Sander Sides OneShots

By whqreformoonknight

176K 4.6K 878

Ships about the Sander Sides that come to mind More

(Logan X Patton)
Soulmates (Roman X Patton)
Remember Day(Logan X Virgil)
I can't lie (Roman X Virgil)
Rome Has Fallen (L.A.M.P)
Jealous (Roman X Patton)
(Logan X Virgil)
Marry Me (Logan X Patton)
Question (Virgil X Roman)
Pasta (Roman X Patton)
(Roman X Virgil)
Vampire King (Roman X Virgil)
The Mystery Date (Roman X Virgil)
Wisdom teeth (Roman X Virgil)
(Patton X Roman)
Crush (Logan X Patton)
Marry Me pt.2 (Logan X Patton)
(Logan X Patton)
4 More Months (Roman X Virgil)
Boss β˜”(Patton X Logan)
Jealous (Logan X Virgil)
(Logan X Patton)
Peek-A-Boo! (Roman X Virgil)
4 More Months pt.2 (Roman X Virgil)
Class (Roman X Virgil)
Party (Logan X Virgil)
Nut Case (Roman X Virgil)
Hibernating (Roman X Patton)
(Logan X Patton)
(Roman X Virgil)
Ready As I'll Ever Be
Wolf (Logan X Virgil)
Wolf pt.2 (Logan X Virgil)
Sleep (Roman X Virgil)
Robot (Logan X Roman)
Cuddles (Virgil X Patton)
Stage Kiss (Roman X Virgil)
I'll Decide On The Way (Logan X Patton)
Distracted (Roman X Patton)
(Virgil X Logan)
Meet Again (Patton X Logan)
Ouch (DLAMP)
(Logan X Patton)
(Virgil X Roman)
Yogurt (Roman X Patton)
Soulmate (Virgil X Logan)
Scales? (Virgil & Deceit)
Music (Roman X Virgil)
The Interogation (Virgil X Logan)
Boxer (Logan X Patton)
Birthdays (Roman X Virgil)
(Deceit X Virgil)
Carving Confessions (Virgil X Roman)
What's A Soulmate? (Logan X Virgil)
Ghost (Roman X Virgil)
Ghost Pt.2 (Virgil X Roman)
Remember Me? (Logan X Patton)
Remember Me? Pt.2 (Logan X Patton)
Angel Wings (Virgil X Logan)
(Roman x Patton)
(Deceit X Remus)
Bestfriends (Deceit X Remy)
(Virgil X Logan)
Stressed (RemLoCeit)
New Beginnings (Virgil X Logan)
Safe (Virgil X Deceit)
(Logan X Roman)
Bodies (Remus X Deceit)
(Virgil X Logan X Remus)
I kissed a Boy (Roman X Patton)
Green Day (Logan X Remus)
Fuck off!! (Virgil X Roman)
Guys..... A/N
Fuck Off 2 (Roman X Virgil)
Coffee (Roman X Virgil)
(Logan X Patton)
The Sun (Roman X Virgil)
Christmas (LAMP & DEMUS)
Creep (Remus X Logan)
Rumors (Roman X Virgil)
Teachers Pet (Virgil x Logan)
Babey (Patton x Janus)
Leave me too?! (Remus X Janus)
Hints (Remus X Logan X Virgil)
Survivor (Logan X Roman)
Math Problems (Virgil X Patton)
Hate? (Roman & Remus)
Hate? Pt 2 (Roman & Remus)
Request: O P E N
Flustered (Logan X Remus)
Reward (Virgil x Remus x Logan)
Laughed?! (Virgil X Remus)

Recess (Patton X Logan)

1.1K 37 3
By whqreformoonknight

Holy fuck! Calm down Yaritza. I guess this is kinda logicality, its like the shortest interaction but you could tell somethings there.

Logan Berry, maybe the fastest boy in 6th grade, commonly known for being super smart and insulting you without him knowing it?
Patton huffed as he put his pencil next to him trying to write his potential friends list he turned his head to where all the boys in his grade line up to race against Logan, it was kinda silly if you asked him, they would get angry over a silly game.


Patton turned his head to where he heard the small voice yelling his name and saw his little brother running over to him with his sweater hiding his hand that was making a grabby motion at him.

"Hey Virgil" Patton pulled his brother into a hug who returned it.

"Patton, me and Woman are pwaying hide and seek, so you can't tell him where I am"

Patton nodded as Virgil let go of him walking behind him using him as a shield. Patton saw Roman run to him with a huged smile on his face and felt Virgil's grip on his shirt tighten.

"Patton have you seen Virgil?"


Patton heard a stiffled giggle come out from his brother.

"He always wins at this game" Roman said kicking a rock ready to run off again until Virgil bursted into a fit of laughter beginning to run away from the two.

Roman gasped as he looked at Patton accusingly.

"Sorry he needed a place to hide"

Roman shook his head and ran after his smaller friend with Patton walking not too far from them, he opened his notepad again ready to doodle something until a not so loud fudge sticks caught his attention. Patton looked up and saw Virgil sitting on the floor rubbing his knee.

"Dang it"

Patton jogged over to his brother ready to 'kiss it better' until he literally fell over someone.

"Oh! I'm... sorry?" Patton was confused when he saw Logan Berry dusting Virgil's knee off. Logan turned around to face Patton and his eyes widened for a quick second but he just cleared his throat and held his hand out to Patton.

"I'm Logan"

Patton took Logan's hand and shook it.


Patton took note of Logan's mannerisms, it was very mature for a sixth grader even his clothing was somewhat mature, the boy wore light washed out jeans with a black short sleeve shirt that was apparently still tucked in even from all that running. Then his physical appearance was outstanding he had dark brown hair that wars combed back with a single strand falling over his forehead the boy was also somewhat pale with narrow blue eyes that looked like icebergs with flecks of grey in them.

"I say if you'll clean the cut and put a band aid it should be fine" Logan said with a shrug helping Virgil stand on his feet again.

"Y-Yeah, totally" Patton was about to say more until there was a tug on his hoodie that was wrapped around his waist. Virgil was looking up at him with big eyes and a slight frown that was barley noticeable. Patton squated down to his brothers height who whispered something in his ear, Patton nodded and took Virgil's leg tracing a heart around the scraped knee and gave it a small peck sending Virgil running off with Roman again.

"What was the point of that?"

"Well that's what our mom usually does whenever any of us get hurt, mental health equals good health am i right?"

Logan smiled and nodded "Definitely"

Ok so Patton is Thomas's emotions right? Anxiety is an emotion, so what if Patton used to control anxiety but wanted to take some stress off of him and created Virgil, therefore calling him kiddo and son. Mindblown?

Ok and can i just say I LOVE THE NEW VIDEO

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