Chapter 37

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Louis loved being at school and spent the next hour playing with his friends before the teacher came over and got Louis' attention. "Do you want to come and practice some letters with me?" The teacher asked and Louis nodded determined to do his letters properly. "I practiced doing these last night with papa." Louis said as he sat down at the small desk.

"That's great Louis what letter did you practice?" She asked as she looked in the boys homework folder and saw Liam had wrote that they practiced the letter b and the boy was fine with the capital letter version but struggled with the lower case. The teacher smiled as she had noticed this in Louis's work. He just struggled with small case apart from the letter p as that was just a bigger version of the small letter.

Do you want to show me your B's then the teacher said. Louis nodded quickly and grabbed a piece of paper and the pencil in front of him and began to write the letter b multiple times and the teacher smiled seeing Louis was really confident with the capital letter of the version but he did struggle with the lower case as it was a bit hit and miss if he got the letter correct or not. Well done all these are correct." The teacher smiled at the capital letter. Louis smiled "How about these" Louis asked.

"Some of them are, do you know which ones are correct and which ones are wrong?" The teacher asked and Louis looked at them closely trying to figure it out. Louis picked a couple that were right. The teacher told him that was correct. "Why can't I get it right every time" Louis said frustrated. "You will get there Louis you are doing really well why don't you play for a bit" The teacher said. Louis nodded and played for another twenty minutes before the teacher got them all to sit down to give the children the spellings of this week.

Louis looked at them and instantly knew he was going to have problems as he didn't even know what half of them said. By the time the teacher had gone through the spellings she let all the class go and sit down at their tables where she got loads of art and crafts out so they could do art for a while. Louis really enjoyed himself deciding to make niall something.

Niall had a good day at school and was enjoying it. His teacher used the website again for maths and they had turns. By the end of the day Niall was more than ready to go home but Louis on the other hand wanted to stay longer. "Daddy I don't want to go home yet." Louis said as he walked over to Harry with his painting in his hands. "Well I'm sorry baby, but your be all alone if you stay here anyway and that won't be any fun will it." Harry said and Louis just shrugged but followed his daddy over to Niall's classroom. They picked Niall up from school and the boy was quite tired that day. The family went to the car and Harry drove home. Louis was quite chatty in the car whereas niall was very quite.

"You ok Ni" Harry said. "Yeah just tired." Niall said rubbing his eyes and Harry couldn't not laugh as his 2 boys seemed to have completely swapped personalities as Louis was as energetic as ever. "Well when we get home you can curl up on the sofa and watch cartoons for a while and if your that tired maybe have a nap." Harry suggested and Niall nodded as he tried to block Louis' loud talking out. "Lou I'm pleased your chatty today but talk a bit quiter as niall is tired." Harry said.

Harry looked over at niall as they drove home and thought back to a couple of weeks ago and thought maybe with yesterday and sat with him playing football he had tires himself out. By the time they got home Harry could see that Niall would be most definitely taking a nap and he was right when he saw Niall dump his school bag down by the stairs and kick his shoes off before he walked into the lounge and Harry could just see him climbing onto the sofa and grabbing a blanket. Now he just had to keep an energetic Louis quiet.

Harry decided to get Louis colouring. Once Louis was occupied Harry went to check on niall. When he walked in the living room he saw Niall had curled in on himself with the blanket nearly falling off but he was sound asleep. Harry smiled at his eldest and placed the blanket properly over the boy and then left him to sleep knowing he would have to wake the boy within the next hour or he would never sleep that night.

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