Chapter 8

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Adam was the first to wake up in Anne and robins household the following morning and knowing from previous experience that Louis is also an early morning person crept over to the room Louis was in but found the small boy still asleep so he wasn't really sure what to do with himself. Adam was bored he wasn't sure whether to wake Louis up or not.

"Adam, what you doing awake honey?" Anne asked walking out her room after hearing movement. "Woke up and wanted to play with Louis but he's still asleep." Adam said pointing to Louis from where he stood outside the door. "Well How about we go and watch some cartoons and leave Louis to sleep Yeah, he'll wake up in his own time and then you can play together." Adam nodded and took Anne's hand before the pair walked off upstairs. Adam cuddled his grandma as they watched cartoons.

Anne soon heard footsteps and turned around seeing Louis coming down the stairs. "Hey Lou Lou, Adams been waiting for you to wake up." Anne said as Louis came over climbing into her lap and snuggling close. "Do you want to play Louis?" Adam asked sitting up. "Cuddle." Louis replied and continued to cuddle with Anne. "He'll play in a bit Adam he's only just woken up." Anne told Adam as he looked quite upset. Adam nodded and turned his attention back to the tv. Five minutes later and Louis was asking for breakfast. Anne told the boy to get up and follow her in to the kitchen. "Shall we have pancakes and you 2 can help." Anne suggested and both boys nodded getting up and following Anne into the kitchen. Niall and Adam beamed.

Anne helped the boys out making the pancakes and let them take it in turns flipping them with her help. Just as they were done Niall appeared on Robins hip and a sleepy looking Katie following behind. "You three up for some pancakes?" Anne asked getting a range of yes' and nods. They all nodded. Niall was very clingy during breakfast and looked like he was going to fall back to sleep. "Can we play now Grandma?" Adam asked once he was finished and Louis wriggled trying to get away from Anne who was trying to wash his hands as he had got the syrup everywhere. "Yeah go on." She said letting Louis go who ran after Adam to play. "You want to go and play Ni?" Anne asked but Niall shook his head instead getting off his chair and walking over to Anne and climbing onto her lap.

Anne smiled and cuddled Niall. Shall we cuddle in front of the tv. Niall was still very tired. "Grandma can me and Adam go play" Louis asked. Niall nodded but didn't move so Anne picked him up and carried him into the living room sitting down on the sofa with him and turning the tv on. "You can go back to sleep if you want Ni?" Anne asked and Niall nodded closing his eyes as the younger boys ran around making a lot of noise. "Louis, Adam can you go upstairs to play as Niall wants to go back to sleep." Anne asked the energetic boys who both nodded before racing each other up the stairs after shouting to Robin to come and play with them. Robin went upstairs to play with his two youngest grandchildren. Katie read her magazine.

Anne ruffled Nialls hair sending the boy back to sleep. "Right What we playing then boys?" Robin asked. "Well we need a bridge for are trains." Adam said and Robin chuckled. "Are you basically saying that you want me to be your bridge." Robin said. "Yes." Adam said as Louis nodded. Robin built the bridge and then the two boys played trains. "Grandad, can we go out?" Louis asked bored of being indoors. "Umm where do you want to go?" Louis just shrugged. "Any ideas Adam?" robin asked. "Soft play." Adam shouted and Louis nodded liking that idea himself. "I don't see why not but you both need to get dressed." Robin said and both boys nodded. "Louis do you need help?" robin asked. "No Grandad I'm a big boy." Louis said before walking off to get dressed. Robin walked off and headed downstairs to find out if the other 2 grandkids wanted to join. "Love I'm taking Louis and Adam to the soft play place down the road does Niall want to join?" Robin asked but Anne shrugged. "I don't know he's really tired and I don't know if I want to wake him." Anne said and Robin nodded. "How about you stay here then with him and Katie as I'm guessing you don't want to join Love." Robin asked turning to Katie. "No Thanks." She said as she continued to read her magazine. "Okay well I'm going to get dressed and then get moving with the boys." Robin said. "Alright." Katie answered.

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