Chapter 69

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The next morning Louis came walking into Liam's room blanket in one hand and his cuddly sheep in the other and carefully climbed on the bed worming his way under the covers trying to not wake Liam however Liam had already woken up to the movement and smiled watching Louis desperately trying to be quiet and careful.

Louis noticed his papa awake "Sorry tried being quite" the boy said. "It's Alright Baby." Liam said smiling as louis curled into him placing his thumb in his mouth. "Come on thumb out please, You know you're not allowed. I've let it slide this past week as you've been poorly but you need to stop baby." "But why" Louis moaned. "Because it will ruin your teeth and that lovely smile" Liam said. Louis just huffed at that.

"Come on Baby, you've got a lovely smile and you don't want to ruin it plus you can't suck your thumb forever I mean we got Niall to stop when he was younger than you so think yourself lucky you've been allowed for this long." Liam said playing with the gently with Louis' hair. Louis just shook his head and didn't take his thumb out his mouth. Liam sighed at this. "Louis come on you don't want to start the day by making me cross do you." Liam said and Louis shook his head although he kept his thumb in his mouth. Liam knew he needed to stop but at the same time knew the boy did it for comfort and with harry still being in the hospital Liam was thinking about letting the boy be until Harry came home.

Liam just cuddled Lou and out cartoons on the tv. Louis snuggled further into Liam happily watching the TV and enjoying the time he had when he didn't have to share Liam with his brother. It lasted about an hour before niall came into hook the pair. "Hey Ni." Liam said as he saw Niall appear and Niall took that as his chance to go and cuddle with Liam as the boy would never turn down the chance to cuddle.

Liam smiled as he cuddled his two boys. He just sighed to himself as Harry was still missing. "Right boys stay cuddled with each other I need a shower and then I'll be back." Liam said grabbing his phone and both boys nodded. Liam grabbed his phone on the way out the room though as his main plan was to phone Anne to find out how harry was and see if the boys could come in. Niall cuddled his younger brother as they continued to watch cartoons.

Liam rang Anne and she picked up the phone. "How's Harry been recently?" Liam asked. "He has a good day yesterday but he's yet to wake up this morning so I have no clue how he'll feel but he slept through the night." Anne said. "Well that's a good sign, I was just wondering if he would be up for the boys and I coming in." "I'm sure he'd love that, I'll let you know for sure when he's woken up but I don't see why it would be a problem." Anne said.

"Thats good we all really want to see Haz, thanks for being with him wish I could stay with him." Liam said "Liam it's important to keep those two boys of yours in as much routine as possible and your doing a great job at it." Anne said just as Liam heard the boys begin to argue.

"I need to go Anne the boys are shouting at each other message me once Harry's awake and if he's alright we're be in at some point." Liam said quickly saying bye and running off to see what was going on and why the boys were shouting at each other. When Liam entered the room however he knew the issue right away and that was that Niall had somehow managed to get Louis' blanket and the poor boy was desperately trying to get it back but Niall was too tall. "Papa." Louis cried as he saw Liam and Liam sighed taking the blanket out of Niall's hand and handing it back to Louis who instantly cuddled it close tightly. "Want to explain why you had louis' blanket?" Liam asked looking at the older boy. Niall looked sheepishly and didn't say anything. Louis hugged his blankie with dear life.

Anne watched a sleeping Harry.

"How would you like if louis took your elephant?" Liam asked and Niall shrugged. "I'm sorry." Niall mumbled. "It's not me you need to be saying sorry too." Liam said gesturing to Louis who was looking at the pair curiously with his blanket tightly in his hand. "I'm sorry Louis that was mean" niall said. Louis nodded as he held his blankie tight. "Can you go and shower Ni." Liam asked and the boy nodded heading off and Louis crawled over to Liam climbing onto his lap.

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