Chapter 41

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Thank you to everyone who is reading this story.  And a special thanks to those voting and commenting.

The doorbell went so Liam came over. "Boys sorry to break this up but someone is at the door does birthday boy want to come see who it is" Liam said as he scooped the nodding boy up. "Open the door then baby." Liam said and Louis nodded reaching for the catch on the door and opening it seeing robin and Anne. "Grandma and grandad" Louis squealed reaching out to be cuddled.

'How's the birthday boy." Anne said. At that moment Karen and Geoff arrived. Louis happily reached out for Geoff when he saw him happy to be the centre of attention and was passed between each of his grandparents one by one. Liam smiled."Shall we come in instead of standing by the door by the cold" Liam said. Everyone nodded and went into the lounge. "Hey Ni, harry." Karen greeted walking in first with Louis in her arms who she put down when the boy started to wiggle around. "Nana." Niall said happily getting up and going over to Karen cuddling into her arms before hugging the rest of his grandparents.

Louis then got to open his presents from his grandparents already getting cards from them he opened that morning. Louis hugged each of his grandparents and thanked them all before beginning to open the boxes to begin to play with his new toys. Louis told Niall to come play with him. Liam smiled at this making drinks for everyone.

Harry snuck of upstairs again when the teas and coffees were brought in, with croissants for everyone. Harry felt very nauseous again. Harry leant over the toilet. Liam noticed his husband was missing again but could hear someone upstairs so headed up there to see if he could find out what was going on as the boys were both occupied with Louis' new toys and there parents were watching them.

Nothing was happening so Harry got up and washed his hands and splashed his face just as Liam entered the room. "Right What's going on, both boys are occupied by are parents so they won't here and don't you dare tell me your fine or it's nothing because I know your hiding something." Liam said and Harry sighed walking past Liam and sitting on the bed. Liam following and sitting next to him. Harry leant into him. "Not been sick yet" Harry lied "but tummy feels off" he carried on.

Liam sighed "why don't you rest now, and our mum's can occupy the kids while our dad's help me with the Louis surprise room" Liam said. As much as Harry wanted to help with the nemo stickers that sounded like a great idea. "Sounds good." Harry said making his way back into bed and cuddling under the duvet. Liam then went back downstairs and found Niall and Louis playing with the new train set.

"Are you good to watch the boys for around an hour I want to get started on Lou's room." Liam asked his mum and mother in law as he grabbed the stickers out the sideboard as Louis couldn't reach that place before checking the boys were still occupied. "Yeah that's fine but I thought Harry was helping you?" Anne asked seeing Liam gesturing to Geoff and Robin to help him out. "He said he feels a bit off so I've told him to rest as we've got Louis' party this afternoon and I need him with me then as we're going to have a house with quite a few 4 and 5 year olds plus a lot of family." Liam said knowing already this afternoon was going to be pretty hectic.

Anne nodded and sighed hoping her son wasn't ill on her grandsons fifth birthday . Harry fell asleep as he hit the pillow.

Geoff, Robin and Liam headed upstairs to start on Louis room. "He's going to love these." Robin commented as he stuck a sticker onto the wall and Liam smiled. "Yeah he will he saw ones like it when we were at the children's hospital and I mentioned it to him then but I think he was so out of it that it didn't really register." Liam said and Robin and Geoff both nodded as the 3 continued to decorate the boys room. Soon they were done and Liam couldn't wait to see the boys face. They headed back downstairs. To find Louis asleep."He Tired himself out?" Liam asked gently Picking the boy up from where he was led on the sofa and placed him on his lap once he was sat down. "Yeah he couldn't keep his eyes open any longer." Anne said as Niall appeared. "Where's Dad Papa?" Niall asked and Liam sighed. "He's sleeping Love." Liam said. "Why?" Niall asked and Anne decided to take him away as he was either going to wake Louis or annoy Liam. "Thank you." Liam said quietly when he saw Anne guide Niall into the kitchen.

Lirry's suprise bundle of joyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon