Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

By ilangel1

83.1K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 33

541 14 2
By ilangel1

Niall was first awake the next morning which was a rare occurrence as the boy normally was always woken up by his parents or sometimes Louis. Niall decided that he would just go downstairs to watch tv as it was only 6 and he didn't want to wake his parents yet. When Liam's alarm went off he stretched and was about to go into their en-suite but heard the tv on so went to investigate. Coming downstairs he saw the tv playing cartoons and as he got closer he saw Niall curled under a blanket. "Morning Ni, How long you been up?" Liam asked as he sat down next to Niall. "Hmm what time is it now?" Niall said. "6:45" Liam answered. "About 45 minutes then." Niall mumbled not taking his eyes of the cartoon playing. Liam smiled. 'Ok you can stay down here a bit longer but then you need to get ready for school" Liam said going back upstairs to get ready for work Niall snuggled back down under his blanket and continued to watch the tv.

When Liam reached the top of the stairs he heard movement from his room meaning Harry was awake and the sound sounded like it was coming from En- suite so he decided to wake Louis first. Louis groaned and just wanted to sleep. "Lou sweetie you have school" Liam said. Louis didn't answer. Liam decided to get ready and speak to Harry. "Maybe Anne or his mum could have Louis for the morning and depending how he was go into school for the afternoon. Liam entered his room and found Harry getting dressed.

"Love Louis' exhausted and he doesn't want to get up. I was thinking that maybe your or my mum could have him this morning and then maybe if he's up for it take him after lunch for the afternoon?" Liam said and Harry nodded. "Yeah that sounds good if he doesn't want to get up I doubt he'll be able to stay awake anyway. It's better for him to be fully awake and then he'll enjoy it." Harry said and Liam nodded. "So shall I ring my mum or yours?" Liam questioned. "Both will be happy to have him" Harry said. Liam nodded and went and made a phone call. "Where's Ni" Harry called. "Awake early so took himself downstairs to watch tv."  Liam said.

"Hey mum, could you possibly look after Lou this morning. He's really tired and doesn't want to get up, it will probably just be this morning and then if he's awake enough he can go to school this afternoon." Liam said and then Liam heard his mum chuckle. "Of Course I'll look after him Li, I'll be over within the hour." "Thanks mum." Liam said before going back upstairs and into his room. "Who did you call?" Harry asked. "My mum as yours has had Lou a lot already this week." Liam explained and Harry nodded before Liam headed into the bathroom to finally get ready.

Liam went and made Niall some breakfast. The doorbell soon went. "Who's that" Niall asked with a half a mouthful of food. "Nana, she's looking after Lou this morning." Liam said. "Lou not going to school?" Niall asked. "Not this morning we're hoping that maybe he will go in for the afternoon when he's a bit more awake." Liam said as he went to open the door.

"Morning mum." Liam said. "Hey love." Karen answered. "Nana." Niall squealed getting up and running over hugging Karen. "Hey Ni." Karen said. "You finished breakfast?" Liam asked and Niall nodded. "Can you go and get dressed then we need to leave for school in 15 minutes." Liam said and Niall nodded scampering off up the stairs while Liam talked to his mum.

Karen then went to go and kiss Louis. She went in and gave him a kiss. Louis was fast asleep when she came in. Liam showed his mum how to connect his feed up. When Karen was positive she understood Liam told her he was leaving with Niall but if she needed anything Harry would be here until just gone 9.

"Right come on Ni, shoes and coat on and grab your bag we need to get going." Niall soon came running over and got his shoes and coat on before grabbing his bag and following Liam out to the car. When they reached the school Liam dropped Niall off before heading over to Louis' class to discuss with his teacher that Louis was to tired to come in during the morning but they were hoping that he would be in that afternoon. The teacher nodded and told Liam he was insistent on staying longer yesterday and enjoyed it but probably tired him out. Liam agreed with her before he finished the conversation as he needed to head to work. Liam headed to work.

"Karen I'm going, do you need anything before I go?" Harry said. "No I'm Alright Harry." Karen said and Harry nodded before waving to Karen and leaving the house. Once Harry had left Karen turned the tv on and waited for the tired 4 year old to wake up. Karen checked on Louis hourly as the boy slept. The boy eventually woke up at just gone 10 and was quite confused when he saw Karen. "Hey Lou." Karen said. "Nana?" Louis questioned while rubbing his eyes. "Yeah baby, you a bit more awake now?" Louis just nodded and cuddled into Karen when she sat on the boys bed. Karen cuddled the boy and took him to the toilet and took his wet pull up of and bathed the boy. Harry informed Karen the boy didn't have a bath the night before.

"Do you want to go to school today Lou?" Karen asked the boy who nodded as he liked playing with his friends. "Alright I'll get you changed into your uniform then and then we can watch a bit of tv and then I'll take you in after lunch Okay?" Louis nodded and Karen washed the boy before getting him out and drying him and wrapped a towel around him before taking him back to his room so she could him dressed in his uniform. They then cuddled on the sofa.

Karen set the boys feed up at around midday and they watched cartoons together so not to tire the boy out. "Right Lou, if you want to go to school we need to get going." Karen said when it reached 12:45 and she finished disconnecting the boys feed. The boy quickly nodded before heading off to put his shoes on and then Karen helped with his coat. Karen put the boy in his car seat. She then drove to the school and booked Louis in and took him to class. The teacher was pleased to see Louis and Louis went over to his friends waving at his nana.

