Oneshots · LJ, CC

By pagetsjazz

154K 3.4K 392

✰ Lauren Jauregui/You ✰ Camila Cabello/You No Camren imagines are written in this book. All chapters will be... More

Lauren ⬇
Drunk But True ✰ LJ [1]
Coffee Encounter ✰ LJ [2]
Jealous ✰ LJ [3]
Birthday Caption ✰ LJ [4]
LOLZ ✰ LJ [5]
Picture Perfect ✰ LJ [6]
Slowly ✰ LJ ⚠️ [7]
Talk Me Down (P. I) ✰ LJ [8]
Jet Lag ✰ LJ [9]
Talk Me Down (P. II) ✰ LJ [10]
Control ✰ LJ [11]
Dating Her Would Include... ✰ LJ [12]
Twitter Indirects ✰ LJ [13]
Stay With Me ✰ LJ [14]
Worth It ✰ LJ ⚠️ [15]
Not Tonight ✰ LJ [16]
One Kiss ✰ LJ [17]
Right Now ✰ LJ [18]
Cinderella ✰ LJ [20]
PUNK ASS (P. I) ✰ LJ [21]
PUNK ASS (P. II) ✰ LJ [22]
1:02 ✰ LJ [23]
Moving Along ✰ LJ [24]
Drive Safely (P. I) ✰ LJ [25]
Drive Safely (P. II) ✰ LJ [26]
Camila ⬇
Mine ✰ CC [1]
Worth(Less) ✰ CC ⚠️ [2]
You Love Kissing Me ✰ CC [3]
Precious ✰ CC ⚠️ [4]
Twitter Indirects ✰ CC [5]
Hoodie ✰ CC [6]
Need To (P.I) ✰ CC [7]
Not Into Her ✰ CC [8]
Twitter Indirects 2 ✰ CC [9]
Scary Love ✰ CC [10]
Stormy Days ✰ CC [11]
Need To (P. II) ✰ CC [12]
Dating Her Would Include... ✰ CC [13]
Good News ✰ CC [14]
Me and My Insecurities ✰ CC [15]
New Daddy Issues ✰ CC ⚠️ [16]
Tornado Watch ✰ CC [17]
Heaven in Hiding / Angel On Fire (P. I) ✰ CC [18]
Heaven in Hiding / Angel On Fire (P. II) ✰ CC [19]
December Is In Love Today ✰ CC [20]
Approval ✰ CC [21]
Then, There's You (P. I) ✰ CC [22]
Then, There's You (P. II) ✰ CC [23]

Sleepy Travels ✰ LJ [19]

2.6K 61 3
By pagetsjazz

Type: Fluff

Lauren was as thrilled as a kid on Christmas. However, in this situation, it had nothing to do with the holiday nor was it even close to the date. She was excited that the next two weeks would be spent on a romantic getaway trip with your presence. It took exactly four months and 11 days for the two of you to decide where you both could hide from the world for a little while, along with the reduced stress and exhaustion. 

No place seemed quite as perfect compared to the getaway that you or Lauren had planned in your minds, but with the helpful suggestion from a friend, you two chose Singapore as the destination to your future adventures. That night, she and you were clearing up your schedules to fit the important period of time spent at the beautiful location, flights were situated and paid for, hotels were considered but the perfect one was chosen for an amazing deal, and the best part — although it was a large city, the two of you made sure to find any source of privacy. And there were many options!

The options being that there were several tourist sights you both could explore without the fear of people ruining your day. You avoided the super popular locations in the city and headed toward the ones that were more sacred, private, and that you and Lauren would be interested in. Without hesitating, your girlfriend bought at least, six large packages of Polaroid film sheets. She was prepared for capturing many gorgeous sights of the city, plus, the memories you two will create.

Once the clock on Lauren's nightstand read 3:30 AM, she could no longer count down the last half hour before she would wake you up to head on over to the airport. With her racing thoughts, she didn't receive any sleep. You, on the other end, were sleeping in the bed beside her, peaceful as can be. It's not that you weren't excited because you were, the two of you have been talking about this trip for months and haven't stopped discussing it since, however, you appreciated your sleep and you didn't want to abuse your sleeping schedule when Lord knows for the last months during summer — you've screwed it up many times.

The time felt like it was beginning to roll slower as the tortuous seconds for Lauren went on. She was convinced that if she spoke one word, it would be heard in slow motion. Aside from that, the sky was still pitch dark, no sun was evident in any direction, and the only source of light was the bright city of Los Angeles igniting the night. Lauren was tempted to wake you up earlier than promised, but she did feel guilty that she would be interrupting your slumber when it wasn't necessary, so she decided against it.

