Chapter 27

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The next morning Liam got straight on the phone to some of his colleagues who agreed for them to bring Louis in for around 9 so Liam then woke Harry telling him who nodded before going to wake Niall so he could get ready for school while Liam had a shower. Liam prepared Niall's breakfast and something for himself and Harry. Harry soon came down with a sleepy Louis on his hip who had his blanket in his hand. "Liam are we getting him dressed?" Harry asked gesturing to Louis. "Just put him in some joggers and a sweatshirt." Liam said and Harry nodded grabbing a piece of toast before walking back upstairs to get Louis dressed. Soon everyone was in the car and they dropped Niall of at school before driving to the hospital.

It was supposed to be Liam's first day back but his colleagues were very understanding. "Daddy, Papa where are we?" Louis asked looking around. "This is where Papa works but we're here today so we can help you eat Okay." Liam explained and Louis nodded just as they were called so Liam picked him up and walked over to the room where they were meant to be. The doctor then asked Liam and Harry a range of questions before deciding he had enough information.

"Right what I'm going to do is just check him over to make sure there isn't a general reason why he doesn't want to eat and then if I can't find anything we're talk about what we can do as then it will be clear that it's phycological." The doctor explained and Liam and Harry nodded as Liam placed Louis down on the table although the boy wasn't a fan of being put down and started crying. "Can I put him on my lap to examine him" Liam questions. The Dr nods as he doesn't want to upset the four year old. "Haz can you get his teddy out the bag and the Dr can show Lou what he is doing on Lion and sheep" Liam says.

Harry nodded and got the stuffed toys out the bag while Liam sat on the table himself placing Louis on his lap. Louis instantly tried to turn around and cuddle into Liam but Liam stopped him. "I'm sorry baby but we're cuddle once this is all over." Louis just sniffled and rubbed his eyes before his eyes caught Harry getting his stuffed animals out the bag.

"Hang on lou Dr Scott wants to examine your animals as well, so make sure you watch closely and then cause then the doctors going to examine you." Harry explained but Louis continued to reach for his sheep so Harry gave the sheep to Louis who cuddled it and then watched intently what the doctor was doing with his lion. The Dr put the stethoscope on the lions chest to listen to his heart and then did the same with Sheep and showed how he listens to the heart and then the chest and back. Louis looked on intently and then the Dr did it to him, Louis didn't complain. He followed the dr's breathing instructions as best as he could.

The Dr then showed Louis how he was going to look in his mouth with the sheep and lion. Louis nodded opening his mouth once he knew what was going to happen and sat still while Liam rubbed the boys back.

"Can you get off your papa's lap Louis so I can see how much you weigh." Louis nodded slowly getting more confident as time was going on. "Alright place one your stuffed toys down." The doctor said pointing to the scales and Louis nodded placing his lion down. The doctor then weighed his sheep and then got Louis to step on himself. Once he was done he told Louis he could get off and the boy walked back over to Liam who lifted him back onto his lap. The Dr came over and showed Louis how he was going to check his reflexes. Louis laughed at this and let the Dr do it.

The Dr then told Louis he would have to lie as he needed to feel his tummy. The Dr did it to the lion and sheep. Liam laid the Louis on the bed and held his hand. "Louis does it hurt anywhere" the Dr said feeling his tummy. Louis shook his head and held Liam's hand tightly and the doctor soon let him sit up and Liam instantly cuddled him knowing the doctor was probably done although to Liam's horror the doctor then stated that they wanted to take blood just to make sure as Louis was terrified of needles. Liam motioned Harry over so he could try and distract Louis from what was about to happen but as soon as Louis felt his sleeve being rolled up he turned around and instantly pulled his arm away when he saw what the doctor was about to do.

Lirry's suprise bundle of joyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora