Chapter 12

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Hope everyone had a good Christmas for those who celebrate or happy holidays.  Here is another chapter, thank you for everyone's vote and comments.

Liam got niall comfy and the boy fell asleep almost straight away. Liam stayed with him. Liam stayed with niall before checking he was fast asleep, he called in work to say he wouldn't be in and then went upstairs to check on harry. 

Anne got Louis in his booster seat. When Anne arrived at the school she dropped Louis off telling him she would pick him up later before heading into the main reception to tell them Niall wouldn't be attending as she doubted Liam had had time to do so. She then headed back towards her house but made sure she had her phone near at all times incase Liam called again. Robin asked Anne how Harry and niall were. "Harry's managed to catch some kind of bug so he's constantly throwing up which scares Louis as you know what he's like, and Niall doesn't feel to great either." Anne explained and Robin nodded. "I can't say I'm surprised about Niall with how tired he was yesterday I could already see it coming." Robin said and Anne sighed but nodded. Harry was still asleep so Liam used this opportunity to get something to eat as he hadn't had the chance yet only being able to grab a coffee. 

"How about offering to have Louis tonight depending how Harry is. Robin suggested. "We can ask but Louis might want to be with his parents I mean he hasn't really seen much of them." Anne said and Robin shrugged. "I don't think he'll have much of an issue since he'll be away from harry vomiting. Just ask him when you pick him up from school." Robin suggested and Anne nodded. "I'll find out his Harry is before picking him up." Anne said. 

Liam had a cup of coffee and some toast. He managed to have some peace that morning. Liam had been sitting for fifteen minutes when he heard crying. Sighing Liam got up and headed into the living room knowing that's where Niall was and saw the boy sat up and crying. "What's wrong sweetie?" Niall just made grabby hands at Liam and Liam instantly went over and picked him up trying to calm him down. Niall just pointed to his tummy. Liam rubbed it and it made niall cry even harder. "Alright Love I'll stop." Liam said sitting down and placing Niall in his lap. "It hurts." Niall cried and Liam sighed wrapping his arms around Niall. 

Liam knew the boy was still very constipated he had hardly pooed that morning and they were rock hard. "Shall we go and try using the toilet again?" Liam suggested but Niall quickly shook his head. "No hurts to much." Niall mumbled starting to calm down as he was cuddled into Liam's chest. Liam sighed. He had a feeling he may have to get the stronger laxatives but then that could cause diarrhoea but his boy was in so Much pain. "Ni does it hurt really badly?" Liam asked although he already knew the answer. "Yes Papa please make it stop." Niall begged and Liam nodded deciding to just give Niall the stronger laxatives. Yes it would be an unpleasant couple of hours but at least the pain would ease once it was all over. 

Harry stirred groaning he felt awful. Once Harry woke up he instantly grabbed the bucket out of precaution hoping that he wouldn't have to use it. However a few minutes later harry has his head over the bucket as his stomach churned. He was worried about niall to.

"Niall I'm going to ring grandma to get different medicine" Liam explained. Niall whimpered as Liam got up but snuggled back under his blanket with his elephant once he made sure that Liam was coming back. As Liam got up and headed to into the kitchen to phone Anne he could here Harry upstairs throwing up. He sighed he needed to speak to Anne first before checking his husband. Harry groaned as he vomitted.

Anne answered the phone straight away and said she would grab some before coming straight over which Liam was extremely grateful and then he ran up the stairs avoiding the living room so Niall didn't see him. "Oh Haz." Liam said as he sat next to his husband and rubbed his back. "I think I'm done." Harry mumbled and Liam nodded heading off to empty the bucket. When he came back harry was already led back down with the TV on quietly. "You going to be alright up here I would stay but Niall's not doing to great." Liam said. "Is he Alright?" Harry asked worriedly despite being ill himself. "He's severely constipated so it's causing him a lot of pain so your mums getting him some stronger laxatives and then bringing them over." Liam explained "You've got a fun couple of hours coming up then." Harry said. "Hmm I guess anyway shout if you need me." Harry just nodded before turning his attention back to the TV while Liam went back down to Niall who instantly climbed onto his lap once he sat back down.

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