Lovely Fellow | 18+ ✓

By TheSolSoldier_

370K 9.9K 3.4K

**NOW PUBLISHED** GrumpyXSunshine "let kindness spread like a wildfire." Opal Clemens is a bubbly outgoing g... More

1. capri sun.
2. maplesgrove.
3. pure unbridled rage.
4. little blue pills.
5. the search for happiness.
6. sinking.
7. white roses.
8. kryptonite.
9. fractured heart.
10. autumn haze.
11. frosty breeze.
12. peach pit.
13. grey skies.
14. the monster inside.
15. to survive a storm.
16. sunshine delight.
17. heavy rain.
18. grunge.
19. retrograde.
20. drizzle.
21. just a wallflower.
23. two lost souls passing by.
24. good things fall apart.
25. take my breath away.
26. lone wolf.
27. stay.
28. darkness lurks.
29. vast like a hurricane.
30. strong like the sea, brave like the moon.
31. lifeline.
32. harrow.
33. devilry.
34. cadaver.
wheres the rest of the story?
35. woeful demise.
36. sinking ships.
37. to love recklessly.
38. to weather a storm.
39. you were a forest fire.
40. like milk and honey.
41. crossfire.
42. beautiful tragedy.
43. six feet deep.
44. like a match to a flame.
45. sweet to the soul.
46. the girl who grew sunflowers.
47. evergreen.
48. the boy with a mended heart.
c o v e r s
being misunderstood series.

22. where the bad things are.

6.1K 199 90
By TheSolSoldier_


"Crystal, I'm sure Opal has better things to do than hang with us." Koa explains, talking with his hands. If I remember correctly, every time Koa used his hands when he talked, that meant he was nervous and uneasy.

"Don't be silly babe." She bats at his knee, "I want to hangout with her. Unless you got a problem with it?" She questions, crossing her arms over her fishnet top.

He stares at her dead silent, not making even a peep. Rolling his eyes he gives her a shrug for an answer. "Then it's settled, Opal is coming with us."

Why do I have a bad feeling about this? Because it's a bad idea. I mentally pinch myself for doing this. These are not the people I should be hanging out with, but maybe I could be a light in their life, or a hurricane amongst the storm.

"So," I force a smile as I follow them to their car. "Where are we going?"

Crystal and Koa sling their arms over each other, "To our place."

"Our place?"

"Yeah, Shane, Pete, Williams and I's place. It's a frat house." She explains, sitting in between Koa and I.

"How old are you?"

"Twenty four."

Does she know she's dating a minor? Who am I kidding, Koas not one to follow the rules, it's not like either of them is going to get in trouble anyways. "Oh, cool." I nod awkwardly, turning my attention to the road, making sure I know the road signs incase I leave on my own.

She lays her legs on Koas lap, wrapping her arms around his neck, proceeding to French. I squish myself against the car door, I don't want to be near this, it's definitely not a pleasant sight to see and oh dear goodness to gracious the sounds are disturbing. I didn't come along to watch the two of them make babies beside me. But what was I expecting?

She chews on the gum that was previously in Koas mouth, popping a yellow bubble. "How about you?"


"Rock on. I had a blast at that age." She leans towards me, nudging me in the arm. "The boys were fun." She winks.

"Oh, hah." I laugh awkwardly, rubbing my arm.

We arrive outside a two story house, litter scattered across the dead grass. People chugging down beer, some people practically having sex in corners of the house. As I gulp it burns my throat, this is most definitely not my scene. Totally dreading this.

Every step I take I step on an over filled cup of alcohol, spilling onto my shoe, which are not water proof. This is so great, my foot is sticky. I stand awkwardly on my own, watching the crowd of people do body shots in front of me. They cheer on each other and laugh when someone spits up.

I sit down on a step at the stairs, keeping quiet and staying away from people. I hope no one talks to me, I'm in a bad mood and they scare me. A dude with long brown hair stares at me from across the room, wiggling his eyebrows up and down like a perv. His lips curve up, revealing his rotten teeth. This guy probably does meth. This is my queue to leave.

Just as I slip my foot out the door someone forcefully pulls me back into the house. My eyes spin in my head as they whip me around to face them. "Girl, where you going?" Crystal asks.

"To.. leave."

