Fanboy (boyxboy)

Par Maggiebert

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For Eli Warren, loving a Bieber was practically a family value. His mother was a Belieber so it only made sen... Plus

Author's Notes
I Need Your Love
Just for Now
Always Be
Dear Agony
Second Chance
Rootless Tree
Ten Days
Your Battlefield
After You
Unsteady Ground
From Where You Are
Closer to the Edge
Wait it Out
Heartbreak Coverup
Break Myself
Angel's Son
Give Me Love
So Much
Song Beneath the Song
If This is It
Remind Me
Broken Together
Still Into You
Say Something
Circle the Drain
A World Alone
Come On
Shatter Me
Don't Let Me Down
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
Impossible is Nothing
I See Fire
Elastic Heart
Break My Fall
Dust Clears
Alter the Ending
Constant Craving
The Morning After
Coming Home
Wonderful Unknown
Secret Love Song
All My Heart
Stingray Affliction
"Now we wait."
"I want to believe you."
"Your hands are shaking."
"This is my love language"
"You're Not My Fan, You're My Husband."
"You did what, exactly?"
"Do you want me to Google it?"
"Yeah, I did that for you."
"As if anything could really be so wrong?"
"I hate it when you look at me that way"
"I'm not any worse than I already was."
"The list of what's right is much shorter."
"Adam, where is our son?"
"I thought I deleted that."
"I promise, this would fix everything."
"Did you think you could just keep it a secret?"
"We have a situation."
"I have this theory."
"Please don't do this, Bryce."
"I want to show you something."
"We had a deal."
"That's like a modern day fairytale."


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Par Maggiebert

One Year Later....

Bryce drove himself to the church that afternoon and picked a parking spot he figured was far enough away that he didn't look stupid but where no one would park right next to him. He was still getting used to the fact he didn't have to have anyone in the car with him anymore and parking lots made him really nervous. The fact that he had Eli's old car helped a little. It was the car he'd learned to drive in and he'd thought Eli was joking the day he got his provisional license and Eli handed the keys to him. It didn't feel real until Eli came home the next afternoon with a brand new car that cost more than a year's tuition at school. Clay had joked that he must be having a midlife crisis but Bryce hadn't been able to laugh. Adam hadn't laughed either.

Skye was already setting up when Bryce walked in so he dropped his bag in the church office under Skye's desk and rushed back to help. They finished with plenty of time before the rest of the group would get there so Bryce sat on one of the tables to wait.

"How was surgery today?" Skye sat down too, a big cardboard box on the table between them. Over the year Bryce had started to admit Skye wasn't so bad. They were kind of like friends, at least to the point that Bryce accepted his follow request on Instagram, but he drew the line at texting. If Skye needed to talk to him about a youth group thing he had to use GroupMe.

"Basically the best thing I've ever seen," Bryce was working with Dr. Burton again that summer and earlier that day he'd gotten to watch an open heart surgery from inside the operating room instead of watching through a window. "Want to see pictures?"

"No, that's disgusting," Skye shuddered and pulled out his phone. "Hey, what do you think of this?"

"What is it?" Bryce took the phone from Skye. There was a picture of a dark grey ring on the screen. "It looks nice."

"Do you think Branden will like it though?"

"Skye. You're not asking him to marry you."

"Uh, I think I am," Skye laughed and took his phone back.

"You can't seriously marry him. You've known him like 10 minutes," Bryce protested.

"When you know, you know," Skye shrugged and opened another picture. "He's a nice guy and he's really cute."

"Cute, yes. But you've literally only known him...what, 3 months?" Bryce tried to remember back when Skye first told him he was meeting Branden.

"5. I know that's fast, but I'm sure it's the right thing," Skye held out his phone so Bryce could see the latest picture of them together.

"It's the insane thing. What did Pastor Ben say?"

"Something like what you're saying. But you don't know him."

"Neither do you," Bryce laughed. "You're just doing this so you can have sex."

"No, I'm not. I'm excited to have sex but that's not why," Skye insisted.

"If you say so," Bryce shrugged. He could hear voices in the hall and knew their conversation was about to end.

