Chapter 103

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Niall vomited in his sleep. Niall woke himself up after he vomited and whined curling into Liam when he realised what had happened. This woke Liam up who sighed seeing what had happened "Oh sweetie, not having a great day are we." Liam said softly and Niall shook his head while whimpering knowing he'd have to be moved again which he didn't want. Liam held the bucket for the boy incase he still needed to vomit, luckily niall didn't need it. "Right let's get you cleaned up." Liam said as even though the boy hadn't got any vomit on himself Liam had discovered that he was very sweaty and could probably do with a bath. Niall just groaned not wanting to move. We will just give you a bath then you can sleep." Liam said. Niall whimpered But didn't fight Liam when the man lifted him into his arms and the boy sleepily rested his head on Liam's shoulder yawning. Liam sat Niall on the floor as he ran the bath for him.

Anne came upstairs and checked Harry who was still asleep luckily. She then went into Nialls room and they weren't in there. So she knocked on the bathroom door and poked her head round the door to inform Liam that Harry was asleep in bed and she was going to collect Louis from school. "Is that time already?" Liam asked getting his phone out his pocket and seeing indeed it was 3 o'clock meaning Anne had to leave now or she'd be late to pick Louis up.

"I won't be long, hopefully Harry will stay asleep." Anne said and Liam nodded as Anne headed back downstairs before getting her shoes on and heading out to pick up Louis.

Louis was pleased when it was story time as that meant end of school. Then he remembered niall was poorly. Anne got in the car. Anne drove to the school and by the time she had parked and walked over to Louis' classroom the kids were just starting to be let out. Louis came out and smiled when he saw his grandma and came running over to her. "please can we go to the park" Louis asked her. "I'm sorry lou but we need to get back to yours as I need to keep an eye on your daddy." Anne said and the boy sighed sadly.

"find auntie Gem and go with them to the park or play" Louis said. Anne smiled as the boy had logic as he would t be playing on his own. "Alright were see if we can find them." Anne said taking louis' hand as they walked out of the reception playground and into the main school one walking towards where Gemma normally waits for Katie after collecting.

Luckily it wasn't too hard as Adam was jumping up and down bored. "Louis" Adam beamed at seeing his cousin. "Grandma there's Adam." Louis said before running off towards his cousin Anne smiling watching the boy run off. Anne walked over and hugged her other grandson before speaking to Gemma and telling her about niall being unwell. "Poor thing in this weather as well." Gemma said and anne nodded "It's not ideal as when he gets hot he gets really hot as the heat makes an impact." Anne said.

"Yeah I know what you mean Adam had a sickness bug last summer and that was a nightmare. They may not be nice to catch in the winter but at least you don't have to deal with unbearable hot weather as well." Gemma said and Anne nodded.

"How's he feeling apart from that?" Gemma asked. "Not great he's really not well, he hadn't left Liam's side all day." Anne said. "I can imagine how's Haz doing" Gemma thrn asked just as Katie came out. "not great but very tired as expected" Anne said as she hugged Katie. "Awww do you want me to have Lou for a bit" Gemma offered.

"Could you that would be a massive help." Anne said. "Yeah we can go to the park and get Ice cream how does that sound kids?" Gemma asked and both boys nodded along with Katie who informed her mother she just wanted ice cream though not to play in the park. "Lou you happy to go with aunt Gemma to the park for a bit?" Anne checked but Louis nodded. "Alright be good and I'll see you later." Anne said kissing Louis' head before doing the same with her other grandkids.

Gemma took Louis and Adams hand and they started to walk to the park. Katie was walking next to them. "Can we play at the park as well?" Louis asked as he knew they were going to the park and he knew Ice cream was involved but he didn't know if he could actually play. "Yeah you can lou but not for long periods of time as it's too hot. You can play for a bit then we're stop for ice cream and then you can play for a bit longer sound good?" Gemma asked her nephew who nodded.

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