Chapter 111

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Gemma had decided to take Louis and Adam to the park. "Alright boys you can go and play but make sure I can see you okay." Gemma said and Louis and Adam nodded before the pair ran off, Gemma sat down and watched the boys play as they ran to the swings.

Adam was able to swing himself however Louis hadn't quite mastered the technique yet and Gemma saw him struggling so got up to go and push the boy. "Thank you auntie Gem" Gemma smiled at the boy especially when he giggled loudly when he was going higher.

Louis eventually grew bored of the swings and went running off Adam following closely behind and Gemma smiled at the pair before going to sit back down. The boys then choose a climbing frame to play on. Gemma kept a close eye on then to make sure they didn't fall. She saw Louis look cautiously at the monkey bars and smiled. "Want some help" she asked. The boy shook his head and went back the other way. However Gemma then watched as Louis saw Adam get across on the monkey bars and he came back over.

"You sure you don't want help?" Gemma asked. "Maybe a little bit of help." Louis said and Gemma smiled "Go backup Lou and I will help you" Gemma smiled at the boy. Louis hugged his auntie and did just that. "Right grab hold of the first bar." Gemma said and Louis nodded doing that before Gemma then held him up so he could work his way across the bars. Lou is smiled as he got to the other side and asked if his auntie could help him again as Adam did it again once Lou was down. Gemma nodded. The boy was more cautious of things after breaking his leg.

"Look how fast I can do them Louis." Adam said and Gemma rolled her eyes "Adam go careful the only reason I want to go to the hospital today is to see your uncle not because you've hurt yourself showing off." Gemma said.

Adam of course didn't listen to his mum and carried hung super fast. Gem hovered near in case the boy slipped. The boy did slip like Gemma expected but where she knew it would happen she was able to catch him before he did any harm to himself. Gemma put adam down. "Now listen to mummy next time when she says slow down" Gemma said before helping Louis across. Adam nodded before running off elsewhere not to concerned over what had just happened.

"That boy won't ever learn until something happens lou." Gemma said although she knew Louis was the same but since he'd broke his ankle the boy was a lot more cautious. Once gemma had helped louis across the monkey bars, he ran off to join adam. They were having fun. Gemma looked at the time and it was coming up to lunch time about midday.

"Right boys lets go and get some lunch." Gemma called out. "Can we go see daddy afterwards and my baby brother?" Louis asked running over. "Let's have lunch first and then we can decide" Gemma said knowing she was taking them but wanted to see how nuall was first before going to the hospital. "Okay." Louis mumbled before raising his arms as he was tired and no longer wanted to walk. Gemma smiled and picked Lou up as Adam walked beside them till they got to the little cafe and sat at the table.

"What do you want to eat lou?" Gemma asked as the boy yawned. "Cheese toastie please." Louis said rubbing his eyes Gemma smiled at the boys manners. "Of course Adam I take it a tuna and cheese sandwich" gemma said. "Yes mummy" adam said. Gemma then ordered the two sandwiches and a tuna melt panini for her herself.

"Can I have a cuddle?" Louis then asked and Gemma nodded "Course you can love come here." Gemma said and the boy climbed onto her lap yawning "I think you could do with a nap." Gemma said rubbing the boys back. "Once we have had lunch we will go back to my house and you can have some time in front of the t.v." Gemma said as the sandwiches came over. Louis just nodded as the sandwiches were placed around the table but Louis didn't make a move to move from Gemma's lap and Gemma smiled cutting the boys toastie into 4 squares.

Gemma then did the same for Adam. The three began to eat lunch. When lunch was finished Gemma brought the 2 boys a cake which they happily ate before heading back for hers so the boys could spend some time on the sofa watching tv, where she was sure Louis would fall asleep, and she could message her mum or Harry to find out if it was okay for her to come in with Louis and Adam and maybe Katie.

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