Sanders Sides Oneshots

By Creatively-Anxious

190K 7.3K 6.4K

Random Sanders Sides oneshots, mostly ships and ranging from mostly fluffy to angst. Any ship. Feel free to... More

Movies and Feelings (Prinxiety)
Logan's In . . . Dove (Logicality)
Double Date (Prinxiety & Logicality)
Double Date (Part 2) - Logicality
Failed Flirting and A Confession (Prinxiety)
Far Away (Prinxiety & Logicality)
Face Your Fears (Moxiety)
One Call Away (Prinxiety)
Be My Cat (Prinxiety)
A Cat For Patton (Logicality)
It's Not Your Fault (Logicality)
Saving A Stranger (Logicality)
Don't Mess With An Emo's Hoodie (Moxiety)
Little Acts Of Bravery (Prinxiety)
Three Letters (Prinxiety)
Bring Me To Life (Prinxiety)
The Mistletoe Trap (Logicality)
Avoiding The Mistletoe Trap (Prinxiety)
Chocolate Solves Everything (Moxiety)
Mr. Sanders and Mr. Sanders (Logicality)
The Poem (Logince)
Growing Up (No Ship)
The Chair (Prinxiety)
News and Announcements Book
Rain (No Ship)
It Isn't Easy (Moxiety & Logince)
Fall Into Me (Prinxiety)
If I Could Tell Him (Logicality)
Forever (Logicality)
Freeze Your Brain (Slight Prinxiety)
Little Star (Moxiety)
New Name + New Cover
New Sanders Sides Book!
New York (No Ship)
Every Villain Starts Somewhere (No Ship)
Roller Coaster (Royality)
Intrusive Thoughts (Platonic Moxiety)
Wings (No Ship)
Photograph (Prinxiety)
Photograph 2 (Royality/Prinxiety)
"Photograph" Short Story!! (New Book)
Photograph 3 (Prinxiety/Anxceit)
Roman's Faรงade (Platonic LAMP)
One Question (Moxiety)
Roses (Logince)
On The Borderline (Moxiety/Logince)
In Your Space (Analogical)
We Met In The City Of Dreams (Analogical)
Childhood Promise (Prinxiety)
Childhood Promise 2 (Prinxiety)
Falling Out Of Love (Moxiety)
We Met In The City Of Dreams 2 (Analogical)
We Met In The City Of Dreams 3
New Book! Navigating Feelings
The Last Unicorn (Prinxiety)
Searching For Happiness (Royality)
The Boy With The Purple Headphones (Moxiety/Royality)
Ashes (Moxiety)
Somebody To Love Deceit (Moceit)
The Mirror (Some Logicality)
Pumpkin Spice And Everything Nice (Remile)
Keep On Breathin' (Moxiety)
An Original Story?!
Home Alone (Logicality)
Dying In LA (Analogical)
Good For You (Moxiety)
Sparked By The Sparkle (Prinxiety)
In A Heartbeat (Royality)
Can't Be Erased (Logince)
A Stormy Saviour (No Ship)
Don't Stop Me Now (Royality)
The Upside Of Being Stood Up (Remile)
Just Another Day (Analogical)
An Important Author's Note

Sleep-Deprived (Logicality)

2K 94 71
By Creatively-Anxious

"Patton. Using my observations, I have come to the conclusion that you are sleep-deprived."


The moral trait looked up at Logan. This declaration had came from out of the blue. And, had it not been for the other side's dramatic throat-clearing before speaking, Patton wouldn't even had known he was there, as Logan had been rather silent walking up to him while he had been reading on the couch.

"I have done some research," Logan continued, ignoring his question and sitting down besides Patton, who slid a bookmark in between the page he was on before setting it on the coffee table. "And I have come up with many solutions to this problem."

"I'm not sleep-deprived, Logan..." Patton insisted, looking over at his boyfriend, who was flipping through a plastic binder. Inside, there were pages filled with the handwriting that was definitely Logan's hurried script, different than the other sides' handwriting.

"Nonsense. You show all the symptoms. Plus, you always wait until Virgil falls asleep until you allow yourself to fall asleep. And that's around four in the morning, then you are up at precisely eight A.M. to make us breakfast. That's only four hours of sleep, Patton." Upon noticing Patton's mouth open to argue, Logan slowly put his hand up to stop him. "Logic and evidence does not lie, Patton. I am...worried for you."

Patton's eyes widened, staring at Logan with a bit of shock, but also finding himself loving his boyfriend even more.

"Now, as I've said before, I've done research for methods to solve this problem. Firstly, you need to get to bed at an earlier time."

"But Virgil—"

"He will be alright. I've already told him about these methods, and your situation. Besides, he does sleep in rather late. Not the best sleeping schedule, but he gets more hours than you."

Patton nodded slightly, looking down and fidgeting with his fingers.

Upon noticing, Logan hesitated, then moved his hand and placed it on top of Patton's, causing his fingers to stop moving and his gaze to rest on Logan once again.

