Chapter 114

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Anne soon arrived after collecting the baby's carseat to take the baby home. The nurse came and gave harry advise about his c section scar. Harry nodded Anne also listening in before Harry was officially able to go home. Harry put the baby in his car seat and wrapped a blanket round him as they left the hospital. 'Hey li hope niall is ok, they are discharging both of us going to my parents till niall is better xxxx " harry said. He sighed as he sent it wishing he was going back home But was thankful that he could stay with his mum for as long as he needed.

When Harry was ready anne picked the car seat up as harry couldn't lift anything after his stitches from his c section. "Thanks for this mum." Harry said. "It's fine sweetheart I honestly don't mind and robins fine about it as well.

Harry nodded as his mum drove back to their place. "How long do you think we will be here for." Harry asked as they reached Anne's. "I don't know sweetheart but your welcome here for as long as you want. Harry nodded. "Thanks I'm so.greatful, lou is out with Karen and George and going to get them to drop him him here and see us here as a surprise," Anne said.

"He'll like that any idea where there going?" Harry replied. "Last time I was in contact Louis had choose some kind of country park an hour away." "Oh bless he'll be exhausted by the time he gets here, will be interesting to see if he's still interested in being a big brother when he's tired or just wants a cuddle and all the attention." Anne said.

Harry nodded and anne parked up and opened the front door before coming to get the car seat. Harry got out the car. "Is dad home?" "Yep he's been sorting out a temporary space for the baby sleep while your here." Anne said and Harry smiled thankfully at his mum as he followed her indoors.

Robin came to the door as he heard it opens and hugged harry before fussing over his latest grandson. "You can take him if you want." Harry said and robin wasted no time in lifting the baby out of the carrier. Robin supported the babys head and cuddled him. Harry sat on the sofa. Anne brought the rest of Harry's bits in. "Do you want anything to drink or eat haz?" Anne asked but Harry shook his head "No it's okay thanks though." Harry said.

Harry shut his eyes exhausted and fell asleep knowing his dad had the baby. Robin smiled and sat down with his baby grandson knowing he wouldn't stay this way for long. It was about half hour later the baby woke up crying for a feed. Anne luckily had one rest and heated it up and tested the temperature of it. When she deemed it suitable she gave it to Robin who started to feed his baby grandson.

Robin fed the baby and carefully burped him before just cuddling him. "I want you to stay this small forever." Robin said softly to the baby "Keep dreaming love he'll be grown up before you know it it feels like only last week Louis was that small." Anne said and robin nodded.

It was around two hours later when harry woke up from his nap. He went to see his parents and his baby. "Hey love." Robin said and Harry smiled looking at his baby boy who was asleep in his mums arms. "How's he been" harry asked. "Good had a feed, nappy change and sleep" anne said. Robin got up to make harry a drink. "Great I'm hoping he's going to be a good baby I mean with 2 other kids there not going to take it well if he cries all night long.

"They will cope like gem did" anne said remember the first few months with harry when he constantly cried at night. Harry nodded and drank his tea. "I hope so I'm hoping it won't put Louis off his baby brother he loves him at the moment." Harry said. "You have nothing to worry about, but I do think when he comes over tonight for a couple of hours tonight or tomorrow you have watch movie or something just you two and we will look after the baby" Anne suggested. "Yeah I'd like that I think Louis needs some 1:1 time with either Li or I he's been away from us for days." Harry said worried his middle child was going to be feeling left out.

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