Chapter 109

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Sorry I haven't posted in this story in so long.  Me and doodle1403 were writing in private message.  Hope you enjoy.  Please continue to vote and comment.

Louis was now cuddling his brother. Niall smiled at Lou's attempt to make him feel better.  "Do you think I'm going to be a good big brother ni?" Louis asked looking up at his own big brother "Your be the best lou I mean your great with cuddles." Niall said and Louis nodded in agreement as he knew a lot of people in his family had said that as well. Liam then called the boys in. Louis got up and then looked at his brother who hadn't moved.

"Come on ni." Louis said but Niall shook his head. "You have to eat papa said so." Louis said and Liam chuckled then as he appeared and lifted the 5 year old up onto his hip "Papa said no such thing papa just wants him to try if he can your getting quite bossy monkey." Liam said tickling the boys side who giggled trying to get Liam's hands away.

Liam soon stopped tickling Louis and went over to niall to see if he wanted a hand up. Niall held his arms out to be picked up. Liam smiled and placed louis down on the ground before picking Niall up and the 3 headed for the kitchen.

"Papa I don't want any." Niall said rubbing his eyes. "Please love just try for me and then after you can have a bath and an early night." Liam proposed. Niall nodded but made no movement to eat so Liam fed him. Niall managed about half a bowl. Liam then ate his before deciding to get both boys in bed.

"Right come on then you two upstairs." Liam said and louis got up quickly running off but Niall just raised his arms wanting to be picked up again. "You tired sweetie?" Liam asked and Niall nodded rubbing his eyes laying his head on Liam's shoulder as the man picked him up and carried him upstairs.

Louis walks next to them and went into his bedroom and put his Pj's on. He then went to find his papa for a story. "Papa story." Louis said walking into Nialls room where Liam was sat on the boys bed gently playing with his hair. "You want a story monkey?" Liam asked and Louis nodded climbing up on the bed and putting the book in Liam's lap. Liam smiled and started reading it once Louis climbed in next to him in his and Harry's bed. Liam decided to have the boys in with him that night.

They all cuddled up and Liam read the book. Niall and Louis soon drifted of to sleep. When Liam realised both his boys were asleep he carefully got up and headed into the bathroom so he could shower and get himself ready for bed. Of course while Liam was in the shower niall woke up having used his pad. He sighed as he rubbed his tummy which still hurt but not as much.

When Liam reappeared he saw Niall sat up rubbing his tummy, "You okay love?" Liam asked. "Pad needs changing." Niall said quietly and Liam nodded. "That's alright sweetheart." Liam said going over to the boy.

Liam took niall to the bathroom and took the pad off and sat him on the toilet. He gently rubbed niall's tummy. "Do you feel any better now?" Liam asked and Niall nodded "A little it doesn't hurt anywhere near as much," Niall replied. "That's Good then that normally happens when the medicine kicks in and you start using the toilet again." Liam said and Niall nodded.

"I know but can you please still make me a doctors appointment tomorrow I don't like it and I get it a lot." Niall said and Liam nodded "Course I will love," Liam promised. "Thank you papa and i also want to cuddle by baby brother but can't at the moment" niall said sadly.

"I know and you will Ni" Liam smiled as he heard his son explode into the toilet. He comforted the boy. When Niall was finished for the time being Liam helped the boy clean himself up as he was way too tired to do it properly himself and then he guided Niall back to his room where Louis was still sound asleep.

Liam got niall back to sleep but knew he would be in for a rough night so fell asleep in the middle of his two boys. He just hoped the night wouldn't be too rough for Niall. They were all soon asleep and the house was peaceful. Liam didn't know how long he had been asleep for when he was being tugged awake.

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