you that?"

"I don't need for her to tell me, everyone else knows expect you apparently."

I shake my head no.

"Yes, and you being flirty doesn't help. You're leading her on."

"Kennedy what are you talking about? I don't flirt with her."

"Rach as your best friend I can say that you're a flirt whether you mean to or not. Hell, I think you're flirting with me half of the time."

"Well"...I laugh. 

She shoves me, "Strictly dickly."

"Your lost", I say while trying to control my laughter.

"You with those pet nicknames and always squeezing her cheeks. Come on Rach, the girl follows you around like a little lost puppy and you haven't noticed?"

I know I haven't been leading Avery on. We're just friends, I treat her the same way I treat Liv and Ken, we joke. Despite me being single for all of five minutes, my friends are really adamant about these non-existent feelings that Avery has for me. Maybe I should just go straight to the source and clear everything up for good. 

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