When Stars are Hidden

By farslimah

282K 20.9K 1.1K

COMPLETED ✔️✔️ Excerpt. *** "I won't bite. . .yet. . .I promise" He said with a teasing smirk. Walking in t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
The Ring
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 (Part A)
Chapter 40 (Part B)
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55(The Beginning of The End)

Chapter 27

3.9K 330 15
By farslimah

Naima was done with her last lecture for the day at 1pm.
Hasia had not come back with her to their room but rather went straight to her parents house. So again, she was alone in the room getting ready.

It was almost 1:30pm when she had finished bathing and dressing.

She left the school premises towards the famous Ice cream slash coffee shop; Sweet Taste Coffee Shop.
It was primarily a coffee shop but they had the best ice creams ever in Boston, not that she had tasted all the ice creams in Boston but you get her point. And besides, Hasia had attested to it as well.

Naima wanted to get there before him. She brought along a shopping bag which contained a foldable chessboard and pieces.

It would be like Deja-vu.
Truth be told, she almost forgot today was the anniversary like 4 times already from how nervous-ecstatic-she was to meet Tawfiq.

Just hoped she wouldn't break down in tears in front of Tawfiq.

She stopped at a men's store and bought a nice pair off cufflinks and a wrist watch for Tawfiq.
She didn't want to get him anything over the top.
Nothing special like the 'supposed' real gold bracelet he had given her.

Her eyes landed naturally on her wrist and she saw the bracelet. She was wearing it today. . .Okay, maybe she wore it every day but still. . .It was pretty, though his statement about it being a promise wasn't lost on her.

She had just decided not to think about it too much. Maybe he was just fooling around like always.

Naima still didn't believe it's gold.
Even though Hasia kept reminding her everytime she saw Naima wearing it so casually.

"You can't be walking around campus with a 24karat gold on your wrist. What if someone steals it? You need to keep that baby in a secured safe deep underground."

Hasia was very insistent on it being gold and even offered to call her goldsmith uncle and ask his opinion. Naima politely declined the offer.

Gold dust? Maybe.

But real gold? Impossible.

No uni student could just go round affording to buy a gold bracelet for someone else.

Even someone who is able to transfer people to far away lands?

Her mind taunted.
That was different.

Having connections and knowing people didn't make one a billionaire, you know?

Naima replied to herself. 
Perfect. Now she was talking to herself.

That's a good sign, Naima.

Note the sarcasm.

She paid for the cufflinks and watch in a small gift bag and the woman at the cash register gave her a small smile. She smiled back politely.

The cufflinks were really beautiful, just as beautiful as the watch too and Naima hoped he would like it. All she had to do now was to find a way of giving it to him without him suspecting anything.

When she arrived at the ice cream shop, she glanced down her dress to see if she was overdressed for ice cream.

It was just ice cream. She shouldn't be dressed like she was going to do a fashion show.
She shouldn't even be meeting Tawfiq alone in the first place but he was her good friend and he hadvalways been there for her. Even if she proved stubborn.
Today was his birthday. She'd be there for him.

When she had promised - sort of- Tawfiq that she wouldn't cry any more, she had mostly kept my word.
Okay, maybe not. She cried in the shower in the morning. But that was it.
That was really it.

Naima advised herself to move on. At least that's what her mom would have wanted her to do, right? Not cry for a whole week each year.
Crying wouldn't bring her back.

As soon as she opened the door to the coffee shop, her gaze landed on Tawfiq at the cashier a few feet in front of her.

Her was in a turtle neck with jeans and brown shoes.
She thought he hated turtle necks?

He had a long brown coat hanging on his arm.

He looked really nice.

Naima averted her gaze quickly. She had stared at his back too long.

She didn't even know how she knew it was him just from seeing his back.

You are really creepy, Naima.

Her mind taunted again.

What was he doing at the cashier anyways?

She hadn't even got there yet and he hadn't seen her either.
Wait a minute. . . Oh no, he did not.
He wasn't planning on paying in advance before she got there, was he?

