Chapter 25

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The next morning Liam was the first awake and Harry woke not long after. "What we doing about Lou today?" Harry asked quietly and Liam sighed. "We will keep him home I'm not going back to work yet so he can just stay with me today." Liam said and Harry nodded. "Alright well I'm working until lunch and I'll take Niall to school on my way in." Harry said before he carefully got up and headed into the bathroom to shower. Harry got showered and dressed.

Liam gently woke Niall without disturbing Louis and got the boy dressed for school. Harry then took Niall down for breakfast once he was dried and dressed. "Is Louis not going to school?" Niall asked as he was eating his cereal. "No baby he's going to stay home with papa as he's way to tired." Niall nodded and carried on eating while Harry made sure that Niall had everything in his school bag as the boy had a habit of leaving things behind. Once Liam had sent Niall downstairs he went back to his room seeing Louis had sprawled himself out in the middle of the bed, his hair was everywhere and he had his thumb of one hand in his mouth while I He was holding his blanket with the other. Liam chuckled seeing his youngest son before climbing back into the bed not having anything else to do that day apart from look after Louis. Liam fell asleep to.

Harry made breakfast for Niall and took Liam up a coffee laughing at his youngest sprawled out and then st his husband who fell right back to sleep. Harry decided to just leave Liam's coffee on his bedside table and then quietly left the room after kissing both their foreheads. "Right Ni lets go." Harry said coming down the stairs and Niall quickly appeared putting his shoes on and then Harry helped him get his coat on. "Right Go Get in the car love." Harry said opening the door and unlocking his car before Niall went running getting himself buckled in. Harry then grabbed his house keys and bag along with Niall's which he had left by the door before joining Niall in the car and heading for Niall's school. Harry dropped Niall to school before going to work.

Louis slept most the day and Liam struggled to get him to eat. Liam rang one of his work friends who was dietician and explained to her the problem and asked for a cheeky home visit. She agreed no problem as she had met the boys plenty of times and adored them herself. She told Liam she would be over in a couple of hours but for now to just keep trying to get him to eat and if that fails to just keep him on the drinks so that's exactly what Liam did. Liam told Harry the plan as he had been home since half 11 from work. Harry nodded and hoped it would work. "Li if Lou still doesn't eat will he get a tube in his nose" Harry asked. "He might but hopefully that might make him eat and if not might need to get some psychological help" Liam explained. Harry nodded sadly. They knew Louis was a fussy eater but knew he normally loved his food. "Haz don't worry about it, he'll be fine yeah. He's just scared at the moment." Liam reassured Harry who nodded and snuggled into Liam's side.

They cuddled but checked on Louis a few times. Soon it was time to collect Niall from school. When Harry got there Niall was all bubbly. "Dad guess what I got picked for the school footie team I have something for you yo sign so I can stsy after school for football practice and play at games at other schools" Niall excitedly said as they walked to the car. "Of Course I'll sign it Ni, what days is practice?" Harry asked as they got back to the car and Niall climbed into his seat. "Tuesday and Thursday after school and then we play games normally on a Friday but sometimes it can be a Saturday." Niall explained and Harry nodded as he started to drive back home. "That's good your have to find out if we can come watch you at your games" Harry said. Niall beamed at this. They soon arrived home and Niall rushed to find his papa to tell him his exciting news.

Liam tried to think of something to make Louis eat. He decide to try a yoghurt. He picked a yoghurt up and went upstairs to try wake Louis up. "Lou lou wake up." Liam said while gently shaking Louis' shoulder. Louis whined and grumbled But did open his eyes. "Can you sit up, I've got a yoghurt for you." Liam said and that caused another whine from Louis. "I know baby, but you really need to eat." Liam said softly. "Plus you love yoghurt." Liam said. "What flavour?" Louis asked actually looking interested. "Strawberry, and it doesn't even have bits in it." Liam said while opening the yoghurt. Louis had a five small spoonfuls before pursing his lips. A lot had gone round his lips rather than in him.

Lirry's suprise bundle of joyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora