Chapter 59

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Thank you everyone for your comments and votes.  I'm glad you have stuck with me for this story.  I've treated everyone to another update today.

After break Louis class went back in and they did some numbers. Louis did manage to focus during maths as the boy enjoyed it and the teaching assistant was sat on his table so the boy felt comfortable enough to get on with it. The teaching assistant helped the other children on Louis table as she knew Louis did well with numbers.

Niall was chatting to his friends to much in class. Niall was asked to move away from his friends and to the front while they were sat on the carpet so the teacher could keep an eye on the chatty boy. Niall sighed but did as he was told. Niall also got easily distracted during maths as he found it hard meaning his mind seemed to wonder elsewhere. His mind wondered to his unborn baby brother now he wasn't with any friends. "Niall." Niall heard his teacher all of a sudden and the boy looked up.

"Yes miss?" Niall answered. "The answer please, if you were paying attention you shouldn't have any problems." The teacher said knowing the boy wasn't paying any attention at all. Niall tried to come up with a quick.answrr and looked to his friends. His friends tried to mouth the answer to the boy but Niall couldn't figure it out and in the end had to just admit that he didn't know even though he was pretty sure he wouldn't have known the answer even if he had been listening.

"Make sure you pay attention niall this is warning" the teacher said. Niall sighed but nodded deciding to concentrate as he didn't want his lunch break taken away from him. Niall was asked a question a whole later and tried work it out. He got it wrong. "Good try niall but I will show you where you went wrong in a minute" the teacher said. The teacher understood niall struggled with maths but he needed to concentrate. Niall sighed but nodded and once the teacher let the class go to there tables to start on the worksheet she went over and helped Niall who was more confused than ever.

The teacher put an activity on one of the iPad for Niall to understand it more. Niall had a couple of attempts before finally getting it right and the boy smiled widely. "See you can do it, you just need to concentrate." His teacher said and Niall nodded before the teacher left him to it. Twenty minutes in the teacher went over and told niall to try the worksheet now.

His teacher gave him some more examples. Niall nodded a bit more confident as he had managed to do it easily on the iPad so how hard could the maths worksheet possibly be? Niall attempted the work sheet. He did the first three before it got tricky and he put his hand up "Yeah Niall?" The teacher asked and Niall sighed feeling pretty defeated as other kids had already finished the worksheet. "Help please." Niall said and the teacher smiled at the boy before sitting back down next to him.

Louis meanwhile had finished his number work and now just wanted a cuddle.

"You work it out a like the other ones up here and that you did over there" the teacher explained. Niall nodded but mixed up one of the stages resulting in the boy getting extremely confused. "Alright let's do it together." The teacher said being able to pick up on the boys frustrations. "Why's it so hard?" Niall questioned and the teacher sighed. "Niall your learning, it's going to be hard at times and your going to get things wrong but that's completely fine plus everyone struggles in something." The teacher tried to explain to the boy.

Niall nodded thinking to his brother Louis who was good with numbers but struggled with writting. By the time Niall had finally got through the worksheet with his teachers help it was lunchtime and Niall couldn't be more relieved to leave the classroom and maths behind him.

Harry woke up and felt better and hungry. Karen made Harry some toast. "Thanks Karen." Harry said as he sat up when Karen came back in. "Eat it slowly Yeah." Karen said and Harry nodded taking the toast after he had turned the tv on. Harry managed all of what Karen made him as he watched tv.

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