Chapter 113

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Louis slept the rest of the night and adam joined them for a cuddle around 6am. They all cuddled for a further couple of hours before Adam decided he was done lying around and ready to start the day. 'Mummy hungry" adam said. "Let's sort that out and get you some breakfast." She said and Adam nodded jumping off the bed and heading downstairs. "Do you want to come lou or you staying with uncle joe?" Gemma asked. Louis got up and followed the pair downstairs as he was hungry to. "What do we fancy then?" Gemma asked as they reached the kitchen.

"Can we have pancakes mummy?" Adam asked and Gemma smiled "Do you want pancakes Louis?" Gemma asked and when the boy nodded Gemma set about getting the stuff out to make them. Louis and Adam both helped make them. Once they were cooking Joe came down to join the pair. Katie was still asleep upstairs.

"What are you doing" Louis asked seeing Gemma on her phone "I'm messaging your papa now Niall isn't very well still and your papa wants to know if you want to spend the day here with us or go to your nana and grandads or grandma and grandpas?" Gemma asked deciding to give the boy the choice she had plans of her own that day but there wasn't any reason why louis couldn't join if he wanted to stay with them.

Louis had a thought and wasn't sure. "I don't know." The boy said. "Well we're going shopping today for new school clothes for Adam and Katie when they go back to school and then we're probably go out somewhere for something to eat." Gemma said explaining to the boy what they were doing to see if that helped the boys decision.

Louis had a thought and decided. Go with nana and grandad or grandma." He said stuck choosing between grandparents. Gemma had a thought herself then and decided that Liam's parents would probably be best as her mum was likely to be spending a lot of time at the hospital with her brother.

"Let's get you dressed then I will call nana and grandpa " Gemma left joe to clear up as she went to help Louis get dressed. "Will I stay with nana and grandpa all night?" Louis asked rubbing his eyes. "I'm not sure lou but you might would that be okay?" Gemma asked but the boy just shrugged. "Wanna go home and see papa." The boy said "I know you do love but your older brother isn't well and your papas looking after him." Gemma said softly.

Louis nodded sadly. "Is he being sick" louis asked sadly. "I think so" gemma said. Louis sighed as gemma finished dressing him and sat him in front of the tv with Adam. Gemma then rang Karen and spoke to her who of course was happy to have Louis for the day. She had a few things to do before she could pick the boy up.

"Lou your nana is coming to get you in about an hour." Gemma said and Louis nodded but Gemma didn't miss the sigh "what's the matter?" Gemma asked lifting the boy onto her lap and bringing him in for a cuddle. "Miss papa and ni ni." Louis said sadly. "I know but I'm sure your nana has plenty of things planned." Gemma assured him. Louis nodded but sighed. Gemma knew the boy was missing his dads and brothers. "Will Nana take me to see daddy and baby?" Louis asked. "I don't know lou your have to ask her she might have other things planned." Gemma said. Louis nodded but looked a bit sad. 'Ask nana nicely and you might be able to see your daddy and baby brother.' Gemma said. Louis nodded and cuddled more into Gemma.

"Lou do you want play?" Adam asked then but Louis shook his head. "I'll come play with both of you" gemma said hoping this would help. "Just wanna Cuddle." Louis said sadly as really he just wanted his parents. Gemma nodded and cuddled the boy, till the doorbell went. "I think that might be your nana." Gemma said as she stood with the boy on her hip and went to answer the door.

Gemma answered and it was indeed karen and louis immediately held his arms out for a cuddle. "Hello lou lou." Karen said with a smile taking the boy who wrapped his arms around his nanas neck. Louis just snuggled into her. Karen hugged him as she spoke to gemma. "How's he been?" Karen asked "He's been okay very cuddly and was also very tired yesterday." Gemma said and Karen nodded. 'What shall we do today" karen asked the louis. "See daddy and baby?" "Maybe but I was hoping you'd just spend the day with me and grandad." Karen said. Louis nodded and poured.Louis said bye to auntie, adam and Katie. Joe had gone to work. Karen carried the boy to the car strapped him in his car seat before driving home. "What we doing today?" Louis asked and Karen shrugged "grandads looking up a few things while I came to get you." Karen said and Louis nodded.Louis then told his grandma what he had brought his baby brother. "Sounds nice sweetie, do you love your baby brother?" "Yeah nana he cute and small." Louis said and Karen smiled.

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