Author's Notes

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This story fills in the blanks of Eli and Adam's stories from Haunted. You don't have to read Haunted first as I am writing this story to stand alone. 

TRIGGER WARNINGS - This story is filled with sensitive stuff - suicide, self harm, sexual assault, drug use, emotional abuse by family members, homophobic slurs, ignorant remarks and other offensive content. Please know your limits.

LANGUAGE - A lot of the people around Eli speak using a regional dialect that is not considered "proper" English. I promise I know better and Eli does too. The whole story won't be like that so try not to let it bother you too much.

TIMELINE - Yes, technically this story is set in the future but sometimes doing the math and imagining life approximately 20 years from now just makes my head hurt so please ignore any and all anachronisms and impossibilities. It's fiction and while I try to make it convincing, it's not always super realistic.

UPDATE SCHEDULE - New chapters will be posted every Wednesday night :)

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