Chapter 60

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This story has been written by myself and doodle1403 in private message.  Thanks for your comments and votes.

The next morning Harry woke up around 6 before, Liams alarm so decided to shower and get ready and make his husband breakfast in bed. Harry was quite happy with himself when he managed the task without throwing up and soon headed back upstairs knowing Liam's alarm was due to go off any minute and Harry wanted to be back up their before Liam woke up. Harry jogged into the bedroom and put the plate down and kissed his husband as his alarm went of. Liam groaned. Harry chuckled and turned the alarm off for him and Liam sighed in relief. "Come on Love, open your eyes I've made you breakfast." Harry said and Liam slowly opened his eyes seeing Harry stood by the side of the bed fully dressed.

"How long you been up?" Liam said. "45 minutes." Harry said and Liam nodded sitting up. Harry then placed the tray on his husbands lap. "Thanks haz " Liam says. "Your very welcome, I'm going to wake the boys and get them moving." Harry said and Liam nodded happily eating his breakfast. Harry starts of waking niall who gets ready for school before asking Louis.

Louis groaned as he was woken up not wanting to wake up and Harry sighed as all the boy did was roll over. "Louis Love come on you have school." Harry said knowing the boy had to go as he was behind enough. Harry ended up picking the boy job after disconnecting his feed and hugged the boy and took him to the bathroom. Liam finished his breakfast and got in the shower.

"Go to the toilet please louis." Harry said placing the boy down but Louis just wrapped his arms round Harry's legs. "Louis Baby please the quicker you are the longer cuddle your get before school." Harry said hoping that would get Louis moving a bit quicker. Louis held on to Harry so Harry crouched down and moved sideways on so Louis could go for a wee.

The boy did eventually have a wee but as soon as he was done he went straight back into Harry's arms who sighed. "You need to brush your teeth Love." Harry said sitting down on the edge of the bath and when he saw Louis just looking at him with wide eyes and making no move to brush his teeth Harry picked him up and sat him on his lap before reaching for Louis' toothbrush and toothpaste. Louis tried to snuggle Harry as he did this.

Niall was downstairs making coco pops for breakfast when Liam walks downstairs ready for work. "Morning Ni." Niall smiled up at Liam who took the milk from his hands not wanting a repeat of the morning before as the boy only had so many school jumpers. "Thanks Papa." Niall said as he sat down at the table and Liam gave him his cereal before sitting down next to him.

Meanwhile Harry was struggling to get Louis dressed as the boy just wouldn't let go of him and in the end had to call for Liam. "I won't be long Ni, I'm just going to see what your dad wants." Liam said and Niall nodded not bothered as he was happily eating his cereal. Liam headed upstairs and saw how clingy Louis was. He left Louis in Harry's arms and then dressed the boy in his uniform. "I don't want to go to school." Louis whined reaching for Liam and cuddling into him once he was in his arms.

"And why's that? You will have a great time with your friends and before you know it it will be home time and I'll be picking you up and we cuddle all we like." Liam said. "But I want to cuddle now." Louis whined putting his head on Liam's shoulder. "You are going to school you had lots of fun at school yesterday" Harry said sternly and calmly Louis just looked at harry not saying anything but Liam did feel him grip onto his top tighter and Liam was a bit worried about getting the boy into his class that day. Harry looked over to Liam and shook his head As in the boy is going to school.

"Well daddy and papa both working" Harry said. "Nana?" Louis questioned hoping his nana could take care of him but Harry shook his head. "Nope and before you ask grandma, grandpa and grandad aren't looking after you either. Your going to school end of conversation." Harry said before walking downstairs leaving Louis with Liam. Liam wasn't sure with Harry going to work. "Stay with papa" Louis says "No I'm sorry baby, Papa needs to go to work as well." Liam said sitting on the boys bed and letting Louis cuddle knowing not letting the boy cuddle would make the situation worse.

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