Chapter 17

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This is a joint story between myslef and @doodle1403. 
If you are enjoying this story you should check our other joint story Zouris family sufferings on doodle1403 page.

A special shoutout to @mufcheidi007 for commenting on my chapters.  Also to my other readers for voting and commenting on this story.

It was when Louis woke he woke Liam up who had a while nights sleep that night. "Morning Lou lou." Louis smiled and cuddled further into Liam. "Breakfast?" Louis questioned and Liam nodded. "Can you go and use the toilet first." Liam reminded the boy as Louis still had to be reminded sometimes. Louis nodded and scampered off before returning and following Liam into the kitchen.

Liam made Louis a bowl of cereal and went upstairs to grab Louis uniform. He sighed as he heard vomitting from nialls room. He knew robin had him as he wanted to take Louis in to school that morning. He quickly grabbed Louis' uniform before returning downstairs helping Louis get dressed before sending him into the toilet to brush his teeth as Louis' toothbrush and stuff was still downstairs from the previous evening. Liam got the boy dressed. Then they headed to take Louis to school. "Papa will you pick me up?" Louis asked when they reached the school and Liam shrugged. "I don't know monkey but if it's not me then I'll see you when I get home." Liam said and Louis sighed but nodded before saying bye to his papa after giving him a cuddle.

Robin comforted niall. "I want Papa." Niall whined when he finished throwing up and Robin nodded. "I know but I've just heard him leave the house probably to take Louis to school so when he comes homes I'm sure he'll come and see you." Robin said. "How long will that be?" niall asked. "Not long Ni." Robin said hoping that Liam wasn't long.Liam decided to go to the ship quickly. He picked more nappies up, medicine and a few other bits. He didn't know how either of them were. Robin managed to get niall of to sleep. When Liam returned home he quickly put everything away before quietly making his way upstairs first going into his room knowing he'll probably be with Niall the rest of the day. When he entered he saw Harry asleep but Anne was awake. "How is he?" Liam asked. "He hasn't been sick or anything all night but he was in quite a bit of pain earlier on in the night but I gave him meds and he's managed to keep them down and fell back asleep." "That's good then." Liam said and Anne nodded. "You look a lot more awake today." Anne said with a chuckle. "Yeah slept all night with Lou cuddled into me." Liam said with a smile before saying bye to Anne and heading over to Niall's room. He gently pushed the door and smiled seeing Niall asleep clutching onto robins shirt as the older man was playing with his hair.

"Hey Li, he's been asking for you." Robin said quietely gesturing to Niall. "Is he Alright?" Liam asked. "It's not Been the best night for him." Robin said sadly just as Niall started to stir and then slowly opened his eyes. "Hey baby." Liam said. "Papa." Niall whined holding his arms out for Liam. Liam quickly switched places with Robin and let Niall climb onto his lap where the boy was quick to bury himself into Liam's chest. Niall snuggled into his papa and fell asleep. Liam was playing with Niall's hair when he paused his hand when it was over Niall's forehead. "Could you go grab the thermometer for me Robin he's really warm." Liam asked Robin who was still in the room.

"Yeah Course Where is it?" Robin asked. "I think it's in mine and Harry's room." Robin nodded and walked off into there room quietly grabbing the thermometer that was on Harry's bedside table and snuck back out seeing Harry and Anne were both asleep. "Here Li." Robin said handing it to Liam and he thanked the man before turning it on and gently placing it in Niall's ear trying his best not to wake the boy up. The thememeter beeper and it was 38.6. Liam asked robin to grab a cold cloth. Robin nodded and got the cloth before coming back and handing it to Liam. He gently placed it on Niall's forehead but Niall woke up whining. "Cold." Niall moaned. "I know love but your temperatures gotten quite high so we need to try and cool you down as your probably throw up any meds I could give you." Niall nodded sadly and curled tightly into Liam who wrapped his arms around the boy while making sure the cloth stayed in place. Liam was glad niall fell back to sleep. Niall slept most the morning only waking up once to puke and then went back to sleep.

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