Sander Sides OneShots

By whqreformoonknight

176K 4.6K 876

Ships about the Sander Sides that come to mind More

(Logan X Patton)
Soulmates (Roman X Patton)
Remember Day(Logan X Virgil)
I can't lie (Roman X Virgil)
Rome Has Fallen (L.A.M.P)
Jealous (Roman X Patton)
(Logan X Virgil)
Marry Me (Logan X Patton)
Question (Virgil X Roman)
Pasta (Roman X Patton)
(Roman X Virgil)
Vampire King (Roman X Virgil)
The Mystery Date (Roman X Virgil)
Wisdom teeth (Roman X Virgil)
(Patton X Roman)
Crush (Logan X Patton)
Marry Me pt.2 (Logan X Patton)
(Logan X Patton)
4 More Months (Roman X Virgil)
Boss ☔(Patton X Logan)
Jealous (Logan X Virgil)
(Logan X Patton)
Peek-A-Boo! (Roman X Virgil)
4 More Months pt.2 (Roman X Virgil)
Class (Roman X Virgil)
Party (Logan X Virgil)
Nut Case (Roman X Virgil)
Hibernating (Roman X Patton)
(Logan X Patton)
(Roman X Virgil)
Ready As I'll Ever Be
Wolf (Logan X Virgil)
Wolf pt.2 (Logan X Virgil)
Sleep (Roman X Virgil)
Robot (Logan X Roman)
Cuddles (Virgil X Patton)
Stage Kiss (Roman X Virgil)
I'll Decide On The Way (Logan X Patton)
Distracted (Roman X Patton)
(Virgil X Logan)
Meet Again (Patton X Logan)
Ouch (DLAMP)
(Logan X Patton)
(Virgil X Roman)
Yogurt (Roman X Patton)
Soulmate (Virgil X Logan)
Scales? (Virgil & Deceit)
Music (Roman X Virgil)
The Interogation (Virgil X Logan)
Boxer (Logan X Patton)
Birthdays (Roman X Virgil)
(Deceit X Virgil)
Carving Confessions (Virgil X Roman)
Recess (Patton X Logan)
What's A Soulmate? (Logan X Virgil)
Ghost (Roman X Virgil)
Remember Me? (Logan X Patton)
Remember Me? Pt.2 (Logan X Patton)
Angel Wings (Virgil X Logan)
(Roman x Patton)
(Deceit X Remus)
Bestfriends (Deceit X Remy)
(Virgil X Logan)
Stressed (RemLoCeit)
New Beginnings (Virgil X Logan)
Safe (Virgil X Deceit)
(Logan X Roman)
Bodies (Remus X Deceit)
(Virgil X Logan X Remus)
I kissed a Boy (Roman X Patton)
Green Day (Logan X Remus)
Fuck off!! (Virgil X Roman)
Guys..... A/N
Fuck Off 2 (Roman X Virgil)
Coffee (Roman X Virgil)
(Logan X Patton)
The Sun (Roman X Virgil)
Christmas (LAMP & DEMUS)
Creep (Remus X Logan)
Rumors (Roman X Virgil)
Teachers Pet (Virgil x Logan)
Babey (Patton x Janus)
Leave me too?! (Remus X Janus)
Hints (Remus X Logan X Virgil)
Survivor (Logan X Roman)
Math Problems (Virgil X Patton)
Hate? (Roman & Remus)
Hate? Pt 2 (Roman & Remus)
Request: O P E N
Flustered (Logan X Remus)
Reward (Virgil x Remus x Logan)
Laughed?! (Virgil X Remus)

Ghost Pt.2 (Virgil X Roman)

1.3K 53 11
By whqreformoonknight

This is about to be long as fuuuucccckkkk

When Virgil woke up he was inside a case. On the outside of said case was at least 10 people dressed in white hazard suits with boards in their hands. Virgil began to panic bringing his knees to his chest, where was his parents? What happened to his school? Why did everything hurt? Why didn't it hurt in here? Why was he here? Where was here? All these questions began running in his mind as his breathing became quickened and shortened. Virgil closed his eyes as the fear and panic set in then the door to the case opened and in came a scientist but he wasn't as protected as the others, he wore a black polo shirt and a black and blue tie with black ripped jeans and a white labcoat, he also wore glasses. The man seemed pretty mean to Virgil letting the panic sink in again, he could barley see through the hot heavy tears but he could see the mans gaze soften as he approached Virgil.