"I do. And I'm going to ask him," Skye stood up and put his phone away. "And yes, once we're married, I'm going to enjoy having all the sex we want. I'm so tired of waiting, you have no idea."

"Actually, I think I do have a good idea but you still don't see me running off and proposing to Nick."

"That's because you're still in high school. Also because you don't know what you're missing, which is a good thing."

"I so do, not that it's any of your business."

"Watching videos of it is not the same as doing it," Skye shrugged. "Whatever, I'm buying the ring tomorrow. We're going hiking on Friday, I'm going to ask him then."

"Good luck," Bryce wished he could say it and mean it but he felt like he was watching something awful about to happen.

Their project that day was packing backpacks of food for kids who got free lunch at school to be able to have food over the weekends. They had a goal to fill 1000 bags and just barely managed to fill all of them before their meeting was over that night. Every time the group met they did some kind of project and talked about whatever sermon Pastor Ben preached that weekend as they were working. It wasn't anywhere near as hard as Bryce thought it would be to lead the group and all the guys who came were really cool, plus they liked to bring their friends too so the group got a little bigger each time until they had to stop letting people sign up.

"Another awesome job tonight," Skye gave Bryce a fist bump as the last of the guys left. "How can I be praying for you this week?"

"Pray for my idiot friend who wants to marry a guy he barely knows, please. He needs all the help he can get," Bryce shook his head.

"I will! And thanks for calling me a friend," Skye smiled and opened his arms to hug Bryce. "Seriously though, I know what happens this weekend."

"Yeah. Just pray that it all goes well," Bryce sighed. "At this point I don't even know why I'm going."

"You do too. Just remember who you are and who you belong to. It's all gonna work out."

"I hope you're right," Bryce forced himself to smile before he left.

The rest of the week flew by, just like it always did when Bryce was dreading something. That weekend, he and Adam were finally going to meet his mother. It was hard to believe that after more than a year of waiting it was actually going to happen. If it weren't for the fact that he knew his parents had worked the whole time to make the meeting happen, having hundreds of serious and secret phone calls with their lawyer and dramatic meetings that always seemed to end with one of them coming home in tears, Bryce would have called the whole thing off. He couldn't remember anymore why it once felt so important to meet this woman.

But his parents worked something out and for once, Bryce was happy not knowing the whole story. All he knew was that Friday afternoon he and Adam were going to drive up to a cabin in the mountains, somewhere out of the way where there wouldn't be fans or paparazzi around to wonder why they were together. That was something Bryce hadn't even thought about when he first asked to meet his mom but it made the whole meeting seem even more like a terrible idea. What if she called the paparazzi herself? Everything he read online said that no one knew what happened to "the smother baby" and though everyone knew he must be Cole's son because of how alike they looked, no one had ever questioned his parents about his birth. Most of the media sources assumed there was a surrogate, which made perfect sense. More sense than the truth.

He was just walking to his car on Friday after another day in Dr. Burton's clinic when his phone rang. Skye was calling. Bryce rolled his eyes. Skye was the last person he needed to talk to right then, especially since he was probably calling to tell him he was engaged. Stupid. So stupid.

Skye called a second time and Bryce gave in. There was a chance it was related to youth group and he'd never forgive himself if he found out one of the guys in his group needed him and he'd ignored the call.

"Yes?" Bryce sighed.

"Tell me why you think it's stupid. To propose to Branden," Skye was clearly not calling about youth group.

"You barely know him, Skye. Have you talked to your mom about this? Has your mom even met him?" Bryce wondered. "I mean, all this time you've been talking about proposing and I've never even heard you say you love him. That should have been reason number one, not that he's nice and cute."

"Fuck. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that," Skye took a deep breath and let out a huge sigh. "I'm not doing it. You're right. It's a bad idea."

"You're welcome," Bryce relaxed a little. "Any other major life decisions you want to run by me?"

"Not today," Skye laughed. "I can't believe I almost just did that. I really was thinking about the sex."

"Yeah," Bryce bit his tongue. "Maybe in another 5 months though?"

"Yeah, maybe," Skye didn't sound very sure about that either. "Text me and let me know how it goes tonight?"

