The Billionaire's Revenge ✔ (...

By SamreenAnjum

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"I will never marry you." I said in a low voice filled with venom. He moved close. His hands moved to my wais... More

Author's Note
Chapter -9
Chapter-19 ( part -2)
Chapter - 20
Chapter-34 ( Part-2 )
Author's Note (Very Important)


38.1K 1.4K 69
By SamreenAnjum

Happy reading!!


The file had an agreement. An agreement about Hussein's and my brother's partnership. All the terms and conditions were written in it.

My brother left his job and joined Hussein's company. He was given the charge of the main office of Dubai. And he wasn't allowed to work under any other company.

In any other circumstances, this would have been a great news. I would have been ecstatic. But, here the situations are different.

Hussein who once threatened to destroy my brother's career, has now given him the responsibility of his one of the main branches in UAE. Hussein is not someone who easily believes someone to give up such a huge responsibility.

Why would he do such a thing? What are his intentions behind this?

The only thing I could think right now was that if my brother starts working for Hussein, it only means that he will find an easier way to torture me. And, if in case my family comes to know about how Hussein threatened to marry him then they will surely raise their voice. And, if that's the case, then he can destroy my whole family with just a snap of the finger.

He has caught the right nerve. And if I ever try to go against him, all he will do is to squeeze the nerve until I take my last breath. He has caught the biggest fish. Now I will have to dance on his fingertips.

I know, I might be over exaggerating the things. I know I might be wrong. But there's no way to prove that Hussein has a good intention behind this step. And there is no proof that his intentions are bad as well.

I was interrupted by a knock. I looked down at the papers in my hands which were unorganised. I noticed few drops of water on the papers. It was then I realised that I was actually crying. I quickly wiped my tears off and sorted the papers.I opened the door and saw that it was Kareem uncle.

"Are you okay, child?" He asked me, his voice laced with concern.

I didn't trust myself, so I just nodded and smiled weakly at him and gave him the file.

From his looks, one could easily tell that he didn't buy it. But I wasn't in the state to respond to anything.

He took the file and went away, leaving me alone with the horrible thoughts and the possibilities my mind was implying at. I swallowed my sobs but my tears were flowing as if a tap was left open.

I came back to the kitchen. I started doing all the household chores. I cleaned the house and mopped it. I cooked the lunch. I even did the laundry. Infact, I did everything to keep myself busy. But it wasn't helping me at all. My mind was occupied with the partnership thing between Hussein and my brother.

I was setting our bed when last night's events came rushing down. I remembered how he touched me. I could still feel his touch. Everything was so beautiful. Everything was going well but then this has happened.

My knees grew week and eventually buckled down. My sobs grew louder and louder. And I didn't even try to bit them back. I let myself to break down because there was no strength left in me.

Despite of all this, there was voice in my heart calling me to not jump on conclusions. My heart was crying, it was begging me to believe Hussein. It was giving me a hope that he wouldn't do such a horrible thing to me for he has changed and that he likes me.

But my mind, it just refused to believe or accept any of this. It was reminding me about the past again and again.

I clutched my hair and pulled it tightly and let out a scream. Never have I ever felt so miserable, so confused and so hurt. I don't even know how to react to this and it was so frustrating that all I could do was to cry.

I heard the azaan at the same time. I decided to pray for it gives me peace of mind. Wiping off the tears, I went into the washroom, did my ablution and started to pray. I became hard for me to concentrate on my prayer as my mind kept drifting to the content I read in the file. I prayed to Allah to give me sabr (patience) and himmat (courage).

After my prayer I really felt relaxed. I wasn't crying anymore. I thought that crying over this isn't going to answer my questions. It isn't going to solve this problem.

So I decided to call my brother and ask him about what in the actual hell was happening between him and Hussein?

I took my phone and dialled my brother's number. I took a deep breath and waited for him to pick it up.

"Assalamualaikum Annu. How are you?" He asked in very cheerful voice.?

"Umm, wa alaikum assalam bhai. I'm good, alhumdulillah." I stopped and took a deep breath and then continued, "How are bhai? And where are you? And how is your job?" I asked him in one breath.