"Virgil, I am Logan, I'm going to need you to try and clam down"

Virgil shook his head and folded in more.

"OK, well at least try to regulate your breathing"

Virgil looked at Logan

"W-Where am I? W-W-What did you do to me?!"

"Remember to breathe"

Virgil closed his eyes and let his body relax.

"Good, now were not going to hurt you OK? We just want to run some test"


Virgil laid back down and triedto go back to sleep but it was hard with thousands of people watching him. Virgil sat up and huffed then turned to Logan who was leaving

"Can they leave?"

Logan nodded and waved at the others sending them running off like a school of fish.


"Yes, but when can I go home? I-I miss my mom!"

Virgil seen Logan's gaze travel over to the door and blow out a short breath.

"I- I can't answer that, sorry"

Virgil nodded and laid back down.


Virgil became more and more comfortable with these people escpecially Logan and another man he met after a year of staying here. The man's name was Patton ans he was extremely kind, he helped Virgil with his powers, he remembers the day he first saw Patton at first he was scared but easily relaxed when he looked up and saw a smile and not a glare or a fake smile. Patton came in with a sock puppet that had a hoodie similar to Virgil's and purple hair he tried giving it to him but like everyrhing else he couldn't grab it, Virgil remembered how ready he was to cry until Patton reassured him that he could do it.


"It's OK, just relax and try again" Patton was at his height level and holding out the puppet again.

Virgil reached out for the puppet hesitantly and took it from Patton, this time it didn't just fall through he was actually holding it, he was touching it. Virgil let out a relieved giggle which made Patton smile widely and Logan look at them with wide eyes. Patton turned around and winked at Logan whilst standing up.

"Told you so, you have to be gentle with him"


Virgil broke out of gis memory when he heard someone call out his name.


He saw Patton running to him with outstretched arms and a huge smile when he reached Virgil he picked him up and spinned him around, even though no ine spoke of it because of the spur of the moment they were both shocked that Patton was able to do that, whenever Virgil wanted someone to touch him you would have to ask him for a hug or ask him to take his hand.

"Guess what? You get to go to school! Me and Lulu got to convince the council to let you go outside and be free"

Virgil shuddered at the thought of returning to school he was 15 now and he knew kids were way meaner, he use to see them outside of his school beating on younger kids or anyone that didn't meet their 'standards'.

"You don't like the idea of that huh?"

Virgil shook his head no and Patton sighed.

"Well what if you at least try it? If you don't like it we could go right back to homeschooling OK?"



Virgil and Patton twisted their pinkys together holding their deal.

"School starts tomorrow so we bought you some things"


"Well mainly me but Logan helped"

"Oh, Can I see them?"

"Of course you can!"

Patton walked out the room to return with a hot topic bag. The two went through the clothes together and talked about how Virgil felt about resuming his life, Virgil wasn't scared god no, he just didn't want to scare anyone. This place they taught him how to fight, how to use his powers dangerously, how to kill, they basically taught him how to be a secret agent for the government. Virgil was always scared of them though, he didn't know what he would do if Logan and Patton didn't tell them to go easy on him, they personally didn't tell him about what they did but the walls were thin and he heard Logan threaten one of the staff that he would disassemble their molecules if they laid another finger on Virgil. Patton had said goodnight to Virgil and held out his arms to hug him which was returned.

"Goodnight storm cloud"

"Goodnight Pop-star"

Virgil smiled to himself as Patton turned off the light and flipped on another switch activating the walls that helped the ripping pain inside of him. When Patton left the room Virgil could hear low talking outside of his room.

"Patton do you really think its a good idea to send him out yet? He's unstable he could hurt someone"

"Oh honeybee, he'll be alright I know Virgil he won't hurt anyone unless needed"

"I-I hope your right darling"

Virgil heard Logan sigh and then footsteps walking away, as much as Virgil hated the thought of him being dangerous but Logan wasn't wrong.

In le morning

Virgil looked around the crowded hallways, everyone was much taller and he couldn't recognize a soul. Virgil reached out for Patton's hand and gave it a squeeze.

"It's alright storm cloud- Oh! Talking about storm coulds"

Patton dug in his cargo shorts taking out a small black choker with a storm cloud jewel on it.

"I know you'll prefer one of these over a braclet or necklace, but this is supposed to help with the pain OK?"