"I will," Bryce said goodbye before he got in the car.

Adam and Vance were waiting when he got home. Eli was hovering, of course, but he just hugged Bryce and told him he loved him before they left the house. Neither one of his parents asked if he still wanted to go, which was good because Bryce would have said no.

It didn't feel like there was anything to say while they drove. Adam turned some music on and after a few minutes Bryce realized that it was all Cole singing. What was Adam trying to say? Bryce looked at him.

"Sorry, it helps when I'm nervous," Adam turned the volume down. "If he could go on stage and let people think he was an addict while he was really dying from a horrible disease, I can get through my day just fine."

"Yeah, that's..." Bryce wasn't sure how to respond to that. "I mean, you're the one who had sex with her."

"You're the only reason I don't regret it. I hate so many of the things that came out of that night, but I'd live through most of them again for you," Adam sighed. "I know I'm not your biological father but if I hadn't been inside her too we might not know you even exist."

"Not to sound ungrateful, but whatever happened to birth control? Like is it that hard?"

"You don't want me to answer that, but the shortest answer is no."

"Can you just tell me one thing?" Bryce looked at the road in front of them to make sure there wasn't anything serious happening. "Did she hurt me or something?"

"Or something. If you need more details, we'll talk about it with your father when we get home," Adam kept his eyes straight ahead and with his sunglasses on Bryce couldn't see if he was upset or not.

It didn't take as long as Bryce expected before they reached the cabin where they were supposed to meet. Another car was parked outside but Bryce could see the woman inside was way too old to be his mother. When she got out of the car, Adam sighed but seemed to relax.

"That's the social worker, the court agreed that the visit should be supervised," Adam explained. "She'll sit with you if you decide you want to be alone with..."

"The egg donor," Bryce finished Adam's sentence for him. "I won't. Be alone with her, I mean."

"No, the social worker will be there. But you can do that, it won't upset me," Adam paused. "Don't let me or your father make you feel like you can't want to know her. I don't know her at all, I just know one horrible decision she made. It's not fair for me or you to hold one choice out of a million choices someone makes in their life against them forever, no matter how bad it seems."

"That'll preach, Dad," Bryce felt his chest get tighter. He took out his phone. "Just let me text someone real quick and then we can go in."

"Take as long as you need."

Bryce texted Skye and asked him to pray for him since he was going into the meeting. His dad was right, it was stupid to keep holding one thing Skye did a long time ago against him. It wasn't like he'd done it just to hurt Bryce or anything. If anything, Skye's videos had helped him figure out more about who he was. Maybe one day he'd even be able to tell that to Skye.

They went inside to wait. The social worker went over a bunch of rules with Bryce, things he'd never even thought about like that he shouldn't get in the car with his mother or give her money. He also wasn't supposed to take anything directly from her, take pictures with her or, like Adam said, be alone with her. There was plenty of time to talk about all the rules though because their set meeting time came and went. She was late.

"If she doesn't get here in the next 15 minutes, we'll have to reschedule," the social worker said after they'd waited an hour.

"We don't have to, if she doesn't show up she must not want to know me," Bryce shrugged. The social worker looked at Adam.

"It's not that simple. We'll figure it out though," Adam promised.

Bryce never had to worry about what that meant. A few minutes later they heard wheels on the gravel driveway and then car doors closing. He held his breath until the door opened and his mother walked in.

She looked exactly like he expected, full face of makeup and an outfit that looked more like she was going to be on some TV show instead of sitting down to meet her son. As far as he knew, he was actually her only child. Seeing as how she couldn't show up on time for him, maybe that was for the best.

"I'm sorry, I wanted to bring you a present, but I didn't know what you would want," she took off her sunglasses. "So I got you a gift card, but I know that's...cheating."

"It's fine," Bryce stood up. She handed the card to the social worker who opened the envelope and read the card before she handed it to Bryce. "Um, thank you."

"You're welcome. I can't believe you look just like your dad. It's almost scary," she took a deep breath. "So."

"Yeah," Bryce took a step forward. "Well, you know this, but I'm Bryce."