"Woah, woah. Calm down. What's with all these questions? Is everything okay Annu?" He questioned.

"Yeah, yeah Bhai. Everything is alright. It's just that I was missing you." I told and mentally patted my back for not stuttering.

"Ohh, I miss you too sissy. But I don't think you missed me cause you didn't even call me once after you left for London. I think you have forgotten me." He said.

I bit my lips so hard that it began to bleed. Little did he know how his words are effecting me in this situation.

"Please bhai, don't say like that. I really miss you." I replied to him wiping off the tears.

"Annu, are you okay?" He asked me in a tone which obviously stated that he is worried.

"Y..yes bhai. I'm okay." I replied.

"But you don't sound okay. Are you crying? Did Hussein hurt you?" He asked me and at the last part his voice rised in anger.

" bhai. I'm perfectly alright. It's just that I'm feeling lonely and I miss you so much." I told him, successfully concealing the quivering in my tone.

"Umm, listen, Aanya, I know this very well that you're lying to me. I know you don't want to tell me what's bothering me. But you know me well, I will find it out sooner or later. And trust me you don't want that because the consequences will be bad, specially if Hussein is the reason for your sufferings." He warned.

To say that I was scared by his warning would be an understatement. He can be the scariest person when needed. I gulped again and again before speaking.

"Bhai, please trust me. Nothing is wrong with me. As I said I was missing you and when I heard your voice I got emotional. That's all. I promise." I told him.

Before he could say anything, I continued, "Bhai, umm, how is your job? I mean you said your boss was creating hurdles. Is everything alright?"

"Ohh, about that, Annu, I actually resigned to that job." He said timidly.

"What? Why?" I asked him.

"Because, umm, okay, listen, I wasn't supposed to tell you this but I can't hide this anymore. I actually resigned because Hussein asked me to work a his partner. Since he has moved to London there was no one who was trustworthy enough and he asked me to take care of the main branch. So.."

"What did you do bhai?! Why? You should have atleast asked me before taking any step." I yelled at him cutting him off.

There was complete silence for few seconds. No one uttered a word. I was breathing hard and I could feel anger radiating from me. Never in my life I yelled at my brother.

"I'm sorry Annu, I should have told this before, but it was a great opportunity for me Annu, an opportunity I have been dying for. This is the biggest step in my life, Annu. I thought you would be happy after hearing this, but, clearly you're not. I'm sorry Aanya." He said in low.

Now I was feeling more disgusted with myself. I felt pathetic for making him sad. I spoiled his enjoyment.

"Bhai, please, don't say like that. I'm happy. Infact I'm very happy for you bhai. It's just that I'm worried about the fact that what if something goes wrong and the relationship between Hussein and you gets bad? What if he blames you for something which you've never done?" I told him.

"Oh, Annu, you surely think a lot. You don't have to worry about something that's never going to happen. Hussein is a good guy. He will never do something like that. So please stop worrying about me, okay?" He said.

Only if he knew what Hussein is capable of.

"Hmm, okay bhai. But please be careful okay?" I said to him.

"Okay mommy." He said and chuckled when I whined.

After hanging up, I felt good. But I decided to confront Hussein about this. I ain't leaving this matter here. I'm going to find out what are his real intensions behind this.

With a new found determination, I went to his office to see if there is another copy of the contract.

I searched everywhere. Infact, I spent the whole afternoon in the office searching for it but much to my dismay, I couldn't find a copy.

I felt dizzy because of weakness. That's when I realised that I didn't eat anything from morning. I looked at the time and saw that it was almost time for Hussein to come back home.

I was nervous and scared at the same time. I was nervous about his reaction and was scared of the truth which may probably break my heart and trust.

I opened the door of his office and let out an alarmed squeal when I came face to face with Hussein. I suddenly stepped back, loosing my balance and was about to kiss the ground but Hussein caught me by my waist and pulled me towards his hard chest.

"Are you okay, heart?" He asked me. From his tone of voice, I could easily tell that he was worried about me.