Naima walked to his side and he turned to look at the person who just joined him and gave Naima his biggest grin when he noticed her.

"Habiba, Salam Mu Alaykum. You are here. Meet my friend. She is the sister of one of my friends at uni. I was just telling her about you."he said in a hoarse and rough voice as he turned his attention to the girl.

Did he have a cold? That would explain the turtle neck.
He was sick but still made it to their meetup.

The cashier, a young girl, who looked about 15 or 16 years old, smiled at Naima like she had known her forever. Naima returned the smile.

"Hello. I'm Naima." She said after a minute of silence.
"Chelsea. Pleased to meet the owner of the name." She said and smiled slyly at Tawfiq. What were they saying about her before she arrived?

"Chelsea, you know, you are extremely lucky. She tells you her name the first day she sees you. I wasn't as lucky." he held his chest.

"Anyways, see you later Chelsea." Tawfiq changed the topic.

"Bye. Tawfiq. Naima, it was a pleasure." she smiled and Naima waved at her.

Tawfiq led them to two seats at the far end of the shop. He pulled out a chair for her to sit down.

What a gentleman.

She thought.
He took the seat opposite her.

Awkward silence.

"You err look errrhhh. . . Really beautiful. Um nice. Pretty. . . Wow MaaShaaAllah." he stuttered and rubbed his brow.

His voice was a rough but Naima could tell he was nervous from how he spoke.

He was nervous. Naima was also nervous. He wasn't supposed to be nervous.

It was the first time she had 'intentionally' met him alone. Astagfirullah.

"Do you have a cold?"

Naima broke the silence.

"Just a little cold. Dean caught a cold and he has successfully infected me just as he planned." he chuckled.

Naima was looking anywhere but at him.

She placed the bag with the chess board on the table.
She removed the board and the bag of chess pieces from it and placed it on the table.

Tawfiq raised a brow.
He smiled.
Not a pity smile that she didn't need or want but a normal smile.
A simple and genuine normal smile.

"Are you okay Habiba? Like really okay?" his tone was caring.

"I'm fine. I know it's deja-vu but it made me feel better last year." She revealed.

"Okay, why don't we play and you can tell me about the fun you had with your mom, if you are up for it? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. But I heard somewhere that if you talked about dead loved ones with others, it reduces the grief. "

Could she really talk to him about her mom?

Maybe she could.

"Mate." Naima moved her piece, grinning like stupid.

She took a scoop from the cup of her second ice cream Chelsea had brought a while back.
Tawfiq was on his third one.
The boy liked his ice cream.

"You deliberately choose chess every time so you can win, don't you?" he said, feigning sadness.

He had lost like 3 times already. During that time, Naima was able to tell him how she would normally celebrate her birthday with her mom each year, when she was alive.

And how one particular year, her mother had baked a cake which turned out horrible but they ended up eating it. Since they didn't want to throw it away.

He laughed at almost everything he found funny and boy was his laughter amazing. It was deep and smooth, even though he had a cold.

Thank Allah the heater was on in the Cafe.

Naima was currently telling him how her mom was a real soccer fan.
She made Naima like the sport which 75% of Americans didn't exactly fancy.
Her mother, Naima's grandmother, had been  British thus she loved football because well Europeans love their football.

"So, that day it was a match against Chelsea, my mom's team and Real Madrid, my team . Mom was positive Chelsea would win us. So we made a friendly bet. Whoever lost was to wash the dishes for a week."

"Woow. You both really had a best friend relationship." he said whiles giving her a slight smile.

"We did. So as I was saying, the game was really fun and mom and I would scream when anyone from our teams scored. Mom would make fun of me if they scored us. In the end Madrid ended up scoring Chelsea. I still washed the plates because mom used her, 'you shouldn't let grown-ups do your work for you' saying on me. " Naima cackled, remembering that day.

"We are going to have a problem if you keep supporting Madrid, Habiba. I'm a Liverpool fan till death. I don't watch a lot of matches nowadays but if it's a game where Liverpool is playing, I would stop the world to watch it." he said proudly.