"Right. I'm Khrista," she held her hand out. Bryce looked at the social worker because he couldn't remember if they were allowed to touch or not. She nodded at him so he shook Khrista's hand.

"Um, should we sit?"

"Yes, let's sit," Khrista took the empty armchair and Bryce went back to sit on the couch.

They sat and Bryce tried to think of things to say and ask. Khrista asked him a few questions about things she'd seen Eli, Clay or Adam post, but every time she answered a question the answer seemed rehearsed. Not very real.

"I saw you had a boyfriend. Are you still together? Are you gay, like your dad?"

"We're...still together, yeah. And no, I'm just in a relationship with a guy right now," Bryce didn't know how else to answer that question. He didn't have to ask her, she'd just gotten divorced and if she was seeing someone else he didn't really want to know.

The awkward conversation went on until the social worker told them their time was over. It felt like hours had passed but when Bryce checked he realized that they'd only been sitting together for 30 minutes.

"You were supposed to have two hours, but she was late. Picking out an iTunes gift card," Adam explained when they got back in the car. "I'm sorry, Bryce, I know that's not what you wanted."

"I don't know what I wanted," Bryce sighed. "I guess I just felt like knowing her would help me somehow. Make there be one less secret in my life."

"I wanted that for you too. Closure, at least," Adam turned the car off. "Cole had a list of things he wanted to do before he died. Her boyfriend at the time was on that list. He wouldn't do it without her and Cole wouldn't do it without me. He was sick by then and when she posted that she was pregnant, he'd already been gone a month. I never made the connection and I hated myself for it, Bryce. The day we met you...I don't know how many details you want to know, but just know that neglect can hurt a baby as much or more than physical abuse."

"So she did hurt me," Bryce knew that should make him mad or maybe even upset, but he actually felt relieved. "That makes so much sense."

"Does it?"

"Yeah, I think I knew that. You and Papa always get so upset about her. And the way you always say things about much you wanted me, and how you fought for me," Bryce could see all the pieces fall together. "It's why you treat me like I'm so breakable."

"I don't think I ever thought of it that way, but you're right," Adam nodded. "I'm sorry."

"You know this whole thing is why I won't have sex," Bryce had never said it out loud, not to anyone. He wasn't sure he'd ever really admitted it to himself. "I know it's in the bible too, but sex just seems like it changes people. My dad was so crazy over it he made a whole list of sexual things to do before he died. You did crazy stuff too, and Uncle Dax. Even Clay, like he practically worshiped Chloe but..."

"It seems like it makes people do stupid things, doesn't it?"

"Yes. Exactly."

"I get that. I don't think you have to worry though, Bryce, it's not like a drug. Everything I did was a choice I made and I knew what I was doing. I regret some of those choices, but they were still choices," Adam smiled. "Now I still think you should wait as long as you can because it's definitely worth the wait. But if you don't make it to your wedding night that's okay."

"I'm sure I can't wait that long. That's like 10 years away," Bryce couldn't even imagine that. "I'm just not in a hurry. I don't want to find out I'm like my dad that way after all."

"You know, maybe you should talk to Pops about this. He has a more...common...history."

"Pops who has more in common with my dad than anyone ever knew? No thanks."

"Ah," Adam laughed. "I knew you'd learn things you didn't want to know when we opened the internet. All I'm going to say about your father is that he was a little younger than you when he first started having sex. He's never cheated on anyone, never created another person by mistake, maybe made one or two choices he'd take back and still keeps me happy after all these years. I think, or hope, that's what most people get. He made his choices for the right reason though - not because he was afraid but because he wanted to be loved and he knew what that meant."

"I get that," Bryce was a little glad he'd brought it up, but he was done talking. "Anyway, can we go eat now?"

"Yes, anywhere you want," Adam turned the car back on. "Just pick the place."


"Anything else you want to see?" Clay glanced at Bryce but he was really asking his parents. "We could walk through the library again. Or find the next 10 closest Starbucks in case the lines at the closest ones are too long."

"I've seen everything I wanted to see," Bryce shrugged. "Pops?"

