Chapter 7

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A reminder this is written by myself and doodle1403  in private message.  Thank you to everyone who has read and commented on this book.  This is another chapter about Niall and Louis time during Liam and Harry's weekend away.

As soon as the kids were allowed to play again they went running for the park with the adults following closely behind. Adam had a ball and the boys all had a kick around as Anne, Gemma and Katie watched them. Cheering when one of the kids scored. They mixed the teams up fairly. Everything was going well with the kids until Louis went to kick the ball and tripped over it causing the boy to instantly start crying. Anne quickly rushed over seeing what had happened and scooped the small boy up and carried him over to where everyone was sat.

"What hurts baby?" Anne asked as the boy who sobbed and showed Anne his hands which were badly scraped. "Is that all that hurts?" Louis nodded snuggling further into Anne who took him to the toilet to clean up his hands. "It could have been a lot worse Lou, another benefit to wearing all these layers." Anne said with a chuckle as they reached the toilets. Anne washed the boys hands and dried them and got the boy to go to the toilet. Everyone carried the game of football after making sure Louis was ok.

"Do you want to go and play again Lou?" Anne asked but the boy shook his head. "Do you want to go into the playground again with me Louis?" Katie asked and the boy shrugged. "Go on Lou, go with Katie." Anne said to the boy as she placed him down on the floor. Louis nodded before taking Katie's hand and the pair made their way to the playground. Gemma was proud of her daughter. Niall was enjoying himself with his cousin, uncle and grandad.

Katie asked louis what he wanted go on. "Big Slide." Louis asked and Katie nodded. "Can you get to the top by yourself?" Katie asked seeing the slide was quite high and Louis was only 4. "I'm a big boy I can do it." Louis said as he started to climb up the steps. Katie nodded but wasn't sure so kept a close eye on the boy. She knew the boy could get up their but it was a lot higher than the one he normally goes on and Katie just hoped he didn't get scared when he saw how high he was. Louis almost got to the top and got very scared and started crying. Katie decided to climb up the stairs to comfort him.

"I'm coming Lou." Katie said as she started climbing and when she reached the top she saw Louis clinging onto the hand rail. "Do you want climb down the stairs or go down the slide?" Louis shrugged and continued to sob. "How about you sit on my lap when we go down the slide." Katie proposed earning a nod from the scared boy. Katie picked the boy up and sat down placing the boy on her lap and held her arms tight round the boy. When they reached the bottom Louis was still sobbing so Katie decided to take him over to a bench and sit down with him. "Lou calm down." Katie said but Louis was still sobbing. "Want daddy and papa." Louis cried and Katie sighed taking the boy over to her grandma. "What's wrong." Anne asked seeing the sobbing boy in Katie's arms. "He got scared on top of the slide and now wants uncle Liam and uncle Harry." Anne sighed and took the boy into her own arms. "Calm down Lou, your safe everything's fine." Anne said trying to soothe the boy. "Daddy, Papa." Anne sighed and handed the boy to Robin while she got her phone out deciding to just ring Harry and hoping that would calm the boy.

Anne managed to get through to Harry and explained that Louis got a bit upset as he went on the big slide and got very scared when he was with Katie and wants to speak to you and Liam. 'Ok pass the phone over' Harry said. Luckily Niall hadn't noticed Anne call his parents as he was enjoying football and she hoped it would it stay like that. "Daddy, Papa." Louis whimpered and both parents could instantly tell the boy was exhausted and very upset. "Hey baby, You are Okay?" harry said. "Scared daddy, want you and papa." Louis replied and Harry sighed before Liam spoke up. "Lou, your my brave little boy yeah, you went all down that slide in the end and we're going to see you tomorrow so you need to be brave tonight as well." Harry said. "No papa, want you now." Louis cried and both husbands sighed. It only got worse when Niall came over at that moment catching Louis say Papa. 'Papa, daddy when you coming home' Niall cried. 'Tomorrow baby but you have grandma, grandpa and I hear you're in the park with Katie and Adam as well' Liam said. 'Yea we played football.' Niall said. 'Was that fun' Harry Asked. 'Yea it was.' Niall replied

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