Chapter 110

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They both slept for a few hours before niall woke again. Niall whined as he woke up and the feeling from before was still there admittedly it wasn't quite as bad but it was still enough to make the boy feel uncomfortable. Niall tried to concentrate on the tv but couldn't and woke his papa up. Lism woke up and hugged the boy. 'How's your tummy" liam asked.

"Bit better but there weird feeling is still there." Niall mumbled and Liam nodded kissing the boys forehead. Liam sighed as it still felt slightly warm. "You sure you still only think this is what it normally is love as your still a little warm?" Liam asked the boy who shrugged. "I think it is." Niall said.

Liam nodded and hugged the boy deciding to get him to have some water. He put the cup up to his mouth and got him to drink. Niall had some before pushing it away. "Can you have a bit more?" Liam asked but Niall shook his head not wanting too much in his system. Lism didn't push the boy. "How does your tummy feel" liam asked.

"Not great." Niall mumbled. Liam hugged the boy and gave him a tummy rub. "I don't like this papa I want to see dad and my baby brother." Niall said sadly. "I know Ni we will get you better soon so you can see them, you still feeling sick" liam asked. Niall nodded sadly sniffling as Liam wrapped an arm around his eldest son .

It was around twenty minutes later when Liam thought niall had fallen asleep. When the boy whined. "Shhhh it's ok ni, what's wrong" liam asked. "Don't like it and I feel really sick plus I need the toilet again but I'm tired and want to sleep." Niall said and liam could tell he was close to tears. "Shhh it's ok we will go to the bathroom." Liam soothed picking the boy up careful not to jolt him to much. Niall sniffled as Liam headed back for the bathroom.

"Ni I'm going to place you on the toilet okay but do you think you need a bucket or anything?" Liam asked and Niall shrugged so Liam decided to get one as it was better safe than sorry. However as lism rushed to get a bucket he heard niall vomiting. He sighed and rushed back seeing niall covered in vomit. "Shhh its ok we can give you a bath after." Liam said holding the bucket in case there was more, and there was more and Liam sighed rubbing the boys back.

"Oh sweetheart." Liam said as Niall began sobbing. "Shhh it's ok" liam said as he rubbed the boys back and asked if wanted a tummy rub. Niall nodded and let Liam rub and when the boy was finally done Liam turned the bath as the boy had got sick all over himself and it would be much easier and quicker to just give him a bath. While the bath ran lism stripped niall of his clothes. He then cuddled the boy till the bath was ready. "In you get then." Liam said once the bath was ready and Niall whined But nodded and got in sighing in relief once he was in. Liam let the boy soak for a bit before washing him. He then got the boy out and dried and dressed the boy asking how his tummy was.

"Hurting." Niall mumbled rubbing his eyes and Liam smiled sadly at him. "I'll give you some medicine, let's take your temp first." Liam said. Niall just sniffled as Liam rummaged through the cupboards for the thermometer finally locating it and placing the tip in Nialls earr. Liam waited for it to beep and looked at it once it beeped. "You've got a bit of a temperature love." Liam said rubbing the boys back and the boy whined not happy about that.

It was 38.4. Lism measured the amount of calpol out and then gave niall some. "Good boy." Liam said before the cuddled extremely close to his father. Liam smiled sadly as he stroked the boys hair and got him to sleep. Niall eventually fell asleep curled up on Liam's lap even though it didn't look the most comfortable position but Liam wasn't going to move him as the boy must have been comfortable enough to fall asleep in the first place.

Liam picked up his phone to text harry and Gemma. He looked at it and saw message from Anne. He smiled looking at the pictures of Louis feeding his newborn son and wished he could go and visit but right now Niall was his main priority. "Awwww lovely pics he is going to make a great big brother, not to good" Liam replied back to anne. He then sent Harry a text "hey babe hope you aren't in too much pain, anne sent me a photo of lou was so sweet. Sorry I can't come to see you but ni isn't doing to great." Liam song before messaging gemma just as niall stirred.

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