I opened my eyes and looked into the brown orbs which were filled with worry and concern. A scowled formed over his handsome face. He was staring straight into my eyes. He pinned me with his gaze. It was as if he was trying know what's going on with me. It was as if he is trying to read my soul.

He slowly brought his hand towards my face and moved the loose the strands behind my ear that were dancing in the air and kissed my forehead. He, again, looked dead into my eyes.

"I always ask myself this question that how did I ever become so fucking lucky to have you as my wife?" He whispered as if those words were not meant for me to hear.

"You're so beautiful Aanya." He said in a rather husky voice sending delicious shivers down my spine.

He bent down to kiss my neck. I shuddered in his arms. I don't know why this happens, just one touch from him and become putty in his arms. My eyes closed on their own accord when I felt his skin on my vein. My breath became ragged. I bit my lips to prevent myself from moaning when he sucked my soft spot.

He moved further down towards my collar bone leaving a trail of wet kisses over my skin. It was then I realised what we were doing. I quickly snapped out of my hazed thoughts and tried to push him away. Keyword: tried.

"Stop. Let me go." I started to protest when he didn't budge.

He immediately stopped but didn't move away. He stayed still with me in his arms trying to control his breath.

He moved his head so that he could look directly into my eyes. He looked at me for a minute and a scowled at me.

"You have been crying." He stated as a matter of fact. My eyes widened at his words.

How in the hell did he know about it?

Not wanting to hold his gaze, I bent my head down. But I could still feel his intense gaze. He placed his fingers under my chin and raised my head to make me look at him. When I didn't look at him, he held my hair in a firm yet gentle touch and pulled my hair.

"Why did you cry? What's the matter Aanya?" He questioned me in all seriousness.

I opened my eyes and looked at him. All the anguish I have been feeling towards came in crashing. Hussein's eyes widened when he met my fierce gaze.

"What's the matter?! After all the things you've done you still have the guts to ask me that?" I said in low intimidating voice.

"What are you talking about? What did I do?" He asked me, his face twisted in confusion making his scowl deeper than before.

"What are your real intensions behind appointing my brother as the incharge of your UAE branch?" I questioned.

His eyes went wide. His hold on my hair loosened. I took this as an opportunity and moved away from his arms.

"Are you not satisfied with the revenge? Did you give this job to him so that you can have your own way with me? So that you can torture me? Haan? Tell me Hussein what are you upto? Why are you doing this to me? If you wanted to take the revenge then why did you get closer to me? Does it mean that you were acting the whole time? You were pretending as if you cared for me? You-" I was shouting at him when I suddenly felt dizzy, loosing my balance and slipped into unconsciousness. The last thing I remembered was Hussein's face filled with fear.


When I woke up, I was in our room, all alone. I tried to get up but I felt dizzy so I fell back on the pillow. I groaned when it didn't stop for a while.

I heard the door opening and closing. I didn't even have to open my eyes to tell who it was. I felt the bed dip beside me. Hussein moved away the hair that was falling over my face.

"Are you feeling good, heart?" He whispered. My heart fluttered at his endearment.

Instead of answering him, I turned around so that my back was facing him. I heard him sigh.

"Love, you need to eat something. Please get up and drink this soup." He said. Still I didn't budge.

"Okay, fine, you don't want to listen to me right? That's okay. I will call the doctor again. He said that you fainted because you didn't eat anything since morning and if you continued this way he will come back to inject the canula." He said and that's as enough for me to get up.

I got up so quickly that I literally saw stars due to dizziness. I groaned as a sharp pain shot through my head.

"Aanya, be careful, heart. Why do you have to be so reckless." He scolded while helping me to sit back properly.

He then brought a tray with delicious smelling chicken soup. My mouth watered at the sight and my stomach grumbled out loudly. Hussein chuckled at me making go red with embarrassment.

I moved forward to take the bowl but Hussein was fast enough and reached the bowl. I glared at him but he smiled warmly at me. He took a little quantity of soup and blew it and placed near my mouth. Confused by his act I looked at him. He nodded towards the spoon silently asking me to eat it.