"I'm just taking it all in. We can go anywhere you want," Eli's voice was just strained enough that Clay knew he didn't feel anywhere near as carefree as he was trying to sound. "Was there anything else you needed for your room?"

"My room is done, everything is unpacked and all the boxes are in recycling. We got all my books and school supplies too," Clay reminded him. "And I have so much food I may never need to eat in the dining hall."

"Don't forget clothes. We bought Clay enough clothes to last the rest of his life," Bryce added. "He'll make it through global warming and nuclear winter."

"I want you to have what you need," Eli insisted. "You have some cash, right? In case you lose your cards and have to wait for replacements?"

"Yes, it's hidden in a locked box," Clay reminded him. "I have everything, we've visited everything and practiced taking the subway everywhere I could ever want to go."

"Okay. So."

"Maybe we should get coffee and just enjoy the afternoon," Adam suggested. "We could sit in that park, what was it? Riverside?"

"Perfect. Yes," Bryce agreed. "We'll go sit."

"Here, take my card," Adam handed Clay his credit card. "Pops and I will wait here."

"Thanks," Clay waited a second to see if Eli would protest but Adam nodded at him and they walked over to the coffee shop.

Though Adam was right when he promised Clay that Eli wouldn't cry until graduation, what he hadn't told Clay was that Eli wouldn't stop crying after that. He cried at graduation, cried when they took Clay to his internship for the summer, cried when they picked him up and cried every day of the week leading up to today, the day they were leaving Clay at Columbia University for his first year of college. It was just cute enough that Clay didn't get annoyed.

"Bets on whether he cries the whole way home or just part of it?" Bryce opened the door for Clay.

"Oh geez. I predict on and off the rest of today," Clay shook his head. "And at least 5 more comments about back when it was just the two of us."

"At least. He acts like he was a single parent for so many years and it was like, not even a year, right?"

"Right, we moved in like, not even 6 months after they separated."

"Poor Dad. Do you know what you want?" Bryce turned to the menu. "I know we just ate but I'm hungry."

"Ugh, go on, hulk out," Clay could still remember the day they realized Bryce was taller than him. He'd always known it would happen but that didn't make it easier on the ego.

They put in their orders and went to wait at the other end of the counter. If he didn't look out the store windows, Clay could have fooled himself into thinking they were still in California. Looking outside at the grey cementscape made it obvious they were in New York. The idea alone made his pulse move a little faster.

"Here we go, two caramel macchiatos, one skinny mocha breve, and a chai tea latte for the boy with the dreamy cheekbones," the barista winked at Bryce as he set their drinks on the counter. "Tell me you're not a first year, please."

"Thanks, I'm not," Bryce shrugged and reached for his drink. The barista grabbed it back and wrote his number on the cup.

"I get off at 3."

Bryce raised his eyebrows at the guy but didn't say another word. He just took his drink and Adam's before leaving the store. Clay had to recover fast so the barista couldn't see how delighted he was by Bryce's reaction. 

"Dude," he laughed as he caught up with Bryce. "That was so slick."

"I'm so sick of getting hit on by guys. It never happens with girls. Always guys, usually older ones," Bryce rolled his eyes. "They're not even creative."

"Wow, I had no idea. It must suck to be you. Oh, wait, there's no sucking going on," Clay nudged him. "No wonder you're so bothered."

"I'm just bored. It would be nice if someone my age would be half as interested. Preferably someone with really nice tits."

"So Bryce just got hit on," Clay announced as they got close enough to their parents to talk. "He's salty about it."

"He didn't even write his name so he clearly wasn't serious," Bryce looked at the cup again. "I hate guys. He probably does the same thing to every other person who goes in there."

For the next hour and a half, it felt like a typical afternoon with his family. They walked to Riverside Park and found a shaded area where they could sit and drink their coffees. It was easy sitting there to imagine they were on vacation, maybe just visiting Dax and Brent's family.

Eli probably would have let them sit there until the next morning but after almost two hours of people watching Adam pointed out they only had a few hours left to get to the airport. That was the end of pretending. They walked back to Clay's residence hall and Clay tried to prepare himself for the teary goodbyes.

