Chapter 31

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This is written by myself and doodle1403 in private message

Niall nodded and headed upstairs to shower leaving Harry with the mess. Harry carefully placed the half built models on the side and then picked up the rest of the Lego placing it back in the box before placing the box in the corner of the living room. Once he was done tidying he went upstairs to check on Louis who was still sound asleep and then went into Niall's room to wait for the boy to get out the shower. Niall soon came into his room dressed and smiled at his dad before getting into bed .Harry said night.

Harry then rang his mum to check if it was still ok to have Louis in the morning as he had work and Liam was working as far as he knew. Harry's mum of course agreed and Harry then sat down watching tv waiting for Liam to get home. Harry was practically asleep when Liam walked in at half 9. Liam made himself a drink before cuddling his husband. "Come on haz let's get you to bed" Liam said also exhausted. Harry didn't need to be asked twice before following Liam to bed. Once they were both in bed Harry snuggled into Liam.

"How was Lou today?" Liam asked. "I want to say better he's defiantly had a lot more energy as Gemma's been over with Katie and Adam and he played with them for a bit and he also played with his ducks and boats at bathtime." Harry explained and Liam nodded. "That's promising I mean a couple of days ago he wasn't playing at all." Liam said. "I know." Harry mumbled and Liam smiled letting his husband fall asleep.

Everyone slept through till morning. Liam was the first awake. Getting in the shower. When Liam came out Harry was getting himself ready for work before getting the kids up.

"What time you due in work?" Harry asked. "9 so I can drop Ni off on my way in as I'm passing the school." Liam said and Harry nodded before going to wake the boys. Niall got up and dressed. Liam also had time to speak to Louis teacher to explain as he was hoping Louis would be able to do at least mornings later in the week. Louis' teacher said it would be fine and they were looking forward to having the boy back in class as he was a big character. Liam then thanked her before leaving the school and heading for work.

Niall was having fun at school and beamed when his teacher used the website his dad found him and they got to have turns .

Harry got Louis dresses and asked him of he wanted to take something grandma's and granddads. "Why going there" Louis asked. "Because I'm working and so is papa." Harry explained. The boy nodded. Louis decided he only wanted his comfort items so Harry quickly packed them for the boy along with a couple of milkshakes incase the boy wanted one. He then picked Louis up and headed for his car before heading to his mums. Harry had also packed Louis stuff for the feeding tube a he had one around lunch and showed his mum how it worked as he was working till 2 that day. His first normal working hours. Anne said she had everything under control and told Harry not to worry before Harry kissed Louis' forehead who was curled on the sofa and left for work himself.

"Okay lou, What do you want to do?" Anne asked and Louis just shrugged. "Sleep?" Louis said. "You Want to Sleep already, how about you come with me into the kitchen and you can try out these new colouring books I've brought." Louis nodded and rolled off the sofa before following Anne into the kitchen and climbing onto one of the chairs. "Which do you want baby?" Anne asked showing Louis a choice.

"That one." Louis said pointing to a animal one. "Will there be lions or sheep in it?" Louis asked. "Maybe baby, why don't you flick through and find out while I find some colouring pencils." Louis nodded and began flicking through the pages and by the time Anne came back she found a smiling Louis. "Look grandma, a lion." Louis said happily. "It sure is baby." Anne said handing Louis the colours who wasted no time in beginning to colour and Anne was so happy to see some of Louis' happy personality coming back.

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