Chapter 88

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They headed upstairs and got ready for bed before cuddling. They soon both fell asleep and the house fell peaceful. The house was peaceful. Everyone slept through the night as everyone was exhausted . It was around half 6 when Louis called his parents wanting a cuddle. Liam heard it and went to see what the boy wanted. "Cuddle papa in your bed" Louis said. "Liam smiled and carried the boy to his bed and carefully placed him in the middle of the bed and got in himself. Louis snuggled into his papa and fell back to sleep and as did Liam.

It was another hour before Niall woke up and he quietly walked over to his parents room smiling when he saw Louis curled up in the bed and decided to join his brother . They all slept for another hour.

Harry was the first to wake and rolled over to curl into Liam however he was met by a much smaller body and opening his eyes he realised it was Niall and he could also picture out a smaller body again curled into his husband and smiled. He lay there enjoying cuddles with his family and smiled as he thought in 6 months time they would be adding another .

Niall started to stir then and opened his eyes to see Harry looking at him. "Morning love." Harry said playing surf nialls hair as the boy rubbed his eyes "Morning dad" niall said "How come your in here not that I don't like waking up to your cuddles?" Harry said. "Saw Lou asleep and decided to join" Ni said Harry just nodded wrapping Niall into a hug. They stated like that till Louis woke up and joined the hug and left Liam to sleep.

"Come on boys let's go and get some breakfast." Harry said lifting Louis onto his hip as he didn't want the boy using the stairs this quick after waking up. Louis giggled happily wrapping his arms around Harry's neck and Harry smiled kissing his head but deep down sighed as he knew he wouldn't be able to pick Louis up for much longer.

Harry took Louis to the toilet and then niall went before they went downstairs for breakfast "What do you fancy boys?" Harry asked once he'd placed louis down in a chair Fry up please' niall asked "That good with you Lou?" Harry asked. "Just want the sausages." Louis said and Liam nodded knowing Louis wouldn't eat the other things.

Harry started on breakfast telling the boys they can watch tv while waiting. They both nodded as Niall helped Louis get balanced on his crutches as they headed into the living room. Harry started on breakfast. Louis couldn't wait to get rid of the crutches.

Just as Harry had started plated the breakfast up he heard both boys squeal happily so he could only assume that Liam had finally made an appearance. "Morning thanks for my lovely cuddle' Liam said Harry smiled hearing Liam before calling them through as he placed the food onto the table "Thanks Haz" Liam said kissing his husband . Harry just smiled before joining his family at the table as they all began to eat there breakfast.

They soon finished. Harry and Liam cleaned up while the boys went to watch some more tv "What we doing today?" Harry asked once they'd cleaned up. "Don't know love." Liam said. "I want to do something just the 4 of us it's been ages since we've done that I mean yeah we go out but it's always with our parents or siblings." Harry said Liam nodded. "What do you fancy doing" Liam asked. "Well it can't be anything active cause of Lou so I was thinking cinema maybe bowling?" Harry suggested. "Think Lou will struggle with bowling but how about taking them to see the new mary poppins" Liam suggested.

"Sounds good." Harry said and Liam smiled before grabbing his phone and finding out what times the film was showing "Shall we go this afternoon for the 3o'clock showing" Harry said "Sounds good we can get something to eat afterwards as well." Liam said and Harry nodded in agreement They finished clearing up before going to Jon there two boys and have cuddles.

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