Chapter 50

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This has been written by doodle1403 and myself.

The next day Gemma offered to have both boys and took them all to the soft play centre leaving Liam to visit his husband. "Hey." Liam greeted as he walked into the room where harry was and Harry smiled seeing Liam. "Where are the boys?" Harry asked and Liam smiled. "Gemma's was taking Adam to the softplay centre as Katie was going out with Joe so she offered to take the boys with her so I could spend some time You." Liam said as Anne got up letting Liam take her place.

Harry curled into his husband. "How you feeling" Liam asked. "Tired" Harry said. "Close your eye's" Liam said before turning to Anne telling her to go home for awhile. "I'll be back in a bit." She said and Liam nodded as Harry fell asleep curled into his side. The nurse came into check on harry. "I assume you are Harry's husband" the nurse said. "I am my name is Harry and I actually work upstairs but am on two weeks leave, how is harry" Liam said. The nurse smiled and said that he is ok and has good and bad moments and they might do a scan later that day. Liam nodded and once the nurse left Liam started to play with his husbands curls as he went on his phone waiting for Harry to wake back up. Liam smiled as Harry slept peacefully and ended up falling asleep himself.

The nurse came into check if Harry wanted anything to eat. Liam who had only just woke up himself agreed on Harry's behalf as he was still asleep as he knew that Harry needed to eat. "We're just take some toast please." Liam said and the nurse nodded going off to get some while Liam woke Harry. Harry groaned as he woke. "Sorry but it's time to eat" Liam said. The nurse came in with Harry's toast. "Here, do you need anything else?" The nurse asked but both men shook there heads so the nurse smiled before leaving them be. Harry ate the toast. "Do you think that will stay down?" Liam asked and Harry shrugged. "I'm hoping so." Harry mumbled cuddling into Liam's side.

Liam and Harry watched TV for a bit as they cuddled together and a nurse came to check on harry. The nurse did some checks and said someone will come and do the ultrasound soon. "Yeah Harry's Okay there going to do an ultrasound soon so hopefully everything will be okay with that." Liam texted back.

"Where we going?" Louis asked as Gemma was driving. "We're going to the soft play lou." Gemma said and she saw Louis smile. Gemma arrived at the soft play with three excited kids that as soon as she paid went and ran to play. Liam had given gemma the bag with Louis tube feeding bits if he didn't have his milkshake. Gemma happily watched the kids play and it wasn't for over an hour till Louis came over. "Alright sweetie." Gemma asked. "Yeah but need the toilet." Louis said and Gemma nodded taking his hand guiding him to the toilet. Once he was done Gemma guided him back to the table. "Do you want a milkshake?" Gemma asked but Louis shook his head just wanting to go back and play with his older brother and cousin "Play" Louis said. Gemma just let the boy go and play and try him with the milkshake when it was lunch time for everyone.

When it was lunch time Gemma got both Niall and Adam something to eat and then decided to approach the topic of the milkshake with Louis again. Louis shook his head. "Lou try half of It" gemma tried. Louis shook his head. Try a few sips lou" gemma coaxed. Louis sighed taking one sip before pushing it away resulting in Louis knocking it over all over the table. Gemma got some serviets and wiped the milkshake up. Once she had done that she told Louis she was going to do his feed via his tube.

"But I want to play." Louis moaned. "Louis it won't take long." Gemma said setting the feed up and Louis sighed but allowed Gemma to set the feed up. "Lou we aren't playing yet we are having lunch to" niall said. Knowing he and Adam wouldn't play till Louis was ready to. Louis sighed but nodded and sat still.

"Do you want a colouring sheet?" Gemma asked seeing that they had some by the paying desk. "Please." Louis asked and Gemma nodded heading to get one also grabbing some colours and a couple of extras incase Niall and Adam wanted to do one. All three boys coloured in a picture while Louis had his milk feed. "Can we go and play now?" Louis asked once Gemma disconnected the feed. "Yeah go on." Gemma said and all 3 kids didn't need to be told twice before they all ran off. Gemma smiled as she watched them play taking few photos. Gemma text Liam to see how Harry was.

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