"Secondly, no electronics and caffeine before bed," Logan continued, as if nothing happened. "However, it's been proven that listening to calming music helps people get to sleep, so I would suggest you get a radio, or have your phone on the nightstand rather than the bed itself playing the music, if you choose to use this method."

Patton nodded along, slowly and carefully lacing his fingers together with Logan's. He was surprised when he saw the logical side relax at this feeling.

Logan continued on, giving Patton more tips that were actually quite useful, and easy to do. When he finally reached the last thing on his long list, he hesitated for a moment, then said, "Lastly...there is this method. You probably know it as 'cuddling'."

At the sound of this, the other trait's face seemed to light up, hoping this was going where he thinks it's going.

"Many books, movies, and television shows have shown that this method helps many people relax, feel safe, and makes it easier to fall asleep. It is a popular thing that couples do...I mean, I know we've only been dating for a month, so if you're not ready for this one..."

"Aw, Logan, are you nervous?" Patton asked, trying to hold back his smile.

"Nervous? Never!" Logan denied, though his quick voice and fidgeting fingers seemed to say another thing.

"It's okay, Lo," Patton assured. "And just so you know, I wouldn't mind trying this cuddling thing..."

Logan stared at him for a moment, then said, "Neither would I."


At precisely ten o'clock in the evening, there was a knock on Patton's door.

Sliding out of bed, the moral side couldn't help but check himself in the mirror. He was wearing a blue t-shirt with a puppy and a kitten on it, along with fuzzy gray pajama pants. He smiled some at his reflection, then opened the door, greeted with the sight of his boyfriend.

Logan was wearing a long-sleeved navy blue shirt, which seemed to be a bit too big on him, and black pajama bottoms.

"Hey, Lo!"

"Greetings, Patt," Logan said, hesitantly using his boyfriend's nickname. He still seemed to be nervous about all of this, and Patton gently led him inside, closing the door behind him, then shutting off the main light so all the light was coming from a nightlight beside Patton's dresser.

Though Patton was usually very affectionate with Logan, giving him hugs or leaning against him during a movie, and Logan would be okay with and return these things, they've never really done anything like this, nor have they shared an actual kiss.

But here they were, pulling the covers back and climbing into Patton's bed. Patton started to giggle when Logan yelped in surprise, as he had plopped down on the bed at first, not expecting it to be so low compared to his own.

"Lo, you're too adorable," Patton said once his giggles faded. He pulled the covers up to their chests, and smiled wide when he realized he'd caused Logan's face to turn dark red.


For once, Logan seemed to be speechless, and silently relaxed on the bed, looking over at Patton with an expression that seemed to say, 'Now what?'

The moral side shrugged, then let his arms slowly come around Logan, who shivered some upon feeling the heat of his body come off of Patton. However, he found himself moving closer, pressed up to Patton and making him giggle yet again at just how cute he was being right now.

Since Patton was on his back, it gave Logan the opportunity to curl into him completely, resting his head on Patton's chest and wrapping his arms around his waist. He seemed to be enjoying this a lot more than he had anticipated, as before, he had only been willing to do this for Patton's benefit.

Looking up at Patton, Logan was surprised to find his boyfriend looking right back at him, a small smile on his face.

The two of them were both very relaxed, and comfortable. Patton found it hard to even keep his eyes open, feeling now just how exhausted he'd been.

"Sleep, dear..." Logan mumbled, snuggling up to Patton even more and closing his eyes. He seemed different now, this close contact and Logic's own sleepiness getting to him.

But the thing was, Patton couldn't seem to close his eyes and sleep just yet. He'd never seen his boyfriend act like this, and it made him so happy that he could have this effect on Logan.

"Goodnight, Lo..." Patton murmured, knowing he wouldn't get a reply since his boyfriend had fallen asleep. With a small, relaxed sigh, he closed his eyes and finally went to sleep.


When Patton awoke in the morning, he found himself feeling well-rested for once. He rubbed his eyes, then gazed down at Logan, who was still asleep.

Logan's head was still snuggled up to Patton's chest, and his arms were wrapped around him tightly, though comfortably. Their legs were tangled together, and Patton smiled when he heard Logan's softly snoring.

He could get used to this, he realized. Waking up every morning to Logan beside him, or curled up and cuddling him. It was something new, especially to them, but neither seemed to mind this change.

And later, when Logan finally woke up, they both stayed in bed, and immediately agreed to do this again...and again.


Just some Logicality fluff for ya, kiddos!

Oh yeah, so band camp is finally over, and to end it, we had to do a performance of our show. So...the thing is, we've had to practice on the baseball field with inaccurate yard lines and dots since almost every team beside us had claimed the football field for their things. We didn't even get to do a whole practice run on the main field with everyone before the performance. So, we were all off, and messed up some.

And...I fell...I was the only one who did. I'm fine, but thankfully it was at a hold. I had to get right back up and keep myself from giggling because OF COURSE that would happen to me.

Anyway, enjoy!

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