Why did he support Liverpool?
Everyone knew Real Madrid was the best team in the world, right?

"You should support a better team, Tawfiq. Not Liverpool. I mean, who supports Liverpool anymore? Come to our side. Be a Madridista. Hala Madrid." Naima tried to convince him.

"That's never going to happen. Madrid can't be better than Liverpool even if they tried and we all know that." he smirked playfully.

Naima replied with a smirk of her own.

"We shall see about that. I'm sure there will be a game this year before Christmas."

"Do you still watch the games?" he asked curiously.

"I don't keep up with it most of the time. But sometimes, I watch the games online or just highlights." Naima satisfied his curiosity.

"Why don't you play for MIT football team?" Naima always wondered.
He seemed good at the game.

"Nah. It was fun in high school but I don't think I'd want to play anymore now. Besides, my lucky mascot wouldn't be there. It just wouldn't be the same." Tawfiq pursed his lips trying to hold back a smile.

Naima covered her face with her hands in embarrassment.
Ah. . . High school.
Gone were the days.

Naima checked her watch and realized it was almost 5.30pm.
How did time fly by so fast?

She peered outside the shop through the large see through windows and she noticed it was getting dark as in about to rain dark.

Her eyes widened in slight alarm.
How did she not realize it?


"It's about to rain I think we should leave. Thank you for making me feel better today." Naima returned all the pieces into the bag.

"I really didn't do anything. I just sat here losing to you in chess and listened to your amazing stories about your mom. It was all you. Thank you for being able to talk about her to me. I would have loved to meet her. She seemed very funny and cool." he smiled.

Funnily, Naima felt like her mother would have loved to meet Tawfiq. They would have had so much fun teasing Naima together.

Tawfiq was still smiling.

Naima thought they were supposed to arrest him whenever he smiled? Where were the police?

The sounds of rain drops hitting the roof of the shop brought her back to reality.
Oh no.

She didn't want to find herself waiting there all night.
Because of how warm the shop was it didn't get cold in there so that was a good thing at least.

"We should leave when it slows down." Naima stated.

"Yes, sure. It won't be a thunderstorm. So don't worry. They are rare around this time of the year and.... so is raining but don't worry it might be just a small downpour." Tawfiq said when Naima's face scrunched up because she had thought it might be a thunderstorm.

Why was it raining today of all days?

After 5 minutes in comfortable silence, the rain gradually slowed down.

So they both decided to leave before it became too late. Or worse it started to rain much heavier than before. Naima exited the shop and began walking towards her campus with Tawfiq trailing behind her, insisting he sent her back to her building because it was dangerous walking alone at that time.

It was. But Naima didn't want to go with him.

Naima stopped and turned to him.

"I will be fine. Don't worry. I. . ." She couldn't even finish her sentence when it started to rain again even harder.
Just what she didn't want now.

She just hoped Tawfiq was right and it wouldn't be a thunderstorm. Because a thunderstorm today?

As she ran towards shelter with Tawfiq behind her, the rain increased its tempo as it rained much heavier than before.
It was just an out of the blue rain . Naima was positive the weather people did not even expect it.
So why was it raining so hard?

Just like a year ago. And six years ago. The rain seemed to be taunting her.

"Ya Allah, Habiba, you never listen, do you? My car is on the other side of the building and here we are, stranded." he chuckled and gave her a disappointed face you gave a child who didn't want to share.

"Well I didn't ask you to follow me." She said matter-of-factly.

They were in front of a closed store which had a canopy protecting the front pavement of the store from the sun and rain.

Naima unconsciously wrapped her hands around her body because it was getting cold.
She was wearing a long dress and here she was, feeling cold by someone who already had a cold. She should have also worn a turtle neck.

The long dress and hijab were the only things keeping her warm and preventing her from getting hypothermia.

That was a bit of a drag though.

"You are cold." Tawfiq pressed his lips firmly together.

What was he angry about?
That it was cold?

