Chapter 54

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Niall smiled at his dad's. "Dad you are going to be ok" niall asked. "Ni come and sit down sweetie" Harry said. Niall sat down. "I have a bad tummy that keeps making me sick and poorly, that's why I was in hospital to get better, but my tummy still a bit poorly and might make me sick but I will be fine" Harry said. Niall nodded sadly and hugged his dad. "We need you to be a big brother and look after Lou for us if that happens, just give him cuddles and you know how to use the phone to ring your grandparents" Liam said. Niall just nodded clinging onto Harry. It was times like these that the men were remained that Niall was still only 7 even if he did act a lot older at times. It was long till the 2 men heard soft sniffles and looking down Niall had his eyes closed but seemed to be crying.

"Sweetie don't cry dad will be fine." Liam reassured him earning another sniffle and Harry pulled him in closer. When the men were sure that Niall was sound asleep Harry turned to Liam. "Li I don't know if we should keep this from Niall for another 6 weeks he's so scared that's somethings wrong with me and he's not stupid he knows that it's not a stomach bug. I mean he's been crying Li." Harry said gently playing with Niall's hair. He didn't want any of the kids knowing yet but maybe Harry was right and they could Niall.It was a while later and Liam carried a sleeping niall to bed. Harry went to get ready for bed and think things through. He wasn't sure about telling Ni, he didn't want the boy to get excited in case anything went wrong. When Liam entered his room he quickly got changed himself before joining Harry in bed.

"Do you think telling Niall's a bad idea?" Harry said. "I don't know Haz, if he finds out and you loose the baby for some reason he will be devastated and at 12 weeks things look a lot more sure but I can't stand to see him like he was tonight again." Liam sighed. Harry nodded torn not sure what way to go. "Let's get some sleep and talk it over tomorrow" Liam said.

Harry agreed and snuggled into Liam's side as Liam reached over and turned the light out falling asleep quickly himself. It was a peaceful night and Harry slept the while way through and woke up feeling good the next day. He carefully got out of Liams grip without waking him and went to check on louis who was still asleep and carefully changed the boys wet pull up.

Once he had Louis changed he placed him back in his bed before quietly heading downstairs and making a start on breakfast deciding to surprise his family, He had to think what to make to himself not be sick. He also knew it would more than likely just e the three if not two of them eating. While Harry was thinking Niall appeared rubbing his eyes. "Morning sweetie." Harry said as Niall came over wanting a cuddle and Harry happily hugged the boy. They cuddled for awhile before Liam came in carrying Louis who was wide awake now having been disconnected from his feed. "Right well now you've all appeared my surprise breakfast has gone out the window what does everyone want?" Harry asked searching through the cupboards while Niall stayed close to his side. "Let's just do something easy like cereal or toast' Liam said getting the coco pops out for Niall.

Harry nodded and then asked Liam to just do him some toast which Liam happily did once he situated Louis on the sofa in front of the TV. Harry then went and sat next to Niall at the table but the boy then moved and sat on Harry's lap continuing to eat his breakfast there instead of his seat. Harry smiled and ate his toast with a bit of difficulty while Niall sat on his lap.

When Harry and Niall were both done harry told Niall to go and join Louis and he would be in in a bit wanting to talk to Liam but Niall wasn't having that. "No stay with you." He whined refusing to get off Harry's lap. "Ni please and then we can have a lego competition later" Harry said.

This excited niall so he got down and went to cuddle his brother. "What do you want to talk about love?" Liam asked sitting down next to his husband. When Louis saw Niall come in he smiled and once Niall was sat down cuddled into his side as Niall watched what Louis was watching. The 7 year old wasn't a fan of a lot of Louis' programmes but he dealt with them when he needed to. Niall was to old for them but he loved his brother so let him watch them as they cuddled.

Lirry's suprise bundle of joyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें