Chapter 96

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Louis had been asleep half hour when he woke up and started crying. Karen heard the boy crying and went into the living room where Louis was crying into the blanket. "Hey what's the matter lou?" Karen asked approaching the boy.

Louis carries on crying. "Shhh it's ok" Karen said as she gently picked the boy up and hugged him. She found the problem out the boy had, had a little accident "Come on let's go and get you sorted." Karen said knowing she had spare clothes upstairs that the boy could wear Louis just sniffled.

"Do you still need to go" Karen asked the boy. Louis shook his head sadly. "Why have accident?" Louis asked as he never had accidents anymore. "It's probably because you fell asleep without using the toilet." Karen said.

Louis nodded sadly. "Come on we got clean clothes upstairs for when you stat over here" Karen said. Louis just nodded cuddling into Karen rubbing his eyes. Karen went upstairs and asked Louis if he wanted a bath before she changed him. "No." Louis said shaking his head and Karen nodded grabbing the boys some clean clothes before taking him to the bathroom She took of his trousers and cleaned him before carefully putting anew pair on.

She then changed the boys top "There that's better." She said and louis nodded before reaching for Karen to pick him back up They then went to find niall and joined him watching tv before George arrived home for work. "Well I wasn't expecting you two." Geoff chuckled as he walked into the living room seeing Niall watching tv and Louis curled up against Karen's side with his thumb in his mouth presumably asleep.

"Hi grandpa" niall said getting up and going to give him a hug. "Hey ni." Geoff said wrapping the boy into a hug. "And what's up with my other grandson?" George asked. "He's just had an accident and he's exhausted ni says Li struggled to get him up this morning." Karen said. Geoff nodded.

"Nana I'm hungry we still going out to eat" niall asked. "I think it might be better to get a takeaway" Karen said at seeing how tired Lou was. "But nana I wanted to go out, we always get takeaway." Niall whined "Another time Lou will just be asleep and tired" Karen said. Niall huffed but nodded "What do you want, pizza, fish and chips" Karen said. "Fish and chips." Niall said turning the tv on and trying to find something to watch. Karen nodded. "Shall we go to the fish and chip shop to collect it" Geoff said just as Lou Is stirred and hugged on his nana.

"Toilet quick" Louis said. Karen quickly got up with the boy not wanting a repeat of earlier. She managed to get the boy to the toilet just in time. 'Does that hurt" Karen asked Louis just shrugged although Karen had her suspicions as the boy looked to be in pain She sighed as he might have a urine infection. She just comforted the boy.

Karen decided to leave it for now and speak to Liam later. "Right you finished sweetie?" Karen asked Louis nodded so she cleaned him and redressed the boy before going over to pick him up so they could both wash their hands. "Nana when go home?" Louis asked rubbing his eyes wanting to cuddle in his bed with his blanket and cuddly toys.

"Niall and grandpa have gone to collect fish and chips for dinner, so we will have dinner and then we can take you both home" Karen said. Louis just nodded as Karen placed him back down on the sofa. "Cuddle" Louis asked. "Couple of minutes and then yes" Karen said going to fetch something. Sometimes when Louis as tired he cuddled their rabbit teddy so Karen went off to get that. When Karen returned with the cuddly rabbit Louis held his arms out for the toy. Karen smiled and gave it to the boy and sat down and cuddled the boy. Niall was very chatty in the car.

Liam had finished work and was on his way home.

George had ordered the foid get were just waiting for it to be cooked. When Niall and Geoff had the food they made there way back Louis was asleep when Niall and Geoff walked in meaning Karen had to once again wake Louis up. Louis was a bit grumpy when he was woken but then brought in some fish and chips and managed to smile.

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