Chapter 84

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Is wishing everyone a merry Christmas for those that celebrate or happy holidays.  Thank you everyone with sticking with this story and your comments

It was nearly lunchtime at the school and the teacher decided that it was a good chance to get the kids to sign louis' cast. "Alright everyone so I'm sure you've all noticed something different about Louis today." She said and she got all nods back as louis sat on a chair next to miss Simmons. "So louis' broken a bone in his ankle which means that he has a plaster cast for 6 weeks to help the bone heal back together but I've been told that everyone's allowed to Right their names on his cast to help him feel better." The teacher explained as Miss Simmons was writing her own message on the boys cast. "What say Miss Simmons" Louis asked. "It says that you're a brilliantly brave little boy." Miss Simmons said and Louis smiled before getting the kids to stand up in a line so they could all write their names.

Louis stayed sitting down as students wrote on his cast. Some wrote messages others just their name. Louis smiled and thanked everyone when they wrote their names and messages. "Alright then louis let's get you up so you can have your lunch." Miss Simmons said helping the boy stand and once he was balanced let go. "Right let's go." She said as she followed Louis into the hall as the boy was allowed to go 5 minutes early so he wasn't run into or bashed about. Louis carefully went on his crutches as they went into the school canteen. When Louis made it to the school canteen miss Simmons got the boy sat down at a table before getting his lunch for him.

Louis had told Miss simmons what he wanted. She soon came over with it and placed it on the table. "Thank you." Louis said as he picked up his fork and began to eat the pasta that Miss Simmons had brought over for him. Soon the other students came in and Louis friends got there food before coming to join the boy. One boy even asked if he could try Louis crutches. "Why don't you join louis after you've eaten in the classroom rather than go outside and maybe try them out then?" Miss Simmons suggested also knowing Louis was pretty bored yesterday and could do with a play mate.

Tommy smiled and nodded as he sat down to eat his lunch. When both boys had finished Miss Simmons helped Louis up before she guided both boys back to the classroom as they weren't allowed In the school at lunch without a member of staff. "Alright louis I'm going to find Lisa do you remember her from yesterday?" Miss Simmons asked and Louis nodded. "She played Lego with me." Louis said and miss Simmons smiled.

"Alright I'll be back really quickly." She said leaving the 2 boys who were happily talking Tommy decided to use Louis crutches while they were waiting for Lisa. "Lou how do I do it?" Tommy asked trying to figure it out. "Don't know I just do." Louis said with a shrug not really knowing how to explain it. Lisa came into the class to see Tommy trying the crutches "Tommy Careful we don't want you on crutches as well." Miss Simmons said coming in as well so she could get her lunch from her bag in the cupboard.

"Miss Simmons do you know how to do it?" Tommy asked really wanting to have a go at doing it properly as to him it looked really fun. "These are for Louis you shouldn't be playing with them" Miss simmons said. "But they look fun." Tommy said. "There not a toy Tommy, there to help Louis get around." Miss Simmons said and Tommy sighed but placed the crutches back where he got them from and sat down on a chair next to louis.

"What do you boy a want to play with" Lisa said. "Can we play with the play dough?" Tommy asked and Louis nodded in agreement happy with that idea. "I don't see why not. Where's it kept?" Lisa asked and Tommy got up then heading for where the play dough and stuff to do with it was kept Lisa got it all out with Tommy help and they took it to the table.Louis squealed happily when it was placed down as he wasn't allowed it at home as Liam had decided it made too much mess and got everywhere. The final straw was when Louis dropped some and ended up stuck to his sock when he stood on it and it ended up in the carpet which had made a huge mess Tommy and Louis had lots of fun with the play dough.Harry woke up alone downstairs. Harry could hear noise from Niall's room and he could also hear Liam's voice meaning he was home and clearly with Niall.bHarry decided to poke his head through Niall's room. Harry smiled seeing Niall in between Liam and his mum in law before leaving again as he didn't want niall to see him and want him as he knew he still couldn't be around Niall. Harry went back downstiars and watched some TV.

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