Sander Sides OneShots

By whqreformoonknight

176K 4.6K 878

Ships about the Sander Sides that come to mind More

(Logan X Patton)
Soulmates (Roman X Patton)
Remember Day(Logan X Virgil)
I can't lie (Roman X Virgil)
Rome Has Fallen (L.A.M.P)
Jealous (Roman X Patton)
(Logan X Virgil)
Marry Me (Logan X Patton)
Question (Virgil X Roman)
Pasta (Roman X Patton)
(Roman X Virgil)
Vampire King (Roman X Virgil)
The Mystery Date (Roman X Virgil)
Wisdom teeth (Roman X Virgil)
(Patton X Roman)
Crush (Logan X Patton)
Marry Me pt.2 (Logan X Patton)
4 More Months (Roman X Virgil)
Boss ☔(Patton X Logan)
Jealous (Logan X Virgil)
(Logan X Patton)
Peek-A-Boo! (Roman X Virgil)
4 More Months pt.2 (Roman X Virgil)
Class (Roman X Virgil)
Party (Logan X Virgil)
Nut Case (Roman X Virgil)
Hibernating (Roman X Patton)
(Logan X Patton)
(Roman X Virgil)
Ready As I'll Ever Be
Wolf (Logan X Virgil)
Wolf pt.2 (Logan X Virgil)
Sleep (Roman X Virgil)
Robot (Logan X Roman)
Cuddles (Virgil X Patton)
Stage Kiss (Roman X Virgil)
I'll Decide On The Way (Logan X Patton)
Distracted (Roman X Patton)
(Virgil X Logan)
Meet Again (Patton X Logan)
Ouch (DLAMP)
(Logan X Patton)
(Virgil X Roman)
Yogurt (Roman X Patton)
Soulmate (Virgil X Logan)
Scales? (Virgil & Deceit)
Music (Roman X Virgil)
The Interogation (Virgil X Logan)
Boxer (Logan X Patton)
Birthdays (Roman X Virgil)
(Deceit X Virgil)
Carving Confessions (Virgil X Roman)
Recess (Patton X Logan)
What's A Soulmate? (Logan X Virgil)
Ghost (Roman X Virgil)
Ghost Pt.2 (Virgil X Roman)
Remember Me? (Logan X Patton)
Remember Me? Pt.2 (Logan X Patton)
Angel Wings (Virgil X Logan)
(Roman x Patton)
(Deceit X Remus)
Bestfriends (Deceit X Remy)
(Virgil X Logan)
Stressed (RemLoCeit)
New Beginnings (Virgil X Logan)
Safe (Virgil X Deceit)
(Logan X Roman)
Bodies (Remus X Deceit)
(Virgil X Logan X Remus)
I kissed a Boy (Roman X Patton)
Green Day (Logan X Remus)
Fuck off!! (Virgil X Roman)
Guys..... A/N
Fuck Off 2 (Roman X Virgil)
Coffee (Roman X Virgil)
(Logan X Patton)
The Sun (Roman X Virgil)
Christmas (LAMP & DEMUS)
Creep (Remus X Logan)
Rumors (Roman X Virgil)
Teachers Pet (Virgil x Logan)
Babey (Patton x Janus)
Leave me too?! (Remus X Janus)
Hints (Remus X Logan X Virgil)
Survivor (Logan X Roman)
Math Problems (Virgil X Patton)
Hate? (Roman & Remus)
Hate? Pt 2 (Roman & Remus)
Request: O P E N
Flustered (Logan X Remus)
Reward (Virgil x Remus x Logan)
Laughed?! (Virgil X Remus)

(Logan X Patton)

1.4K 53 1
By whqreformoonknight

I have reason to believe that other people can interact with the sides because remember in Is Lying Good Joan was like "I just hope you didn't do that thing were you freak out and talk to youself for twenty minutes" meaning that Joan witnessed it before right? And then you have Logan in literally the next episode looks over his shoulder to see if Thomas's friends left before he began speaking. Anyway....
Warning: I mean they sing that sausage song

All of the sides were hanging out with Joan and Talyn it was pretty boring until Joan made an outburst "EVERYBODY SAY SAUSAGE KEEP IT GOING EGGS BACON GRITS SAUSAGE!"
R: Save the Princess but I stole her man
L: Yeah I read books but theu all about
T: Thought I was Innocent, but I give and take your man
Virgil: I sang for MCR then he asked for my
D: Everyone hates me? Thats why I get
J: Sa-sa-sa-sa-sa-sa-sa
R: Your man want a prince, he dont want your
V (gestures to Roman): He must like emos cause he took my
D: He must be furry cause he took this snakes
P: Got a friend named Sij and I finally
L: Make another dad joke and you wont get my
J: Sa-sa-sa-sa-sa-sa-sa
Everyone began laughing as Talyn was standing there like What the fuck? Virgil nuged Logans side and smiled "Patton won't get your-" "Oh shiiiiiii" but then Logan began to smile "So Roman already took your-" "Shut up" Virgil walked away and stood next to Patton teasing Logan. Logan began glaring at Virgil mouthing don't you dare. "Patton I think Logan wants to speak to you" "Sure" Patton began walking towards Logan who flipped Virgil off and continued to glare "Hey Lo you wanted to talk to me?" "Uhhhhh" For some weird reason Logan heard the windows shutdown effect play in his head. "Logan your doing the thing" "Wait what's the thing?" "Your eyes they display the windows error message" Patton giggled out Logan blinked and the message went away. "Sorry" "It's OK, but did you need something?" "Yes" What am I saying?! "Well what do you need?" "Patton I like you a lot more then the average person should and I was hoping that you would like to go out with me on a date" You damn blabber mouth "Of Course Logan! And by the way it's no fun to be average" Logan was confused but caught Patton's drift so he just nodded and smiled making a mental note to thank Virgil and murder him later.

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