Chapter 38

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Niall and Karen finished their lunch and then cleared up before going to sit on the other sofa to Louis and cuddled turning the TV on quite.Karen flicked through the kids films on Netflix before Niall decided to watch ice age which Karen nodded at selecting it and then let Niall cuddle into her fully while she threw another blanket over them.

"When will dad be home?" Niall asked quietly as Karen played with his hair. "I would have thought he'd be home when this film is finished and if he's not he won't be far behind." Karen said and Niall nodded before fixing his attention on the tv. Niall drifted in and out if sleep during the film. Louis woke up about half way through and came over and cuddled his nana on the other side.

"Why is Ni Ni home?" Louis asked seeing his brother asleep when he was meant to be at school. "He's really tired Lou as he hasn't been sleeping much the last couple of nights." Karen explained and Louis nodded. "Did you have fun at school this morning?" Karen asked. "Yes lord we did reading and played and then did numbers." Louis said and Karen smiled at the boy. Louis cuddled his nana and watched the tv programme Karen had chosen. Niall stirred and cuddled Louis as well as his nana.

A while later Harry arrived home to find Louis and niall curled up on Karen's lap. "Hey." Harry said softly walking over to the 3. "Hey love, good day?" Karen asked and Harry nodded. "Yeah but been worried about this one." Harry said gently running his hand through Niall's hair Niall slightly twitching from the contact. "I'm not surprised, he's been in and out of sleep most the day." Karen said and Harry nodded. "Has he eaten." Harry asked and Karen nodded. "Yeah managed to get him to eat a cheese sandwich at lunch." Karen explained and Harry nodded. Harry made himself and Karen a tea before sitting down and waiting for the two children to wake up.

Liam had a very busy day at work.

Louis was first to wake and seeing Harry smiled and walked over to him climbing on his lap. "Hey monkey good day at school." Harry said wrapping his arms around the boy. Louis just smiled before filling harry in on everything he had done in school that day. It didn't take long for the boy to get bored though and slid of Harry's lap and headed off towards the backroom where his trains still were from yesterday. Karen told Harry to go play with Louis she will come and get him when Niall wakes. Harry thanked Karen before joining Louis who beamed as his daddy played with him. Harry and Louis played together for around an hour before Harry heard what sounded like sobs and got up.

"Where you going?" Louis asked and Harry looked at the boy. "I think Niall's awake so I'm going to see him." Harry said and Louis thankfully nodded so Harry quickly headed for the living room seeing Niall crying into Karen's shoulder. "Hey baby come here." Harry said and Niall looked up at the voice and instantly got off Karen's lap and flung himself into harry where he continued to cry. Harry rubbed the boys back comfortingly. Karen walked out giving the two some space and going to play with Louis. Niall clung onto Harry's top as he cried and Harry kissed his hair every now again and eventually the boy did calm down and looked up at harry. "You Okay now?" Niall just shrugged before resting his head on Harry's chest. "Did you have another nightmare?" Harry asked although he knew the answer already. "Yeah." Niall whimpered and Harry sighed. "There only dreams baby, there not real." Harry reassured and Niall nodded before letting out a shaky breath. "Shall we watch some cartoons and cuddle." Harry asked. Niall nodded.

Louis beamed as he passed his nana a train. Karen happily played with Louis smiling as she did so as the boy seemed to be reverting back to his normal self more every time she saw him.

Harry turned the tv on and flicked through until he found some cartoons. When he had selected them he led down and let Niall snuggle into his side having a feeling Niall wasn't leaving his side anytime soon. Harry was right as Karen came in a while later to see what she could put on for dinner. "It's alright Karen I can manage." Harry said as she knew she had been here all day caring for his children. "Harry please let me help." Karen said and Harry sighed but knew that cooking might be difficult with how attached Niall was. "Alright thank you." Harry said. "It's fine we're family, now what shall I cook?" Karen asked. "Umm maybe pasta bake with chicken or something, as Niall will probably eat that as well." Harry said and Karen nodded before heading back into the kitchen to make a start on the pasta.

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