Chapter 13

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Anne made them both a sandwich and then brought it into the lounge where she gave Liam his and sat on the other sofa eating hers. "Li I've suggested to robin to ask Lou if he wants to stay at ours tonight if Harry is still the same. "Umm yeah that would be great but I'll ask Lou as he's been over at yours all weekend already and he can get clingy it's up to him if he wants to go with you or stay here if he wants to stay here well manage." Liam said I knowing that Louis doesn't mind being away for the night every now and again but 2 nights in one week might be pushing his luck. He could be fine but Louis is only 4 at the end of the day and Liam wasn't going to force his 4 year old out the house if he wanted to stay. But he also knows what Louis is like round vomiting. "Ok I understand if he stays here I'll stay the night to help" Anne offers.

Liam is in the middle of eating his sandwich when they hear Niall's bowels explode. "Is he wearing a nappy now?" Anne asked hoping the answer to be yes. "Yeah I put him in one last time thankfully." Liam said as he placed his sand which down and picked Niall up carefully hoping to be able to complete the task at hand without waking Niall.

Anne followed upstairs and went to check on Harry, and when she did she was glad she had. Harry was still asleep but surrounded by a puddle of vomit. Anne grabbed the bucket before proceeding to wake Harry up.

Liam got the wipes and a fresh nappy before carefully placing the boy on the floor so he could change him. Niall stirred slightly and Liam paused hoping the boy would settle and he did so he carried on successfully completing the task before picking Niall up which was when he did wake. "Papa?" Niall questioned sleepily not sure why he was currently being carried around last he knew he was on the sofa. "Go back to sleep Love we're going back downstairs now." Liam said quietly rubbing Niall's back who nodded and rested his head back down on Liam's shoulder before closing his eyes. Liam went back into the lounge and sat down and ruffled nialls hair making the boy fall asleep.

Harry groaned as Anne woke her son. "Shhh it's ok sweetie the bucket is here if you need it" Anne soothed. Harry instantly grabbed for the bucket once he was sitting up and proceeded to use it while Anne comforted him the best he could. Harry violently brought the rest of his soup into the bucket Anne rubbed his back. She then gave him eater to gargle. Once Harry had finished vomiting she washed out the bucket before telling Harry she was going to find if they had any dioralyte. Harry nodded as he lay down. When Anne got downstairs she saw Liam and Niall cuddling on the sofa again with Niall asleep.

"You got any dioralyte Liam?" Anne asked and Liam shrugged. "I think so but I'm not 100% where they are." Liam responded and Anne nodded smiling at sleeping Niall before heading into the kitchen to start searching as Liam hadn't been very helpful. Anne searched through the kitchen and bathroom cabinets. Harry had fallen asleep again. Anne finally found some in the last cupboard in the kitchen and went upstairs to give it to Harry but saw he had fallen asleep so decided to just wait until he woke up again. Anne went on her phone as she sat next to a sleeping harry. Liam shut his eye's while niall was sleeping. The whole house was peaceful again but it was only going to last so long before either Harry or Niall woke up needing help. Anne had dropped of to.

Harry woke up groaning. Anne instantly grabbed the bucket expecting the worse. Harry threw up a tiny bit not having much left. Anne emptied what was in the bucket before bringing it back seeing Harry already half asleep again. Anne put the diarrlyte powder in to a glass of fresh water she had got from downstairs and got Harry to sip some before he got to sleep. Harry sipped some diarrlyte before going back to sleep. Once Anne was sure Harry was asleep she went downstairs and was happy to see Niall watching cartoons and awake. "Hey Ni." Anne said. "Hi grandma." Niall responded before climbing into Anne's lap once she sat down. "You feeling better?" Anne asked and Niall nodded. "Papa's making me a sandwich." Niall said and Anne smiled. "That's good then." Anne said as she wrapped her arms around Niall happy He was feeling a lot better. Niall snuggled into his grandma.

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