My eyes widened when I realised that he was spoon feeding me. I moved my head sideways silently protesting. He, then narrowed his eyes at me.

"Are you going to eat this or should I call the doctor now?" He warned me.

I immediately opened my mouth and took the spoon in. He smiled victoriously at me while I rolled my eyes at him. I ate in silence. Infact, Hussein didn't try to start a conversation with me.

After eating the chicken soup, he made me drink some orange juice. All the while he kept sighing. I knew he wanted to talk to me but I wasn't giving him any choice.

"Heart, please stop giving me silent treatment." He pleaded me. But this time I wasn't going to give up very easily.

I turned my head away from him. I know I was acting childishly but I can't help it.

"Heart, just hear me out once, please. I promise I won't bother you again. But just listen to me." He said again.

This time I turned towards him and looked at him. He looked really tired. It was clear that he was extremely stressed out. I felt bad for him, so I decided to give him a chance to explain himself.

"What do you have to say Hussein?" I asked him.

"Heart, I don't know how you came to know about this deal. But trust me, my intentions are not bad. I-" I cut him off and said,

"Then why didn't you tell me about this beforehand?" I asked him.

"Because I wanted to surprise you. Infact, we both wanted to surprise you." He said and waited for me to say anything but when I didn't say anything, he continued.

"Aanya, I know we both started this relationship on very bad terms. I know it's difficult for you to trust because of my past. I know I threatened to destroy your brother's career, but now, the least thing I would want to do is destroy him. Hell, I can never do that. You want to why?"

"Because, he is your brother. How can I destroy his life when he is my wife's brother. Heart, if you can't believe me, then have look at the contract. You'll understand it by yourself." He said and handed over the papers to me.

I took the papers and read it. After reading it I couldn't help but let out a gasp. In those papers it was clearly written that my brother will the head of all the branches in UAE. He will be treated equally to Hussein. In other terms, the company also belongs to my brother. And, no one can remove him from the company unless and until he was proved for any kind of betrayal.

"Heart, I know I acted like a jerk when I met you. I know that from the beginning I was wrong. Kissing you infront of everyone without your concern was my mistake. You had the every right to slap me. A sane part of me always knew this yet I chose act recklessly. Yet I chose to satisfy my ego by forcing you into this marriage."

"I broke you, I insulted you, I broke your heart, I broke your trust. But Aanya, you need to give me chance. You need to try to learn to trust me. As I already told you, you changed me for my own good. I'm not same playboy anymore. And I...I am really really sorry for everything I did, heart. I'm extremely sorry." He said.

He cupped my cheeks and started to caress them. He bent forward and placed his forehead over mine. But he still held my gaze. We both were looking into each other's eyes when started to to speak again.

"Look, even now, you made me apologize to you. I was the guy who never said sorry even if he did something wrong but when it comes to you I don't know what happens to me. I just want to be the reason behind your smile and happiness, heart. I'm ready to sacrifice myself if that makes you happy. I know I'm sounding like a pussy but I don't give a fuck about it. I know it's very early to say this but I have to tell you this right now." He said and closed his eyes, taking a long breath and looked at me.

He took hold of my hand and placed it right above his heart. It was pounding in his chest as if he ran a marathon.

"Aanya, I... I love you. I love you so so much that I can't imagine my life without, hell, I can't even imagine a single moment without you."

"I'm so deeply in love with you, Mrs. Hussein." He said and sealed his words with a breath taking kiss.


Hello guys,

Firstly, happy new year. I know, I know I'm late and I'm sorry about it. By the way how did you guys celebrate New year? Do have any resolutions this year. If yes do share it with me.

I actually wanted to update this on new year but I couldn't finish it by then. But I guess the wait was worth it. Isn't it??

Coming to the chapter, how is the twist? How many of you expected it?

I still can't believe that Hussein confessed his love for Aanya. He is really unpredictable. Isn't he?

Let's see how Aanya's going to react to this.

And guys, the book is proceeding towards its end very fastly. I can't believe we came this far. And as usual all the credit goes to you guys.

Thank you for everything.

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Keep loving!!


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