"Thank you"

"No problem"

Virgil sat outside of the office as Patton helped register him in, while sitting there the school didn't seem so bad. Two people had waved to him and the secretary had gave him candy. When Patton came out he had a small slip of paper and a huge stack of them.

"Kiddo you could go to class if you want now, Heck I'll probably still be here signing these until schools out"

Virgil chuckled at Patton's remark beginning to stand up he looked around before turning back to Patton.

"Where would I go?"

"Oh, here" Patton took the small paper slip and gave it to Virgil.

"Those are all your classes and the class numbers should be next to them"

Virgil nodded and walked off slowly looking for his first class


When he got there, there wasn't as many kids in the class as he would've expected, hell he could count them on his fingers. Virgil finally opened the door and the teacher turned her head to him

"Oh Hello! And who are you?"


"Well nice to meet you Virgil, I'm Ms. Walsh and welcome to chemistry would you introduce yourself to the class?"

"I- Uh- Hi, T-There's not much to know about me"

"Well of course their is, it could be something simple like your favorite color!"

"Oh i-its purple" Virgil lowered his head not wanting to say more and he thinks the teacher understood because she said that he could go sit next to some kid name Roman Charming. Virgil sat next to the kid and took a good look at him, his hair was a brown that almost looked red with dramatic deep blue eyes and sunkissed skin he looked like royalty. Virgil thought the boy was really, really pretty.

"Hi" Virgil turned to Roman and he had a huge smile on his face.


"So are you new, or I just never seen you before?" Roman cocked his head to the side with a quizzing expression.

"O-Oh, I-I use to go to The Elementary school that was on Murphy street"

Roman's eyes widened as he leaned closer stage whispering

"The one that blew up??!"

"I-I guess"

"Whoa! You survived too? Me and Dee were the only known survivors, the kid over there"

Roman pointed with his elbow to a kid who was sleeping he had a very noticable scar on the left side of his face.

"Oh, he looks familiar" Virgil said staring the boy down, he wasn't lying.

"Virgil are you OK?"


"You seem hurt, well in pain"

"H-How did you know?"

"So you are hurt"

Virgil barley nodded and just put his head down leaving Roman with his thoughts. He found it weird that Roman knew he was hurting every cell ripping apart and rebuilding again slowly it felt awful, he kmows Logan was looking for a cure or at least something to rebuild his cells permanently. Virgil slowly began falling asleep it wasn't hard the room was warm like and he was getting this weird energy from Roman that made the pain go away like his own room. When the bell rung Virgil fell out of his chair looking around where the loud rang came from.

"It's just the bell, Do you know where to go next?"

Roman held out his hand to help Virgil up but Virgil shook his head no and helped himself up looking down at his scheldue.

"I have art with Mr. Picani"

"Oh the hot teacher"

Virgil looked for where the voice came from and saw the boy that was sleeping standing next to Roman smirking.


Roman elbowed his friend in the side as they both let out a chuckle. Virgil rolled his eyes at the two and walked off ignoring the two and began looking around the crowded hallway for the art room.

"Wait Hold up, I have the same class emo nightmare"

Virgil rolled his eyes at Roman's nickname and turned to face him

"Thank you Princey"


Virgil continued going to school for the next 3 years, but his condition was worsening, the pain was getting worse and the choker and his room was barley helping anymore. He basically became a ghost everyone was able to walk through him but he was visible, Roman also picked up on his condition he also asked questions on how to make it better, even though Virgil knew it was useless explaining it to him but he still did. Virgil also noticed that he developed a crush on Roman which didn't help his mental state.

"Logan, am I going to die?"

Virgil looked down at the adult that was adjusting something in his rooms control board.


"Am I going to die?"

Logan looked back at Virgil and stopped what he was doing.


"Your lying, I know you are, you do that weid thing with your tie"

Logan looked down at his hands that were playing with the tie and let it go.

"Your not going to die, We won't let it happen, we- We just need a little more time"

"A little more time? More time? Logan look at me! I'm dissapearing!"

Virgil's voice became distorted and echoed with his last word which made him put his hands over his mouth and Logan's eyes widened.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die"

"Thank you"

Virgil slowly gave Logan a hug as careful not to fall right through him.

"Thank you Lulu"

One~last~time~skip~to~le~next day

When Virgil woke up the next day he felt way worse then last night, he feared if he moved he might just dissapear.

