Chapter 26

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Thank you for reading this book, hope everyone is enjoying it.

Please look out for my new book it's an original mix between a romance and sickfic family life of Jennings and Draytons.

Half hour later Liam was waking Lou up who groaned. Liam let the boy wake for five minutes before excitedly telling him they were doing something creative. Louis got up reluctantly and walked into the kitchen with his papa.

Harry was telling Niall to pack up his homework as they were cooking sausages and mash. "Do I have to help?" Niall asked not really seeing the fun in cooking sausage and mash. "Please, it would really help us out." Harry pretty much begged and Niall sighed but agreed and packed his homework up. "Lou do you want to help peel the potatoes?" Liam asked and Louis nodded actually pretty interested. "Li is that a good idea?" Harry asked and Liam nodded.

"He'll be fine he's just helping me out." Liam said as he got a stool for Louis to stand on and then stood behind him putting potatoes in the sink to wash them before they could be peeled. "Do want to give them a quick wash?" Liam asked and Louis nodded splashing around as he washed the potatoes laughing as he did so. "What Can I Do?" Niall asked. "How about once papa and Lou have peeled the potatoes you can help me cut them. Niall nodded before sitting down waiting for his papa and brother to be done with washing the potatoes and start to peel them.

Harry helped Louis peel and tried to make it as fun as he could putting some of the peeled skin on his face making everyone laugh but going when the peeler wasn't in Louis hand. Soon it was all peeled and washed and Niall carefully helped his papa cut them up. "Right So Louis you Now have a very special job." Harry said getting Louis' attention once all the potatoes were cut up and in the saucepan. "What is it Daddy?" Louis asked. "I need you to watch and tell me if water starts coming out over the top of the saucepan as that means the heat needs to be turned down." Harry explained and Louis nodded fixing his eyes on the saucepan."You do know he's just going to stare at it now." Liam said with a chuckle and Harry shrugs. "It saves me the job." Harry said. Liam laughed. Harry got the sausages in the oven.

Liam asked Niall to make drinks and get the butter out the fridge so they could mash the potato when it was ready. Louis soon called his daddy as he could see water coming out the lid of the pan. "Well done lou." Harry said as he kissed Louis' hair and turned the heat down. "Do I still need to watch?" Louis asked. "Yeah but they probably won't go over again." Harry explained and Louis nodded. "Do you think this is going to work?" Harry asked walking over to Liam who was helping Niall set the table.

"Well he's certainly interested and we've discovered he's not afraid to be around or touch food so hopefully when he sees us all eating it he will as well." Liam said and Harry nodded. Soon the potatoes were ready to mash. Both boys had a go at mashing the potato. Soon the sausages were done and Liam cut Louis one sausages. He has about five mouthfuls of mash and one of sausages but wasn't allowed to leave the table until everyone else was done.

"Can I please get up." Louis asked but Liam shook his head."Nope your not getting up till everyone is finished." Liam said kind of hoping Louis would eat a bit more. He had defiantly ate more than Liam was expecting but it still wasn't really enough. Louis sat at the table and asked for his milkshake not wanting any more food. Liam sighed but got up as he had finished eating himself and got one of Louis' drinks out the fridge before handing it to the boy. "Thanks papa." Louis said instantly taking it from Liam when he held it out to him. Soon everyone was done and the boys were sent in to the lounge to watch tv while Liam and Harry cleaned up.

Once Liam and Harry were done they joined the boys in the lounge and the whole family cuddled watching a film. About half way through the film Harry took a sleeping Louis upstairs and put the boy to bed. Niall went up for a shower at the end of the film and going to bed.

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