Chapter 101

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Time moved by quickly for the family and winter soon turned to spring followed by the start of summer and before they knew it Harry was 7 months pregnant.

It had been a difficult few months. Harry was now on complete bed rest. He still had severe mornings sickness, had managed to develop high blood pressure pre eclampsia. He had gestational diabeties and his feet were very swolloen. So even on his good days he wasn't allowed to walk he was using a wheelchair.

Due to this Louis was hardly around Harry at all as for starters the boy couldn't stand it when his daddy was throwing up and secondly he got bored too easily just sitting around and with the warmer and lighter days he was happiest spending time playing outdoors in the garden.
His foot had completly heeled now and he loved running around, The one thing htat he hadn't been back on was the trampoline but other than that he enjoyed being able to run around again.

Niall spent time with his dad. Harry enjoyed this but missed spending time with Lou. Today he was having a good day and sitting in the garden in his wheelchair as he watched the two boys run around with his mum sitting next to him."You excited for the new baby then?" Anne asked. "Yeah it's becoming so much more real now I mean Liam's started the nursery and the boys are helping out with that." Harry said as he looked over seeing Niall on the trampoline and Louis looking at him as Liam went over to them.

"You can go on it if you want." Liam said to Louis. "But I don't want to hurt my foot again." Louis said. "Lou you've had that trampoline for years and that was the first time you've ever properly hurt yourself." Liam reassured the boy . Louis still shook his head not wanting to get back on how about playing catch." LIam suggested thinking that is something.
Harry can do with the boy. "You play?" Louis asked. "How about you play with daddy?" Liam suggested hoping the boy would agree. "How can he play catch" Louis asked.

Liam went over and the handles of the wheelchair. "Throw to daddy." he said. Louis looked unsure but did as Liam said. Louis threw to his daddy and Liam pushed the wheelchair so Harry could catch and he threw it back to Louis. Harry smiled as they continued to do this.

Anne had gone inside to make a start on lunch. "Can I play?" Niall asked coming over and Louis nodded as all 4 started playing They all had fun till abbe brought lunch out. Anne had just put together a snacky lunch thinking the family could have a Pinic out in the garden.

They sat at the table after they went and washed their hands and had some sandwiches, carrot and cucumber and crisps. "Thanks Anne." Liam said once they had finished and Anne had started clearing away. "It's nothing I want you two to spend as much time as possible with those two as you can as you know how hectic it will be when the new baby comes." Anne said.

Liam nodded and they got Louis to read his book to them as they didn't want him running around after lunch. Harry was getting tired so Anne took him upstairs.
"But papa." Louis whined. "No I'm sorry lou but you need to do this and I don't want you running around so soon after eating anyway so it's perfect opportunity." Liam said.

Louis nodded and tried to read the book it was a bit harder than normal as he had just been moved up another level at school. "Papa it hard." Louis whined as he got stuck again. "I know sweetheart but your nearly in year 1 now and they want to challenge you a bit more, plus you were finding your last level to easy." Liam said kissing his hair. Louis huffed but nodded.
Liam covered half the word and got Louis to work out the first half before doing it the other way and Louis did it and then put together. "See you can do it." Liam said and Louis smiled at him before moving on. They did that with a few more words and Louis smiled as he finished the book.

"Papa can we make some of them special stickers for the babies room" Niall asked after he completed some homework. "Yeah go and get the stuff we're do it out here as then it doesn't matter if you make a mess." Liam said and Niall nodded running off to grab the stuff "What draw brother or sister for room" Louis asked.

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