"Okay, so," Eli looked around Clay's dorm room. "Are you sure you have everything you need?"

"I'm sure," Clay nodded. He looked at his roommate's empty side of the room. "Text me when you land, okay?"

"We can still change our flight if you want us to stay another day," Eli cleared his throat.

"Papa, I have to get back before church," Bryce put his hand on Eli's shoulder. They were the same height so it was a little funny to see Bryce comforting their father.

"I could stay though, I don't mind."

"I'm fine, Pa," Clay smiled. "You can go. I promise to text at least once a day and I'm already going to dinner with Brent and Dax next week."

"Alright. If you're sure," Eli looked around again, his eyes filling up with tears.

"Here we go," Clay went to hug him.

Clay could still remember the day he got accepted to Columbia, how he'd checked his phone every 5 minutes to see if he had a decision email. He was the only one in the senior class who'd applied there so he didn't feel bad about jumping to his feet the second he saw the word "congratulations." He'd barely managed to wait until the end of class so he could find Bryce and facetime their parents with the good news. They'd thrown him a big family dinner to celebrate.

After that, Senior year felt like it was stuck on fast-forward. He'd barely thought about the fact he was moving across the country from his family until one night at dinner when Adam made a comment about how Clay and Bryce were too close of friends to live all the way across the country from each other.

"You can't be serious," Bryce had protested. "Please don't do this to me."

"I was just saying I can't imagine it," Adam shook his head.

"Dad, Dr. Burton promised I could come back and work with him again this summer, and I have to take my youth group to camp, and I got permission to graduate early so, like, I'm really not going to New York. I'll move in with the Grands," Bryce went on as if he hadn't heard Adam's explanation.

"We're not moving to New York," Eli shook his head. "We have lives here too, Bry, we wouldn't take any of that away from you."

"Oh thank God," Clay relaxed. "I love you, I really do, but I want to go away to school. Not take my parents with me."

"We get it, don't worry," Adam laughed. "I was just teasing."

But Adam had a point. Bryce had seemed okay about the idea all along but as Clay looked at him over Eli's shoulder, his younger brother looked a little bit sad. Adam did too, but Clay had expected that. He and Bryce hadn't really talked much about how it would be once Clay left.

"I'm sorry, I know you hate this," Eli apologized. "I'm just so proud of you."

"I know," Clay squeezed him a little harder before he let go. "Can I talk to Bryce for a minute?"

"Yes, of course," Eli let go and stepped back, wiping his face. "Your dad and I will go...find a vending machine."

"Thanks," Clay waited for them to leave and sat down on his bed.

"Are you sure you want to leave me alone with that?" Bryce sat down on the empty bed. He sighed. "The flight back is going to suck big time."

"Want me to ask if you can stay?"

"No, I have to get back."

"You're gonna be fine. You can come visit though, if they get annoying," Clay offered. "I'm gonna miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you too. You need to text me at least once a day too," Bryce made a face. "Also, Facetime once a week."

"I promise," Clay smiled. "We need a picture together."

"Yes, please," Bryce moved over to sit with Clay and got out his phone. He had some texts from Nick but didn't open them.

"Is he excited for you to get back?" Clay asked.

"Honestly I don't think he even remembers I'm gone," Bryce laughed. "We need to break up, it's just that neither one of us wants to be the one to say it."

"One of you is going to meet someone though, like you should just get it over with."

"You're probably right. Make it official before it gets in the way. It's not like either one of us will be sad. We're friends."

"Do you think it's because you didn't have sex?" Clay had always wondered but he'd never had a good excuse to ask before.

"I don't know, but it makes me glad we didn't," Bryce shrugged and held his phone up. "Smile."

They took a few pictures before they could agree they had a good one. Bryce texted it to Clay and then sighed.

"One more year and I get to do this too. I just have to get through one more year," he looked around and straightened the picture frames holding family pictures on the top shelf of Clay's desk. "Are you going to hide these as soon as we leave?

"Are you kidding? No way," Clay reached for the frame in front of Bryce. It held two pictures of him with Bryce - one from the day Bryce was baptized and a brand new one from the day Clay was baptized. "I love these pictures. We never look this happy in real life."

