Chapter 89

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Harry then left and decided he felt ok to go to work for a few hours. He sent Liam a text saying he was going to work and about Louis leg hurting. He knew Liam wouldn't see it for a couple of hours but he felt like he needed Liam to know. Once he had done that he drove to work. He went in and his colleagues smiled as he walked in. "Hey Harry you feeling better" one of his colleagues asked him. "Yeah I'm great." Harry said with a smile not sure if he wanted everyone to know or not. He and Liam had discussed waiting till after the 12 week scan which had been and gone but he also felt that Louis needed to know before anyone else.

His manager came over and said hi to Harry and glad he was feeling better. "We need a quick meeting before you start" the manager said. Harry nodded before following his manager into one of the rooms out back taking a seat as his manager started talking "Hey Harry, how are you feeling, how's the pregnancy going" the manager said making sure no one was around "Yeah it's good we had the 12 week scan the other day and everything's looking good." Harry said "That's good, make sure no heavy lifting and don't over do it" the manager smiled. "I know trust me my husbands a nurse." Harry said chuckling as did his manager .

"Glad to see you back." the manager said as Harry got up. "It's good to be back believes it or not." Harry said before he got to work Harry had a good morning and really enjoyed work. He worked until midday and then drove home.

When Liam got onto break he saw the text from Harry and smiled happy that Harry had gone to work but sighed when he saw the bit about Louis' foot bothering him again as the boy hadn't really had many problems with pain since it had been casted 4 weeks ago He hoped the foot was ok. He would see how it is later. Liam soon got back to work relieved he only had a couple of hours left.

When Harry got home he decided to make the most of the peaceful house and have a nap He decided to go up to his bed rather than the couch and he was out in a few minutes. Liam worked the remaining of his shift and before he knew it he was completing hand over with the nurse taking his place before he headed for the locker room got changed and before he knew it was heading to the boys school.

He went inside to collect Louis knowing about the boys foot and asked the teacher how he had been.
"He's sat down a lot and not really wanted to move much, he got a bit tearful earlier after someone knocked his cast by accident as well but we managed to distract him." She explained and Liam nodded lifting the boy onto his hip and Louis snuggled into him. "Let's go and get Ni and then we will go home' Liam said.

Louis nodded wrapping his arms tightly around Liam's neck hinting he didn't want to be put down and Liam smiled at him before grabbing Louis' bag and crutches Liam walked to the other playground to meet niall holding Louis Niall soon appeared and Liam smiled at him and asked Niall about his day as they walked to the car.

Niall was telling his papa about the science project they did that day "Sounds like fun." Liam said as they reached the car."It was papa it was the best." Niall said climbing into the car "Glad you enjoyed it" Liam said Liam then buckled Louis in before climbing into the car himself and heading home They soon arrived home and Liam parked up and got Louis out his car seat.

"Papa it hurts." Louis whined sadly gesturing to his foot. "I know baby." Liam said softly as Niall jumped out the car "Let's go Inside and papa will gsve a look befote giving you some medicine Louis just nodded holding tightly onto Liam as they went inside Liam went and laid the boy on the sofa putting a cushion underneath the leg and then going to fetch the medicine "Here we are sweetie open nice and wide." Liam said and Louis did as told swallowing the medicine down.

They then cuddled and watched cartoons with Niall joining them. Louis fell asleep about half way through the movie but liam wasn't surprised as medicine seemed to have that effect on him Liam then asked if Niall had any homework "No as our teacher forgot to print it so she said she'll give it to us tomorrow." Niall said. "Alright after you've showered later then we're work on your times tables okay as I know your struggling." Liam said and Niall nodded.

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