Chapter 57

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Everyone slept until 9 in the morning when Louis. Louis climbed onto his parents bed snuggling in between them as they both started stir. There was absolutely no movement from Niall's room as both boys were still sound asleep. Liam smiled as he pulled his youngest into a cuddle and stayed with his eyes shut. "No papa wake up." Louis whined not wanting his papa to go back asleep as all Louis wanted was a quick cuddle and then someone to play with him. Liam pulled the boy into a hug but still didn't open his eyes."Papa." Louis whined beginning to wiggle. "Lou Baby, I love you so much but I'm way to tired to get up." Liam mumbled earning a huff of annoyance from the boy. Louis decided to carefully like his daddy's face instead. Harry just groaned and rolled over so he wasn't facing Louis anymore and Louis then gave up all together and left the room hoping that his brother was awake.

Louis had a bit of a shock when he walked into Niall's room and saw Jake as well but also sighed when he realised they were both still asleep as well. Louis sighed as he went into his room and say down but soon found something to play with Louis managed to keep himself occupied for around an hour before he grew bored again but he could hear movement so got up and headed off to find out who was awake. It was Jake going to use the toilet. When Jake came out the bathroom. "Play jake" Louis asked him.

Jake jumped slightly seeing Louis and rubbed his eyes as he was still really tired but knew Louis was obviously desperate for someone to play with as Jake knew he wouldn't be the boys first choice of play mate.

Jake nodded and went into Louis room. Louis handed the boy a train and they played together. Louis had his old train set up here and his new one he got for Christmas was downstairs. Jake and Louis played happily for around an hour before Liam appeared smiling at the two. Louis saw his papa and ran and hugged the man.

"Papa, You Okay now?" Louis asked as Liam picked him up and cuddled the boy before nodding. "Course Baby." Liam said joining Jake on the floor as Louis sat on his lap. They played. It wasn't until almost half 11 that niall appeared still sleepily. Harry was still fast asleep. Niall came in and sat on Liam's lap as Louis had moved off so he could reach his toys easier. "Had a nice sleep Ni, you've slept for ages." Liam said kissing his hair and cuddling the boy close. Niall nodded. "Hungry now though" niall said. Liam laughed. "Lets go downstairs and I'll make a fry up" Liam said.

Niall nodded but got Liam to pick him up so he could carry him down. "Come on you two I'm making breakfast." Liam said and Jake quickly got to his feet while Louis sulked. "But I don't want food." Louis moaned. "Well you can stay here then." Liam said and Louis shook his head. He had spent all morning on his own and he didn't want to spend any more time alone. "Well come downstairs and have a milkshake" Liam said. Jake held his hand out for Louis to go down the stairs. Louis sighed but nodded and took jakes hand as the 4 made their way downstairs.

"What about Daddy?" Louis asked as they passed the master bedroom. "He's still sleeping baby." Liam said hoping Louis would just accept the answer. Louis carried on walking with Jake. They went into the kitchen. Liam got everything out for a fry up "Do any of you want to help?" Liam asked as he gave Louis his milkshake. Both Niall and Jake nodded. Liam told the boys what they would need. Liam gave Louis his milkshake. Louis watched closely as the 3 made breakfast but soon grew bored so headed into the living room to watch tv leaving his milkshake on the table. He put cartoons on.

Jake and niall had fun making the fry up. Liam was careful when things were on the hob "Right boys sit down and I'll bring it over." Liam said and both boys nodded sitting down. Liam plated up three plates and some for Harry if he fancied later. Soon the three of them were eating. Liam picked the milkshake to see how much Louis had drank Liam sighed when he realised Louis hadn't drank very much at all.

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