"P-Patton" Virgil sat up on his side and stumbled off his bed. Virgil walked to the door falling through as he held his side.

"Patton? Lulu?"

Patton turned the corner and ran to Virgil when he saw his state.

"Ok come on no school today ok?"

Virgil nodded his head as Patton helped him to the case that he first appeared in.

"Just hold on a little bit more OK?"


Ok I promise this is the last time skip!

Logan came inside the room with the case holding Virgil's laptop.

"This thing's been driving me crazy all day, some kid named Roman keeps calling and I swear I'm going to rip my ears off if I heard that hangouts ringtone one more damn time"

Virgil chuckled softlt as he got up and attempted to being the laptop in the center of the case where his bed was.

"Thank you Logan"

Logan nodded and began to walk off then Virgil got another call.


"Calm down Lulu I'm going to answer it"

Virgil clicked on the screen which made Roman come on the huge screen in the case.

"Jesus Virgil you were scaring me! Screw that though I found a cure for your abilities-"

"Wait what?"

Logan also ran to the case entering to listening to what Roman had to say.

"Well I was actually listening to when you where explaining it and said something about needing enough Quantum energy to rebuild the cells right?"

"But that would mean you would need to go into the quantum realm but you can't possibly return from that" Logan stated glancing over to Virgil who actually looked... Relieved

"Yeah so me and my dad began doing research on our incident-"

"Wait you were there too?"

"Yes but let me finish we discovered what actually caused the accident-"

"A rip from the quantum realm, but none if that traveled onto Virgil it had the reverse affect onto him"

"Just listen teach well while we were doing the our own digging we decided to see what would actually be the affects of having powers from the quantum realm and well I have it, Virgil I'm your cure!- that's how I felt your pain most of the time, thats why I don't get sick, thats why the explosion didn't hurt me or leave me scarred!"

"But the process could kill you! We would need to extract that from your body"

"Hear me out I know how to control it, I know how to transfer it"

Virgil couldn't help but smile at his friend.

"You would do that for me?"

"Of course I would, I don't want you to die"

"T-Thank you Roman"

"Hey I could come over and we could start right now"

"Yes, Please Logan can we?"

"What kind of question is that? I'm already sent Patton over to his house during his long explanation"

Roman huffed as he heard his doorbell ring.

"Well I guess that's my cue- See ya Virge!"

Roman hanged up on skype and Virgil and Logan just looked at each other.

"Do you think it'll work?"

"Well if he really did get the opposite affect of you then yes"

"Whoo hooo! I'm not going to die!" Virgil exclaimed jumping up and down on his bed.

"That's one way of putting it"

The door had opened and there stood Roman and Patton with huge smiles on their faces.

"Alright well do what you must" Roman nodded and walked over to Virgil.

"I guess this is normal for you?"

"Well not being in here only on bad days"

Roman nodded once more as he raised his hands to Virgil's face placing his hands in Virgil's hair and his thumbs om his cheeks.

"Just relax OK?"


Roman closed his eyes as the tips of his fingers began glowing red. Virgil felt like he was being stitched back together, there was no more pain, he could feel again. Roman slowly moved his hands away from Virgil as they both opened their eyes. Virgil looked at his hand it didn't have that ghostly affect he clenched his hand into a fist and his fingers didn't just go through.

"T-Thank the stars" He cried out between a shaky relieved laughter. Patton and Logan ran over to Virgil and they both put their hands on his shoulder it didn't slip through.

"Thank the stars indeed" Logan said while turning to face Roman who had a huge smile on his face.

"Thank you RoRo" Roman nodded and tackled Virgil into a hug once Patton was finished squeezing the life out of him.

"Oh your amazing"

"I'm amazing? You saved my life jesus what do I owe you?"

"A date"

Virgil began to blush as he looked over to Logan and Patton who were talking to each other with their hands intertwined.

"A-Are you serious?"

"Well only if you want to"

"Of course I do you idiot"

Virgil walked over to Roman amd cupped his face giving him a soft and gentle kiss.

"I need that to happen more" Roman said as he kissed Virgil's forehead.

HOLY FUCKING MOLY THAT TOOK A LONG UNNECESSARY TIME. It's literally 2:27 and I had to publish this b4 Monday because we get Report cards and my grades sick meaning I won't be on here for a while so I hope this will suffice for a week or two.

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