"True. I still can't believe you didn't tell me you were doing it. I was so unprepared," Bryce shook his head. "Boohoo cried the whole time, as Pops would say."

"The look on your face was priceless," Clay agreed. He knew he'd never forget anything about that day. It was the one thing he knew he needed to do before he went away to college. "I'm going to watch church online tomorrow, I promise."

"Thanks," Bryce took the picture from him and put it back on the desk. "Count the number of times Pastor Ben creepily mentions stealing me from medicine, okay?"

"Happy to," Clay nodded. Every year a few of the high school students were asked to take over the church service and that year, Bryce was one of them. Clay was already wondering if he should sneak onto the plane and just fly back with them so he could be there to watch Bryce's part of the sermon. "You're gonna be great."

"I hope so. I guess I should probably go or our parents are never going to leave you alone."

"I mean, Pops is probably looking for an empty room as we speak," Clay laughed.

"You were serious about me visiting, right? I can come if I need a break from them?" Bryce stood up.

"Whenever you want," Clay got up to hug him. "Love you."

"I love you too. Have fun. Learn everything I need to know before I leave next year so I can be ready," Bryce squeezed him harder than normal.

"I will. Pray for me, okay?"

"Every day."

Bryce opened the door and, not shockingly, their parents were in the hall. They'd at least bought drinks from the vending machine so Clay knew they hadn't been waiting outside the whole time. He followed them to the lobby of the building to say goodbye.

"We're just a text away, okay? You can call too, whenever you want. Any time of day or night. Don't even worry about the time zones," Eli sounded like he was fighting off tears again.

"I know. I will call, just for you," Clay promised. "Love you, Pops."

"I love you so much. We are so proud of you," Eli hugged him until Adam tapped his shoulder and made him let go.

"We will always be proud of you too, remember that," Adam got his turn to hug Clay. "And remember to wash your sheets, please."

"Yes, Dad," Clay groaned.

"Family Weekend isn't that far away. We'll be here," Adam promised. "We'll drag Bryce away from whatever he's doing too."

"Thanks," Clay hugged Adam a little harder. "You better get Pops out of here before he drowns all of us."

"He'll be okay. Love you.

"I love you too."

Bryce gave Clay another hug and then his family started to walk away. Clay watched for a few seconds before he turned to go back upstairs. There were all kinds of activities for first year students and most of them sounded kind of stupid but Clay didn't actually know what else he should do. He figured he would go check the list and see what was happening that night.

Just before he hit the button for the elevator, Clay had a thought. He turned and ran out of the building, reaching his dad just before he got into the big black SUV waiting at the curb.

"Clay?" Adam looked worried.

"I can come home whenever I want, right? Like if I just need to sleep in my own bed for a day or two?" Clay knew how stupid that sounded, it was almost a 6 hour flight but he just had to ask.

"Anytime you want. No questions asked," Adam promised. "Just say the word and we'll make it happen."

"Thanks, Dad," Clay hugged him again. "I'm just worried I'll miss your cooking."

"I am too," Adam rubbed his back, making Clay wonder if he'd missed the joke. "But I checked the Whole Foods website and they have a few stores nearby so you should be okay."

"Of course they do," Clay laughed and Adam did too. The Whole Foods hot bar was still Adam's go to place when it was his night to "cook" dinner.

"You can always, always come home, Clay," Adam's eyes were wet when he pulled away from the hug. "Love you."

"I love you too. All of you," Clay peeked into the SUV and waved. "Text me when you get home. Travel safe."

A/N: Gah. So many feelings - but this isn't totally the end. I couldn't just leave it here but I don't think I have enough content  to write a whole other story about any of these characters so I'm doing Missing Pieces instead - one shots, deleted scenes and short stories from this series and Sister Wife. Updates for that are on Fridays so please check it out! I'm taking requests at the moment :)

I will also be starting New Horizons up again with Wednesday updates, finishing the Haunted rewrite and editing Comfortable.  Love y'all. Thanks for sticking with me! It's been a long journey and I'm always amazed anyone but me still cares about these characters but I'm so glad you do. <3

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