For the next 30 minutes, she just stared up at the ceiling — her imagination running wild, thinking about how blissful these next two weeks will be. Occasionally, she would check her phone for notifications, but if she didn't receive any, she escalated right back to her thoughts. Her eyes landed on the clock, flickering from 3:59 to 4:00 AM, she let out the largest sigh. That was the longest half an hour of her life. 

It was still black as can be from the outside, which was also transparent to the inside. The air was cold, much to your disliking with your frozen feet tucked under the covers. Your face was dug deep into your pillow, facing in the direction of your girlfriend. As you remained dreaming, Lauren cautiously tugged on the lamp's enabler to elicit the light on. You didn't even move an inch when the lamp had brightened the room. Although the light wasn't all that bright considering it neglected to reach the bedroom door, cascading shadows. 

Your black hood was placed over your head, a few strands of hair poked out from the tightly set fabric framing your face. From Lauren's perspective, you looked comfortable and absolutely adorable. Lauren laid her thumb on your cheek — with how gentle she was stroking, she wasn't surprised when you didn't stir in your sleep much. Admiring your pretty self, a smile was evident on Lauren's face. With such adoration and appreciation, she was thinking about what she couldn't do without you. However, that thought was stored for another time and another was chipping at her, begging to wake you.

You slowly transitioned out of your slumber when your face was being pepper-kissed. Each kiss pressed to your cheek felt featherlike yet you recognized it rather quickly. You couldn't identify any demanding features or aggression within the delicate kisses — just simply soft, loving, and detectable. Showering you with affection, you recognized the lips to be your girlfriend's radiantly silky smooth lips. 

Your heart refused to skip a beat when it was so early, however, you were easily defeated when you heard your girlfriend call out the nickname she has chosen for you since forever. "Baby girlllll," She sang, lowly. The combination of raspy and delicate was clear in her voice, but when Lauren chose to, she could make her voice be heard for miles. She had powerful control over it. "we have our flight to catch."

Lauren didn't neglect to notice the adorable smile creep up on your lips, but you attempted to hide under the covers. The covers were only lifted up just slightly below your nose before your girlfriend pulled the covers from out of your reach, exposing the smile on your face. You let out a groan when the cold air rushed toward your body despite your hoodie protecting your bare skin. The lower half of your body was frozen while you were just wearing panties and black shorts that were cut, barely reaching halfway down your thigh.

"I know you're awake, Y/N, you don't just smile like that when you're sleeping," Lauren claimed.

"Lo, you hear that?" Without opening your eyes, you joke, "...I'm sleeping."

You couldn't but release a tiny giggle that made Lauren's heart go kaboom! Her cheeks flushed red but your eyes remained closed to notice. Lauren inched her body closer to yours, close enough she could feel your breath fall on her neck, and she wrapped her arms around your waist. "Princess, don't you want to catch this flight so we can have the time of our lives in Singapore?" She asked, pecking your jaw.

"I suppose I do." You sigh playfully. 

"Then, I suggest you start getting ready," Lauren said, you could hear a smile form on her lips.

For the first time since waking you up, your eyes fluttered open. You raised an eyebrow, "What about you?"

"I've been ready for like three hours now, I was too excited." Lauren chuckled.

"You didn't get any sleep, did you?" Your smile faltered and revealed a frown, that was until your girlfriend kissed it away. 

"I promise to get some rest on the plane, alright?" Lauren asked, "I'll make sure of it."

"Okay." You nodded your head. She squeezed your body into a hug one last time before allowing you to start getting ready. Your luggage had been packed already, which took you at least three hours to decipher the clothes you wanted to bring. You did your normal morning routine — a shower, except quicker for this occasion, brushed your teeth, brushed your hair, applied your acne cream, and your final task would be dressing for the plane ride.

You exited the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around you. Passing the bed that Lauren was hovering over with her luggage on it to make sure she spotted everything she planned on packing, you trailed on over to her walk-in closet. Although you didn't live with Lauren, you basically had your own section of her closet so you when you spent the night, you made sure to always have an outfit to sleep in and for the next day.

You flipped from shirt to shirt, hoodie to hoodie until you spotted your favorite sweater. It was simply just a grey sweater but it was cozy and comfortable. It was also one size too big, however, it made you safe in every way. You scouted out some black leggings to throw on and your usual Vans maroon hightops that everyone sees you wear. All the photos you're in with Lauren, people guarantee that they'll see you in Vans. You slipped on the sweater, pulled on those leggings, and tied on your shoes. The only thing that was missing was a black dad cap to match your outfit.