"Nooo, don't you dare even think of leaving." She grabs my hand, forcing me to follow her. "Let's have some fun!" She picks up two shots, shoving one in my hand. "On three. One, two THREE!"

She gulps hers down, slamming the cup on the counter and wooing over the crowd. She stares at me for a moment before opening her mouth. "Drink it."

"Actually I don't drink. I'm only seventeen."

"Honey, here you can be whatever age you want. No rules. Take some shots and go bang Scott over there." She points to a ruggedly handsome guy across the room.

"I-I uh... this isn't my kind of scene. I don't do parties."

"Sweetybaby, you only live once. Go for it. I guarantee you'll love it!" She pats my shoulder, giving me a reassuring nod.


She shushes me, placing her finger on my lips. "Darling Opal." She pets my head. "Live a little. I used to be just like you. A good girl with amazing hair, perky, extremely talkative. I'm still all those things, just not so good anymore, and that's one hundred percent okay!"

"How'd you end up partying?"

She chuckles, wrapping her arm around my shoulder. "Boys. I'm a little boy crazy."

"Can I get some water? My throats a little scratchy."

"Oh Honey, water doesn't exist at parties."

She takes my shot and forces it down my throat. I make a face, "Oh that's disgusting!"

"But the burns nice."

"Crystal, I don't want to drink. If that's not okay then I'm leaving."

"Okay, okay." She grabs a bottle of fruit punch, handing it to me. "It's virgin, no alcohol whatsoever. At least give Scott a good ride. You look like fun."

I go bug eyed. "No thank you."

"Come on. This I know you'll enjoy. He's my friends with benefits. And boy, is he worth it."

"Then you can keep him." I struggle to open the lid.

"Oh for God sakes." She rips it from my fingers and pries it open, shoving it into my chest. "Go get him Opal!"

"No, I'm good."

"Come on!"

"No thanks Crystal."

"What? Are you afraid he'll decline?" She unzips her shorts pocket, pulling a plastic square out.

"Take it."

"What is it?"

"A condom."

"Crystal! I don't need it or want it."

"He's a fun ride. Just get it done and over with, it'll make your night."

"No thank you. Can we just drop it."

"Oh honey no, are you a virgin?" She grins, taking another shot.

"So what if I am? I'm not ashamed of it."

"Of course not, nothing to be ashamed of. Just... if you're going to do it with anyone, Scott would be your perfect first time, and every other time after that. Take this. It'll help get your feelings going." She grabs a Jell-O shot and shoved it down my throat. "If you don't feel the buzz, you sure as hell will now."

"Friends don't force other friends to do things, nor do they try to pressure you into drinking or having sex with someone."

"My friends do."

"Then you need new friends." I walk away from her towards a hallway, looking for the bathroom. Those shots went straight down, I have to pee like the dickens.

I stumble over my feet, holding myself up against the wall. I wander into the surprisingly empty bathroom, in the shows you have to wait in a line. I go about my business and head out of the bathroom.

I grin and giggle like a small child, laughing at the dumb jokes people make, at this moment it's the most hilarious thing in the world. I wobble on each step I take, falling into Scott, what are the odds?

"Whoa! Hey there clumsy." He grins, taking his fingers through his short black hair.

I giggle and pat his chest, latching on to him like  a toddler to a leg. "Hiii!" I chirp loud enough for him to hear me over the music. "Crystal said yer the goo."

He chuckles, leaning down to hear me better, our face maybe an inch from each other. The dude legit is a giraffe, I swear he's ten feet tall. Wait, how tall are giraffes?

"I'm the guy for what?"

I shrug lazily, "Dunno. How tall are giraffes?"

He holds his nose as he lets out a loud laugh, "I think there around fifteen or so feet."

"Whoa, that's bonkers. Ho-ow about you? How tall?"

"Six four."

"Wow. That's close to a giraffe."

"Close enough."

"Do y-ye want to go up there?" I gesture towards the second floor.

"You up for it?"

I tug on his shirt, "More than ever."

I pull on his shirt, leading us up the stairs, stumbling every other step. He lays his hands on my biceps, stabling me and leading to a room. I push open the door, falling into a bed. "Uh oh!"

"What the hell! Get ou- Opal?"

"Heeeey Koa!!" He lays shirtless with Crystal on top of him, kissing his chest.

