Chapter 115

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Sorry it's been so long since I've updated.  Reminder this chapter is written by myself and doodle1403.  Please enjoy this chapter and vote and comment

Over the next two days niall improved and they were going back to the drs for the results before going they could see everyone. While they were at the drs, Karen went over to clean and make sure the house was less for everyone was home. Liam was grateful for this offer as the house wasn't messy it was just dusty from where Liam had been with niall while he was unwell.

Liam had Niall sat on his lap while they were at the doctors and Liam could tell the boy was nervous and Liam was himself as he still had no idea what could be causing Niall to go through these bouts. They were soon called through, by the doctor who examined Niall first and was pleased with everything. He then explained what they had found on the tests. Liam sighed. We want you to keep a diary of what foods he eats and any symptoms he gets as that could be causing the cause as it could be a food tolerance then after 2 weeks come back and we're disscuss what you've found and then we will take it from there it might be that I refer him to the children's hospital where he can further tests." He explained and Liam nodded. Niall huffed at that "want better now no like it when have bad tummy" he said. "We are, it might be certain foods making it bad" liam explained. "I hope not." The boy said as he loved food and didn't want to be restricted with what he could or couldn't eat. "But surely if it stops this it would be worth it?" The dr asked and Niall sighed but nodded.

"Any other questions" the dr asked liam. "No that is everything" liam said as they said bye to the dr. On his way out Liam made an appointment for Niall in 2 weeks time so they could discuss the food diary and then Liam took Niall's hand and guided him to the car so they could go to Anne's. Niall didn't know they were going over to his grandparents and see his dad and brothers.

"This isn't the way home." Niall said as he realised they were going a different way home. "I know that's cause we're going somewhere," Liam said. "Where we going" niall asked intrigued. 'Wait and find out" liam said. Niall sighed but nodded and watched out the window until he realised what way he was going. "We going to grandmas?" Niall asked then. "Wait and see Ni" liam said hiding a smile. Niall nodded but knew that was where it was going. Niall was beaming as he could see his baby brother along with lou and his dad. It was only another 5 minutes before the destination was confirmed as Liam parked on the drive of Anne and robins. Liam and niall get out the car. Niall goes and rings the doorbell.


Harry was pleased that niall was doing better and that they could go home. He hoped the drs appointment went well. Harry hasn't told louis Liam and niall were coming over. Daddy I'm bored can we go out?" Louis asked walking over to Harry but Harry shook his head as he didn't know what time Liam was coming. Louis huffed. "How about you play football with grandad and daddy will watch how good you are" harry suggested. "Hmm I guess," the boy said getting up before going off to find robin. "Grandad play football" louis asked as harry followed them. "Football did you say?" Robin asked scooping the boy up as he came running over to him. "Yeah." Louis said wrapping his arms around robins neck. "Well I'm sure I can spare some time to play with you." He said as everyone had been trying to give Louis attention the past couple of days so he didn't start to resent the baby as that's something that no one wanted. The boy was already starting to get annoyed with the fact he kept waking up to the cries on a night.

"Mum can you keep an eye on the baby so I can watch lou play football with dad" harry asked Anne. "Of course" Anne smiled. Harry saw Louis getting his shoes on. "Good work lou." Harry said and Louis smiled "can you show me how to tie them again?" Louis asked and Harry smiled "Course I can, I'll do one and you copy me with the other." Harry said and Louis nodded. Louis watched his daddy carefully and then attempted to do the other one. "Well done sweetheart," Harry said tightening them before letting the boy, get up and he went running off. Louis fetched the ball and kicked it to his granddad. It didn't go exactly the way Louis wanted it too but it was good enough that it was close enough that Robin didn't have to go running for it. Robin kicked it back to louis who ran around with the ball. Louis was laughing which caused both Harry and robin to smile.

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 21, 2019 ⏰

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