"A little. Nothing I can't handle."  She assured him.
She was actually feeling very cold but she knew Tawfiq would give her his coat he was wearing without hesitation. Yet, he clearly needed it more because of his cold.

"A little!? You are freezing. For Heaven's sake."
He removed his coat and handed it to Naima to wear.

"I can't. You are sick. Your cold will worsen if you don't keep warm enough." Naima tried to deter him but he still pushed his hand towards her.
She shook her head firmly.

He closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose.
He opened up the coat and wrapped it around Naima himself since she wasn't going to take it from him

"And you say I'm the stubborn one." Tawfiq cocked his head.

His jacket made her warm.

This is why you shouldn't meet a non-mehram alone. Now you are stuck in the rain. Stupid, stupid Naima.

Her conscience said.

"Thank you. But don't blame me when you get sick."

Naima took in a breath and inhaled the manly scent mixed with rain from his coat. Coupled with the earthy smell of rain the coat smelled amazingly nice.

They stood there in complete silence for a while until the rain stopped.

Naima finally gave in to let Tawfiq send her to campus.
This was becoming a habit.
He sending her home whenever she was stranded.

They both walked in silence to his car.
Tawfiq took the first step to break the silence.

"I know you know." he said abruptly.

Did he know she knew it was his birthday?
She had even forgot to give him his present. So what gave it off?
How did he know then?

"What do I know?" Naima tried to act oblivious but Tawfiq caught on and curved the corners of his lips upwards.

"You know today is my birthday. That is why you planned all this. It wasn't primarily about your mother, was it?" He focused his attention on her. "Who told you? Dean, I'm sure. But he was aware of why I didn't want you to know. Or wait. It was Salim, wasn't it? That idiot." he mumbled the last part to himself.

No one seemed to be able hide anything from him, could they?

"How did you know?"
Naima was shocked when he knew who had told her.

"Since you called me yesterday and note, you never call me around that time of the night. You made me sit down to think about this meeting thoroughly. I knew you said it was because of your mom but I know you, Naima. You'd rather deal with it on your own."

Naima looked away. He wasn't wrong.

"I also got suspicious when Salim nor Dean bothered me today about Salim coming here for a party. All I got was just a happy birthday." he added.

" Argh. You and your stupid 4.9 GPA. It would have worked out fine if you were a bit dumb." Naima said, annoyed.

She thought she did everything slyly.

"You should have known I would know." he teased.
Everything had already gone down the drain so why not just come clean.

She opened her bag and took the two cases with the cufflinks and watch in them out. She handed it to him.

"Is it a ring?" Tawfiq faked a girly gasp.

"I don't know, Habiba. You're beautiful and nice and sweet and all that but. . ."

Naima glared.
He was teasing her with the same words she had used when he gave her a case on her birthday.

"I'm sorry. I just had to." Tawfiq laughed.

Naima rolled her eyes.

"Happy birthday, Tawfiq. And next time don't stop your birthday because you don't want me to be sad." Naima told him seriously.

Tawfiq pulled at his earlobes in slight shame.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you it was my birthday. I just didn't want you to get different emotions. I didn't want you to force a smile on your face just to make me happy on my birthday."
He answered.
He opened both cases and smiled at the content.

"Thank you, Habiba. They're amazing."

He went silent again.
His eyes focused on Naima like he was studying her which was a bit longer than necessary. She felt uncomfortable under his hard eyes.
Then he looked away from her like nothing ever happened.

As they walked side by side to his car, he still said nothing and looked like he was having a mental debate with himself.
It was 6pm already when they got to his car.

It was getting a bit darker now.

Naima moved to open the car door to the back seat when Tawfiq turned so fast that she was caught off guard. He looked at her again. Looking right into her eyes. Contemplating his next words.

He was looking at Naima like he had something serious to say to her but was still deciding on whether to say it or not.

He finally decided on speaking and his next words made Naima's heart literally stop.

If you didn't notice, I live for cliffhangers.
I thrive of them🙂🙂
(P.S: I have finally been able to change all the 1st POVs in this story. Now to normal editing-28/04/21)

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