Chapter 85

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"That He is he's a very cuddly boy, I'm worried how he's going to react when the baby does come." Liam said. "What do you mean?" Harry said. "Well he's not going to be the youngest and all the attention will be no longer be on him a lot of time is going to be spent with the new baby." Liam said "Well I don't think we are going to have problem with that as the other night he was practically begging to be a big brother" Harry said. "Yeah but a lot of our attention will be on the baby." Liam said. "Li Ni coped fine when we brought Louis home he was ecstatic and so happy to be a big brother and I'm sure Louis will be exactly the same plus Louis won't get any less love and attention he'll just have to learn to share us with another sibling." Harry explained really not understanding why Liam was so concerned about this.

"But he told me he didn't want to grow up and wants to stay in reception" Liam said "That's just louis being louis, he was like it when he left nursery and he'll be like it when he leaves year 1 to go into year 2." Harry said knowingly. Liam smiled "Yea I know" he said. "Come on let's get some sleep I'm sure it's only going to be so long until one of the boys need something." Harry said and Liam nodded as even though he had slept most of the afternoon he was more than happy to go back to sleep.

They both fell asleep quite quickly cuddled up to each other. For the time being the house was silent with everyone asleep but it only lasted so long.

Niall woke up about half 1 in the morning and tugged at his nana Karen woke up and comforted the boy and gave him more pain relief. "Where Papa?" Niall croaked. "Once you fell asleep louis wanted him so he went to check on him and then he went to sleep in his own bed as your papa's exhausted. I can get him if you want him though?" Karen asked. "No it's fine" Niall said cuddling into his nana. Karen smiled. "Are we going back to sleep" Karen asked the boy.

"Hmm I Try." Niall croaked and Karen smiled playing with the boys hair to try and help him fall asleep.Luckily it worked and niall was asleep 15 minutes later. The house soon fell silent again once Karen had fallen back asleep herself. Luckily it stayed that way till around 6am when Louis woke up hyper and needing the toilet and called out for his papa and nana.

Karen could hear Louis calling out but Niall was cuddled tightly into her side and she knew it would be impossible to move and not wake the boy however Karen did hear movement so she guessed either Liam or Harry had heard the boy as well Harry got up and went to Louis and picked the boy up and carried him to the toilet before saying morning to him. Niall was luckily still asleep.

"Your pretty energetic this morning aren't you." Harry said chuckling as he picked Louis back up placing him on his hip once he'd finished on the toilet. "School?" Louis asked happily bouncing on Harry's hip. "Yep certainly is." Harry said ruffling the boys hair and carried him back to his room so he could help the boy get dressed. Harry got Louis dressed the carried him downstairs and let he boy use his crutches to the kitchen. "What do you want for breakfast love?" Harry asked as Louis eventually made it to the kitchen. "Coco pops." Louis said and harry sighed.

"I'm sorry love but we've ran out with every thing going on we haven't had the chance to go food shopping." Harry said. Louis then had a thought. 'What cereals have got daddy" Louis said. "There's Rice Krispies or cornflakes." Harry said. Louis had a thought "rice krispies please" Louis said. Harry smiled and poured Lou is some rice krispies. "Nice?" Harry asked. "There not as nice as coco pops." Louis mumbled. "There healthier for you though." Harry said and louis just shrugged. "When we getting more coco pops?" Louis asked. "Whenever either papa or I get the chance to do the food shop." Harry said not sure if he wanted to go food shopping as the smells might set him off.

Louis soon finished and Harry carries the boy upstairs to brush his teeth and then carried him downstairs and grabs Louis school bag. "Right let's go." Harry said deciding to just carry Louis as it was quicker and gently placed him in his car seat placing his crutches down next to him. Harry drove to school and parked up with a very chatty Louis.Liam was still asleep on his bed. Niall was curled up a sleep cuddled to his nana "Ready then lou?" Harry asked once Louis was balanced on his crutches and the boy nodded. "Yes daddy." Louis said slowly leading the way to his classroom while Harry followed behind with Louis' school bag on his back. Louis was using his crutches and was going slower than normal because of this. They soon reached Louis class. Louis hugged Harry the best he could while trying to remain balanced before making his way into his classroom while Harry talked to his teacher and handed louis' school bag over.

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