Chapter 62

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Meanwhile back home Louis has woken up and is really irritable. Liam is trying to comfort the boy. "Louis stop trying to take the mittens off, there to stop you scratching so you don't end up with loads of scars." Liam said and Louis then looked at him. "But papa there itchy and annoying." Louis whined and Liam just picked the boy up placing him on his lap and cuddling with him. "Papa not helping." Louis said but Liam just smiled. "You can't scratch while I'm cuddling you though so it is." Liam said but Louis shook his head. "But How's that meant to help. It's still itchy." Louis said and Liam sighed.

Liam decided to put more camomile lotion on the spots. Liam looked and more spots were appearing his tummy was now covered in spots. "Oh baby, you're going to be covered by the morning." Liam said sadly and Louis just sniffled wanting them gone for good not more. Liam comforted the boy and managed to get the boy of to sleep. Louis had fallen asleep on him so he didn't want to move. Liam soon fell asleep himself with Louis cuddled on top of him.

Niall really enjoyed his pasta. "You enjoy that Ni?" Robin asked and Niall nodded. "Yes I'm going to ask Dad and papa to get some so I can have at home as well." Niall said happily. Robin and Anne smiled at that. "Ni why don't you shower while we clean up" Anne said. "Okay." Niall said before happily heading upstairs to shower. Anne and robin cleaned up from dinner.

Awhile later Niall came down dressed in his pyjamas. "Can I watch tv?" Niall asked walking into the kitchen where his grandparents were. "I don't know love your dads still asleep and I don't really want you to wake him." Anne said. "I'll put it on quietly." Niall said and Anne sighed but nodded. Niall put the tv on low and sat on the other sofa to the one his sleeping dad was on. Robin decided to go and join the boy. Niall smiled seeing Robin and repositioned himself so he was cuddled with Robin before turning his attention back to the tv.

About half hour later Harry woke and smiled at everyone. Niall got up and went to hug his dad. "How was dinner" Harry asked Niall. "Really nice we need to buy some so we can have it at home." Niall said and Harry smiled ruffling his hair. "Well I think I need to go and try some then." Harry said and Niall nodded taking his dads hand and the pair headed for the kitchen. Harry heated his dinner up in the microwave hoping it didn't disagree with the pregnancy.

Harry soon came and sat at the table with Niall and began eating but he knew straight away it wasn't going to stay down but he also didn't want to upset Niall as the boy had pretty much cooked it himself and bearing in mind the boy was watching harry couldn't chuck it away.

"Harry had about half the plate. Ni I'm going to have the rest later" Harry said. 'It was lovely" Harry said. Anne came in and asked if everything was ok. "We're fine mum." Harry said but Niall didn't look convinced. "You always eat all of it, didn't you like it?" Niall questioned and Harry sighed. "I really liked it Love but I'm not very hungry." Harry said and Niall just nodded sadly.

"Why don't you go and cuddle with grandad love." Anne suggested and Niall nodded heading off and Anne then turned her attention to harry. Anne knew straight away it was the morning sickness and led Harry to the bathroom.

Harry violently threw all the food up. Anne was rubbing Harry's back. A few minutes later Harry was done and gargloing some water. "Do you want to go to bed?" Anne asked. "No I want to talk to ni and make sure he knows he did nothing wrong." Harry said and Anne nodded as they headed for the living room.

Niall went and cuddled his grandad. "You Alright Ni?" Robin asked and Niall just nodded. "I don't think dad liked my cooking." Niall said cuddling further into Robin. "I'm sure he did sweetie." Robin said but Niall just shook his head. "He didn't eat it all and I can hear him now being sick." Niall said and Robin sighed. "I promise it's not your cooking, remember when your parents told you you were going to have another brother or sister?" Robin asked and Niall nodded. "Well certain foods might react badly with your dad due to the pregnancy, I promise you it's not your cooking." Robin reassured the boy who nodded.

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