You stepped out of the walk-in closet to see a difference in Lauren's outfit — not much was adjusted except she exchanged some shorts for bright jeans and a green and white flannel over her black tee. She was zipping up her suitcase, then, lifting it up off the bed. The two of you met eyes, a warm smile on each of your faces.

"Well, don't you look adorable?" You teased.

Lauren caught her bottom lip between her teeth, "Thanks, baby." she mumbled. After almost a year, she still didn't know how to accept cute compliments from you when you make her heart go crazy.

"I'm almost ready, I just need to find my passport." You said, "I think I left it out in the living room last night."

"Oh, no. I already put it in your suitcase before we went to bed, I didn't want to risk the chance of either of us forgetting it." Lauren said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Thank you." You said, gripping the strap to your suitcase. Strolling it across the room, you gestured Lauren to exit the bedroom first with her belongings. You turned off the lamp and closed the door behind you. 

"Uber's here," Lauren said, her eyes glancing out the hallway's window. 

"Perfect timing." You claimed.

You both stepped down the stairs, careful to not drop your suitcases. Opening the door, the slight breeze hit your neck. With the sun rising up soon, that breeze would surely transition into heat later on in the morning. The first few minutes of the car ride was silent — the Uber driver wasn't too talkative, the sleepless night for Lauren was catching up to her and she now felt jaded, which was concerning considering the process you two are going to have over the next couple hours at the airport.

Her head rested on your shoulder, her eyes were shut, and her fingers intertwined with your own. You could determine she was still awake with her thumb brushing yours with delicacy. You watched outside the window — the ongoing cars, houses, the different stores all closed due to the early hour. Occasionally, a car would honk at another, interrupting Lauren's attempt to sleep. You felt her stir in annoyance until you put gentle pressure on her hand, which she responded with silence and no longer stirring.

The ride to the airport wasn't very long, however, the sun was rising and the sky was brightening. As of right now, you craved the taste of coffee and you were certain that Lauren would need it to get through the painful process of airport security and whatnot. The car parked in the drop-off lane. You already made your purchase earlier on the Uber app, so your next task was now Lauren who had just gone to sleep. You almost felt guilty waking her up.

You tapped her on the shoulder, whispering, "Baby, we're here."

She lifted her head off your shoulder with hesitance as if you were joking that the two of you hadn't arrived at your destinated location. Her eyes cracked open, revealing her emerald gaze scanning her surroundings. 

"How long did I sleep?" She asked.

"Like ten minutes." You let out a tiny chuckle before assuring, "Come on, the sooner we can hop on this plane, the sooner you can go to sleep."

"Alright." She shrugged her shoulders.

Climbing out of the car, you both thanked the driver and gathered your bags out of the trunk. Despite the early hour, paparazzi began flashing their cameras out of nowhere. Other people wanting to get to their own flight prevented them from reaching too close to the two of you, which calmed your nerves. You didn't mind them unless they stood close, then, that's when anxiety would kick in and that would alarm Lauren each time.

You strolled your two suitcases, Lauren strolled hers, making it be four suitcases in total. Your girlfriend remained close to you to not lose you in the hecticness with the masses of people. Plus, the fact she was there to remind you if paparazzi ever inched too close to you, she would protect you. She was amazing like that.

Over the course of the check-in counter, checking in baggage, security check, passport identification and approval, baggage claim, and waiting for the plane arrival, you two were finally able to step on the plane. You understood how exhausted Lauren was and it was evidence enough on her facial expression. Situating in your seats, the first thing Lauren did was adjust her pillow and close her eyes, though, she didn't neglect to speak to you.

"Just think, we're going to have two weeks all to ourselves. No paparazzi, no drama, no friends or family — not that that is a bad thing, but it will be just the two of us. It sounds almost too good to be true." She said.

"Agreed, but, we both deserve this break. You with the tour, me preparing for my college classes this year. It will be the best mental break and—"

"And I will be spending my mental break with someone who is an absolute blessing to my mental health." A large smile rose to Lauren's face, but it faltered soon enough due to her state of exhaustion.

You felt like your heart did backflips, "Diddo to you, lovely." you applied a cute kiss to Lauren's cheek.

"See you in a few hours," She giggled, "I'm tired and it's the only way to contain my excitement."

You replied, "Sweet dreams."

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