"What the fuck?"

"I must of thought this rume was vacy or somethin," Scott picks me up.

"Are you drunk?!"

"Sorry man, we thought this room was empty. We'll just be on our way out." He slams the door shut and pokes his head into another room. "Coast is clear."

"Oh yippeeyay!"

As I push him on the bed he lands on his back. "Ooo feisty aren't ya?"

"Baby I can be whateva you-you are so hot!"

He grabs my arm, pulling me on top of him. I tear his shirt off him to no surprise the guy is ripped as heck. Why does this feel so wrong? I shrug off the feeling and run my fingers through his hair, colliding my lips with his. He shoves his hands underneath my shirt, caressing my breasts.

"Oh god you make me horny." He breathes out, tearing his pants off as quick as he can. 

He tosses my shirt on the ground, running his fingers up and down my body. "It tickles!" I giggle into his neck.

"Got a condom?"

"It's in meh back pocket."

He slips his fingers into my pocket, taking his time to pull it out. The room spins as he flips me over, he licks the inside of my belly button and kisses towards the waist of my jeans. Slowly unbuttoning my jeans. He wiggles them off of me, throwing them off the bed.

The door swings open, making a loud thud against the wall, causing me to jump in my skin. "Get the fuck off of her!" Koa demands, his voice low.

"No man, get the hell out!"

"She doesn't want to have sex with you."

"Yes she does, she came up to me, asking to take it upstairs."

Koa comes barreling towards Scott, slamming him on to the ground. The impact making him groan in pain. "Get your clothes on."


His head snaps to look at me, looking like a creepy doll in a horror movie. "Ok-k-kay." I grab my belongings and get dressed as quick as I can, but slip and fall on my butt.

He shakes his head and sighs, helping me dress myself. "Let's go." He grabs my wrist, pulling me out.

I yank my arm away, "Yur not the boss of meh." I cross my arms and stand my ground.

"The hell I am."

I giggle, "Not even slightly."

The look on his face made me want to pee my pants, he looks so scary, I've never seen that face before. "Alright." He grabs my wrist, forcing me out of the house and shoving me in his car.

"If you throw up your cleaning it." He sighs, pulling out of the driveway.

"It's not meh fault Koa."

"What's not your fault?"

"You having such an irreszestly face that I want to smooch it!" I make kissy faces at him, making him snort in laughter.

"Whatever, my face isn't even that cute."

I scoff loudly, "It's the prettiest of pretty's. You could be a princess. All the boys would want to marry you."

"You mean prince?"

"Uh... I dunno silly boy. Yer a silly boy."

"Uh huh."

"A pretty silly boy." I lean over and kiss his cheek, leaving the slightest mauve lipstick stain.

"Don't kiss me Opal."

"Eh, way not?"

"Because you're Opal."

I shake my head. "Opal. Opal.. O P A L, Opal."

"What are you, in a spelling bee?"

"Nah, what does Opal even mean?"

"It means love."

I cry into my hands, "Luuuv? Wow that's so beautiful. My name is so beautiful Koa, did yeh know that?"

He snickers into his hand. "I think I did. You're crazy."

"Heheh, crazy in luuuv with yeh."

"Opal, don't start that crap."

"But way? I luuuv yeh."

He sighs, pulling on to a dirt patch and parking. "You can't love me."

"Way not?"

"Because it's physically impossible to love a boy like me."

I try to spit my hair out of my mouth but I keep on spitting because it won't come out. He leans over and brushes my hair away from my face. "No."


I lean over and breathe in his face. "It's not. I luuuv yer flaws and imperfections, and cute face. It's like an itty bitty little bunny."

"No you don't."

I lean closer without touching, "Yeah, I do. Since summer of sixth grade. Long long time. Yeh may not see it. But I's don't lies." I press my lips firmly to his, but he doesn't kiss back. I pull away, looking into his glazing blue eyes. "Yeh-"

His mouth slightly parted, "Shut up." He grabs my face, bringing my lips back to his, moving together in perfect harmony. His fingers intertwined in my hair. I wrap my fingers around his back, trying to bring him closer to me but it's useless with the cup holders between us. I climb over the middle section and sit in his lap, running my fingers through his hair.

We part for a breath. "I... think imma puke."

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