Chapter 87

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A month quickly passed by and much to louis' hatred he was still stuck on crutches having become extremely fed up with them as in his opinion they were preventing him from having any fun however harry was now 12 weeks pregnant.

Harry and Liam were excited as the day had come for thier scan. Harry had another rough night and was tired but excited about seeing his baby on the screen. Harry was having a nice relaxing bath before they left for the Dr's.

Liam got Niall and Louis up and ready for the day and they were spending it with Anne and Robin. Robin had found a circus to take the boys to as he knew NIall had really enjoyed it when they went and new Louis would love it to. "What we doing today?" Louis asked as Liam carried him downstairs not liking Louis using his crutches on the stairs. "Your spending the day with grandma and grandpa but I'm not sure what they have planned." Liam said as although he actually did know he didn't know if Anne and Robin wanted it to be a surprise or not Louis nodded and smiled as he ate his breakfast.

Niall then came running in and Liam chuckled handing him a bowl of cereal. "Thanks Papa. Where's dad?" Niall asked looking around. "In the bathroom." Liam said and Niall nodded. Once they had finsihed eating Liam helped Louis go back upstairs and dress him. Louis struggled getting ready now his foot was in a cast.

"Papa I do it?" Louis asked but Liam shook his head. "Sorry baby But we both know you can't. Even I would need help if I had my foot casted." Liam explained as louis huffed. "How much longer does the cast have to stay on?" Louis huffed. "We go back next week and your have more X-rays done. If they think the break has fully healed then there take the cast off although you might still be on crutches, however they might also want you to keep the cast on a little longer as they said the break could take between 6-8 weeks to heal and next week is week 6." Liam explained to the boy who sighed but nodded. Harry had finsihed in the bath and was now getting dressed.

They were nearly all ready to go. Harry hugged his children bye as Liam took them over to Anne and robin's Whilst Harry waited for Liam to come back he decided to watch tv and attempt to relax in the peace and quiet.

Anne happily let her grandkids in when Liam dropped them off both boys getting a hug before they went to find Robin while Anne talked to Liam. "Let me know how it goes yeah." Anne said and Liam nodded. "Course I will bye boys I'll see you later." Liam called out hearing byes back the pair clearly being occupied to by robin. Liam got back in the car and drove home excited to see the baby.

Harry was sat in front of the tv "I'm back." Liam called into the house when he returned walking into the living room where harry was. "Hey." Harry said sitting up and Liam smiled sitting down next to him. They cuddled for around an hour before they left for the hospital. "I'm nervous Li." Harry said as they made there way to the hospital."It will be fine love." Liam assured his husband. Harry hummed as Liam drove slowly. Liam soon arrived at the hospital and after driving around for a while finally found somewhere to park. Liam Parked up and he Harry got out the car walking to the hospital. Once they reached the right area Liam got Harry sitting down before going to sign Harry in. The receptionist told Liam to take a seat and they would be called shortly.

Harry's name was calledLiam and Harry got up and walked to the room that they were called through. The nurse asked Harry to roll hid top up and she would put the cold gel on him.Harry did so quickly wanting to see his baby and Liam took his hand also pretty to eager for this. The nurse put the probe in Harry's tummy after putting the gel on.

As the probe was placed on Harry's tummy he got a nauseous feeling. "Li." Harry whimpered and Liam looked down at him. "What Love." Liam said. "Feel sick." Harry said and Liam's eyes widened. The nurse moved the probe and grabbed a bowl for Harry as he vomitted into it "Has this been happening a lot?" She asked and Liam nodded. "Yeah he's had horrible morning sickness this time round." Liam explained The nurse showed sympathy. "He has had a couple of hospital admissions to during the pregnancy" Liam said The nurse nodded. "It says this is his second child, how was that pregnancy?" The nurse said. "Rough But nothing like this." Liam said. Harry wiped his mouth.

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