Keith x Reader (Season 1 & 2)

By MillennialMars

160K 4.6K 7.8K

You and Keith were a couple while in the Garrison until he got you kicked out during the year your brother, S... More

Defenders of the Universe
Getting to Know the Shiroganes
Some Assembly Required
Trust in Keith
Return of the Gladiator
Fall of the Castle of the Lions
Tears of the Balmera
Taking Fight
Return to the Balmera
Ice Skating
Alone Time (Maybe?)
Crystal Venom
Collection and Extraction
The Black Paladin
Forgot something, whoops
Across the Universe
The Depths (tagged)
Im not dead
After the Split
Shiro's Escape
The Truth
Greening the Cube
Eye of the Storm
A Simple Argument
A Week Afterwards
Ark of Taujeer
Unaccepted Apologies
Group Training
Space Mall
Some TLC
Blade of Marmora
Finding Out
The Belly of a Weblum
Escape from Beta Traz
Stayin' Alive
Best Laid Plans
Crack Chapter
Changing of the Guard
Red Paladin
The Hunted
Im so sorry

A Little Bit of Rest

3.6K 146 76
By MillennialMars

"Y/N, Allura, I don't think your strength has fully replenished since the Balmera. I think you should rest some more until your energy has come back," Shiro said.

"Yes, indeed. Today's events took a lot of energy from me as well," Allura said as she left. I stayed where I was.

"Y/N? What about you?" Coran asked.

"I'm not tired," I whined.

"You have dark circles under your eyes," Keith pointed out.

"You don't have to point out all of my flaws!" I said using my hands to cover under my eyes.

"I'm just pointing out the unordinary," Keith said putting his hands up in defeat.

"Y/N," Shiro said with the brotherly warning voice.

"Shiro," I said with the same voice.

"Y/N, follow me," Keith's voice brought my attention. I shrugged my shoulders and followed Keith. To my room. "Sit on your bed and count backwards from one hundred."

"Why?" I asked.

"Just do it," Keith sat at the foot of the bed next to me.

"Okay?" I was utterly confused. "One hundred. Ninety-nine. Ninety-eight. Ninety-seven. Ninety-six. Ninety-five. Ninety-four. Ninety-three. Ninety-two," by this time each number was getting slower. "Ninety-one... Ninety... Eighty-nine... Eighty-eight... oh... I see what you're doing. I'm going to get you back for this, Keith," I said before I fell over into his lap. And just like that, I was out like a light.

3rd POV

Keith watched Y/N as she slept, little did he know, everyone was watching the whole thing.

"How can he get her to go to sleep but I can't?" Shiro whined.

"They're partners in crime, what can you say?" Pidge shrugged.

"Keith always one up's me. It's like he's trying to spite me!" Lance whined.

"The Princess would so want to see this!" Coran said, taking pictures on a small phone-like device. "Her ship is beginning to sail!"

"Should we get out of here before Keith finds out we were spying on them," Hunk asked.

"Yeah, probably," Shiro answered.

"Would you guys like something to eat?" Coran asked.

Hunk and Pidge's eyes got wide.

A/N: so Ik I said I was going to update a lot this week, but I got so busy with this animatic I've been working on (my hand hurts) and I'm trying to catch up with school stuffs, thank you, teachers, for giving me homework on a week we were supposed to have a BREAK from school. Anyways, thank you for putting up with me! A few more chapters until this book will be complete and I'll move onto the second season! Which probably won't be started till summer. But I will be publishing another book that will either be a prince Keith or mafia keith, tell me which one you'd prefer!

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