They did numbers when Louis arrived at school. Louis didn't have anywhere near as many problems when it came to numbers the small boy actually quite enjoying it which is something Niall just couldn't ever understand as to him numbers were the devil. Louis really enjoyed it they were given simple adding up sums to do. They did it as a group first before don't own work sheet. By the time they had finished Louis was beaming with happiness as he had got all his questions right and got a sticker. The teacher then let the class play as it was Friday afternoon. Louis was playing with the trains with his friends. Louis soon asked for one of his milkshakes.

The teacher smiled and nodded before going to get one and then coming back over and giving the boy what he asked for. "Thank you." The teacher smiled at the boy as he took his milkshake and then walked back over to his friends to continue playing while taking the occasional drink from his milkshake. Normally the kids wouldn't eat or drink other than morning break or lunch break, but Louis situation was different. "Alright class I think it's time for a story before home time so can you pack away all the toys away and then come and sit on the carpet." The teacher said and the class nodded doing what had been said before gathering on the carpet.

The teacher read a story and the kids seemed to enjoy it and looking at all the cool picture's. Karen text Liam and Harry earlier to inform them the boy was at school for the afternoon. By the end of the story the teacher was actually surprised to see Louis still awake as she was expecting him to fall asleep but he was still awake and by the looks of things had quite a bit of energy still. "Alright class go and get your stuff and then line up by the door as it's time to go home." The teacher called and the class dispersed before all lining up by the door with Louis at the front. "Alright lets get you lot out of here." The teacher said before opening the door and catching sight of Harry straight away. "There's Daddy Louis." The teacher pointed out before letting Louis go once she was sure Louis had seen the man and he went running to Harry who chuckled and picked him up. "Hey Lou, you had a good afternoon?" Harry asked. "Yes daddy and guess what?" Niall said. "What?" Harry asked. "I got a sticker for getting all my numbers correct." Said excitedly. "Aw well done baby, Shall we go and get Ni?" Louis nodded before Harry headed over for Niall's classroom as the boys class hadn't seemed to be let out yet.

Niall soon came out being the last one in his class yet again. They headed home and Niall got on with his homework. Louis and Harry cuddled. Harry set the feed up on Louis again. "What we doing tomorrow?" Louis asked from his place in Harry's arms. "Niall has a football game in the morning so we're all going to watch that." Harry explained and Louis nodded. Soon Harry went up make dinner leaving Louis watching cartoons.

Niall finished his homework just as Harry finished making the dinner. Spag Bolognese. "Here you go Ni." Harry said handing Niall over his dinner and the boy smiled and thanked him before Harry quickly checked on Louis before coming and sitting down at the table himself to eat his own dinner. Of course when they finished Louis was asleep. Harry took the boy to bed putting a pull up on him and connecting his feed. Harry then went downstairs to wash up.

"Dad can we watch a film?" Niall called from his place on the sofa. "Can you go shower and put your pyjamas on first please, I want to put the washing on." Harry called back. "Okay." Niall said before scampering off Upstairs. Harry went and grabbed Nialls dirty uniform. "Your football kit is all clean" Harry asked. "Umm I think so." Niall said as he gathered his pyjamas so he could go and shower before he left the room. Harry decided to check the state of Niall's football kit just in case and it actually turned out that it was pretty dirty so Harry picked that up as well before heading getting the rest of the washing to put it in the machine. Harry then did another couple of jobs until Niall came down after his shower all dressed for bed.

"Can we watch a film now?" Niall asked jumping onto the sofa. "I don't see why not but maybe not the whole thing." Harry said. "Why I always stay up later on a Friday and Saturday night and it's Friday?" Niall asked. "You've got a football game in the morning love and it's early meaning you need to be up and I can't have you tired." Harry said but Niall just whined. "We're see how it goes." Harry said putting Finding Nemo on and letting Niall cuddle into his side knowing there would be a good chance that the boy would fall asleep during this film anyway. It was about half way through nemo that Harry noticed Niall practically asleep. He stopped the film earning a groan from Niall. "Ni it's only so you can be awake tomorrow.' Harry said. Niall huffed But nodded and lifted his arms for Harry as he couldn't be bothered to walk. "Come here then." Harry said with a chuckle picking the boy up and carrying him up the stairs. Harry tucked the boy in before going to turn out the lights himself downstairs as he was exhausted.

Liam got home around 9:30 and was surprised to see it completely dark downstairs as Harry normally waits up for him. Yeah 9 times out of 10 he's asleep but he's normally on the couch. Walking into the kitchen Liam smiled seeing Louis number work stuck on the fridge and warmed his dinner up in the microwave before sitting in front of the tv to eat it. Liam watched TV till around 11 when he headed to bed. Having carefully checked if Louis had a pull up on and see if it needed changing which it did. He managed to change it without waking the boy. He then carefully placed the boy back in bed and then walked over to his room seeing Harry cuddling with his pillow. Chuckling Liam quickly got changed and used the bathroom before removing his pillow from Harry's hold and lying down himself feeling Harry cuddle into his side instead. Liam smiled as he went to sleep.

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